❤️ 15 ways you can change your thinking and direct your life in a positive direction

"If you change your thinking, you change the world." – Norman Vincent Peay

The nature of our thoughts determines the quality of our lives,

whether he is sad, happy, or calm. Thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are joyful, optimistic, and positive in nature create a vitality within us that makes our blood flow freely and our heart beat happily. They spur us to action. Let us remember the ancient saying that the mind (thoughts) can move mountains. On the other hand, pessimistic, sad, and depressing thoughts lead to inertia and keep us bedridden.

Our actions are the practical manifestations of our thoughts.

For this reason, it is quite clear that in order to bring happiness and a sense of satisfaction into our lives, we need to change the way we think. One of the nice things about the human brain is that it readily absorbs any changes in our thought patterns.

Here are 15 ways you can change your thinking and steer your life in a positive direction.

1. Change your thinking by using positive affirmations

Affirmations cannot always be positive. They can also be negative. For example, witchcraft spells can be negative affirmations. The truth is that most people tend to make negative affirmations. When you keep telling yourself that you won't succeed at a certain endeavor, that's a negative affirmation.

Affirmations, both negative and positive, affect the neurological functioning of our brain.

Positive affirmations are similar to mantras. They possess sacred and spiritual power. Let's be clear about making positive affirmations. They should not be normative or perishable. Thoughts such as "I should," "it is desirable," or "I should refrain from" are normative. Learn more about the special practice: Positive Affirmations for Every Day!
Examples of negative affirmations are: "I can't do it", "It's too hard". Affirmations should be convincing and decisive such as "I can", "I will". As already mentioned, the brain is always adapting to your thought patterns and directing your organs to act accordingly.

2. Learn to punctuate

We do not stop to think about our bad luck, about the injustices done to us by the people we loved and supported so sincerely. We keep berating ourselves for the mistakes we think we've made. “What would have happened if I had done this or that? What will happen if I act this way or that way in the future?”
That doesn't mean we shouldn't learn from our mistakes or plan smartly for our future. It's just good to stop overthinking something once we've learned from the past and decided what path to take in the future.

3. Let go of the need to be masochistic

Very often we like to indulge our suffering. We enjoy repeating depressing thoughts or falling into gloomy and pessimistic moods. Here is an example: “I was born without luck. Nothing good will happen to me.” Such thoughts have a harmful effect not only on the mind, but also on your physical health. Read also: How do you harm yourself or what do you add to the verb am

4. Change your mindset by celebrating the joys in your life

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns negation into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It has the power to turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beatty

Most people take joys and happy moments for granted and start grumbling about the things they don't have when faced with problems and troubles. Just think about those who don't have your luck, or about a situation that could have turned out much worse. Cry because you hurt your knee. What if you had broken your leg? Look at the glass half full with satisfaction and the glass half empty with determination to fill it.

5. Appreciate and enjoy what you have

"He who realizes that he has enough possesses the greatest wealth." – Lao Tzu

A good way to change your mindset is to appreciate and enjoy what you already have. That doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for a better life. Enjoy the success you have achieved instead of feeling down about what you haven't achieved. There's nothing wrong with setting higher standards or goals for yourself, but falling short of them shouldn't get in the way of enjoying what you have.

6. Enjoy the joys of your achievements

"There are two things you should aim for in life: the first is to get what you want; the second is to enjoy it. Only the wisest of men succeed with the latter.” – Logan Pearsall Smith

It's one thing to achieve your goal, it's another to enjoy it after you've achieved it. For example, you marry the woman of your dreams, but soon you get bored with her and start looking for someone new. This is one of the most common causes of family discord and separation.

7. Stay grounded in dire circumstances

We often have a tendency to feel powerless in difficult situations. We get stuck and feel oppressed, as if we are bending under their pressure. This happened both literally and figuratively. But you will undoubtedly feel better if you try to lift your spirits and keep your head up, like a person determined to accept a challenge. This is the best way to get rid of depression. Try it.

8. Allow yourself to be playful and casual

"Great is he who has not lost his child's heart." – Meng Tzu, Book IV

Children are known for their innocence and the simplicity of their minds. Before long, they completely forget about the quarrels with their friends and play with them again. This is the reason why they are always happy and smiling. In other words, in the language of adults, we must learn to forget and forgive.

9. Seek happiness and contentment in the present

"How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and that there would never be another time but now." – Gerald Yampolsky

Don't associate happiness with some future event. "I'll be happy when things turn out that way." It's like postponing your happiness for an uncertain future. A better alternative is to try to postpone your unhappiness for some future time. The time to be happy is today, because yesterday is already gone, and you cannot be sure that tomorrow will bring you happiness.

10. Be the master of your moods

Be the master, instead of the servant, of your own moods. You are the ruler of the kingdom of happiness. Don't let other people or circumstances make you happy or sad. Don't rely on material possessions to bring you happiness. You decide to be happy regardless of the situation. Don't let your heart get broken if you've broken up with your loved one. If he/she can be happy without you, so can you.

Image title11. Wake up determined to stay happy during the day

The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is to affirm your resolve to stay happy throughout the day. Spend some time among the plants in your garden. Listen to the birdsong in the trees or watch them soar high in the sky, or go for a walk in a nearby park. As soon as you sense trouble approaching, remember your determination to remain calm. You have an ethical duty to yourself to be happy. Read also: Do not justify yourself! We all have 24 hours at our disposal

12. The body is your temple. Honor him.

Keep your body temple tidy, clean, and well-ventilated. Do not accumulate in it waste from dirty, negative thoughts and toxic, harmful foods. It's hard to stay happy if you're physically or mentally ill. The connection between mind and body is very close. Do physical exercises regularly according to your needs.

13. Meditate daily.

"During meditation, your metabolism and breathing slow down to a resting level, twice as much as during deep sleep." – Mike Love

Most yoga teachers and meditation have made it too complicated the meditation process, using incomprehensible language about practices and goals. As a result, most people tend to fall asleep while meditating and stop meditating altogether.

At night before going to bed, do a retrospective of your day.

Remember all the good, little things that happened. You didn't get stuck in a traffic jam, your car didn't break down, you didn't have problems with your boss or colleagues, you had a delicious meal for lunch. Thank you to your stars for a nice and happy day. This will fill you with gratitude and it will make you happier. Learn more about the special technique: The Miracle of Gratitude in Action

14. Focus on changing yourself instead of the world around you

“Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never overestimate your power to change others.” – Wayne Dyer

It's impossible to change the world around you, so stop beating yourself up when people don't live up to your expectations. The best approach is to change yourself or at least adjust to the people or situations you don't like.

15. Make the most of what you have

It's always better to make the most of what you have instead of agonizing over what you think is best for you. The perfect state exists only in utopias, and the world you live in is no such place. Don't worry about imperfections. The word "imperfection" is derived from "perfection". Even in the most imperfect situation there is a grain of perfection.

By changing your thinking, you change your life. If your thoughts are pure, then so will your life.

Source: Purpose fairy

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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