toxic relationships

❤️ 7 things to release from your life by Milena Goleva

All change starts from the inside out.

The world changes because you change. And not the other way around. YES! We are moving forward, but it is important that we take our new self into this forward. And for our new self, it is important to let go of these 7 things. They would be a pointless encumbrance on the road.

Here are 7 things to free from you and your life:

  1. Criticism of self and others

It's time to revise this habit that only steals your energy. Whether you criticize mentally or out loud doesn't matter. Criticism is important as far as discovering and analyzing things that are important to continue working on. It is constructive criticism. BUT! When this turns into an endless river of resentment, denial, rejection, hate, it turns into hidden aggression towards you and others. Aggression attracts more aggression and thus without realizing it you enter a vicious circle. Everything, and you yourself, has its positive and its not so positive sides. You learn to accept both, to look for and you discover the positive in you and things.

❤️ The new energy will not accept your role as a victim by Milena Goleva

The beginning of huge changes in the energy plan has been set. We are all part of this vibration
  1. Life in the past

You won't find anything new there. When you live in the past, you bring it into the present and make it your present point of attraction. That's how you attract more of the same. And then you wonder why you keep attracting the same relationships, situations and things. Throw away the old wounds and pains. Strip away the stale resentments and fears. Put on faith, goodwill. And go ahead. Don't let the past steal your present. Learn how to let go of the past here:

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  1. Toxic relationships

These are the one-way relationships. Relationships where energy only moves from one side to the other and there is no exchange. Only you give, save, listen, comfort, help. Toxic relationships, which steal from your energy and mood. It's time to revise. Someone only looks for you when they need something. And do you need this type of communication?
It is not done to a good person with toxic people. To be good to them, you become toxic to yourself. Read also: The most powerful natural antibiotic. The recipe!

❤️ Envy – the silent thief by Milena Goleva

There is hardly any other emotion, which has stolen so much joy, inner peace, self-respect, state
  1. Overthinking

The art of creating problems that don't exist. If you're the type of person who tends to go over the same thing over and over again like a merry-go-round. You spend more time in your mind than in reality. It is simply the inertia of the mind. It's time to release that momentum that is stealing you from the present. Thus, you give more importance to things that don't really deserve your concern. Just say to yourself: STOP! And bring your awareness back to the present. A matter of a little practice. The moment you take your attention off the mental merry-go-round and into the present reality. Ready. You will feel how you have escaped from the grip of the mental merry-go-round. Then persist in this for a while. You will feel how nice it is to regain the joy of life. When you feel the inner bed of the mind, you can calm it with this practice:

  1. Fear of change

How do you know that what you are used to is better than what is coming. The only sure thing in this life is change. Learning to accept change is one of the important lessons that modern times teach us. Of course, any change involves leaving the comfort zone. But the moment you allow the change you realize that it has expanded this one comfort zone. It has made you more flexible and adaptable. After all, life itself is an endless journey, learning and expansion. And the more you resist change and try to hide in security, the more painful it becomes. From every change you come out more awake, aware, experienced and wise. Change brings expansion. Trust her.

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  1. To underestimate yourself

Stop doing it. Stop underestimating yourself. You always think that others are more than you. And you are below them. Too often I meet capable and talented people who, however, underestimate themselves so much that in this way they put down a restrictive barrier to their future development. And only because they don't believe in themselves. They are too critical of themselves and thus underestimate their capabilities and skills. If you have such a tendency, it's time to stop self-sabotaging yourself. How? Observe how you think about yourself. You often label yourself in your thoughts and characterize yourself with not very pleasant characteristics. How to stop underestimating yourself? By taking care of yours confidence and self-esteem. I have developed a special practice for Confidence and Self-Esteem. Learn about her here:

❤️ Tell me how you see yourself in the future, so I can predict what it will be by Milena Goleva

Each person, consciously or not, has formed some idea of what his future will be and how it will look

It is important to realize and accept that mistakes are part of growing up.

And they don't label you as incompetent, stupid, or bad. Start noticing and paying attention to your good qualities. And there are so many of them. Notice and enjoy the small successes and victories. You managed not to get angry and kept your composure in a critical situation. You showed empathy and supported someone in need. You have kept your dignity despite the difficulty, etc. etc. The examples can be countless. The point is to notice them. Reflect them. Every person has both good and not so good traits. Which ones you choose to focus on is up to you.

  1. Trying to please everyone

It's not necessary at all. Because you don't like absolutely everyone either. But trying to please everyone has robbed us of so much of the beauty of life. Every effort to please someone just to be approved by them takes you away from yourself. To please everyone, you betray and lose yourself. And even if you make everyone like you, it still won't be an indicator of your worth. And her, your value, you define it yourself with your attitude towards you. Read also: Release control

❤️ Stop feeling bad because you feel bad by Milena Goleva

It happens that as you learn more and more how the laws of the universe work, you begin to demand more and more from

Do you like yourself is the important question?

Do you approve of the path you're on? Are you satisfied with the choices you make? And the strange paradox is that the less you depend on other people's opinion of you, the more they start to like you. You are important. Try to like yourself. Because with you, you will share your whole life. Others come and go. But you will stay with you.

Free yourself from these 7 traps and you will feel that you are getting your life and the joy of life back.

Sometimes, in order to move forward, it is important to get rid of the old unnecessary burden. Change starts from the inside out. And every little step along the way is worth it. Because this is the way to you.

You are Beautiful...LIFE IS WONDERFUL!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 


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