❤️ The Law of Attraction – the most powerful Law in the Universe

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful Law in the Universe.

 It is important that you understand it, because otherwise everything we tell you will have no value for you. If you don't understand the Law of Attraction, you won't understand why you and the people around you experience the things you experience. Everything in your life and the lives of others around you is governed by the Law of Attraction. He is at the root of everything that happens. It is the foundation of everything that manifests in your life.

To know this law and understand how it works

is a necessary condition for living consciously. Knowing the Law of Attraction is essential to being able to live the joyful life you came to Earth to live.

3. The Law of Attraction states, Similar things attract.

The saying "who you meet, who you become"

actually talking about the Law of Attraction. You see its manifestations every day. For example, you wake up in a bad mood and then throughout the day things go worse and worse, until you finally say to yourself "I better not have gotten out of bed". You see its manifestations in society - it makes the impression that the one who talks the most about diseases is sick, and the one who talks the most about success succeeds.

The Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts in every moment.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that you create your own reality. Everything you experience has come to you because the Law of Attraction responds to the thoughts you emit. Whether you're remembering something from the past, observing something from the present, or imagining something about the future, the thought you're focusing on now activates a certain vibration within you—and the Law of Attraction responds to it.

When people experience something undesirable,

they often express their absolute conviction that they did not create it themselves. "I wouldn't do this unwanted thing to myself," they say. We know you didn't bring him into your life on purpose. Still, we have to tell you that no one else could be the cause for him, because only you and no one else have the power to attract what happens to you. By focusing on the unwanted thing or on the thing that corresponds to it in vibration, you have created unconsciously. Because you did not understand the Laws of the Universe, or in other words "the rules of the game", you attracted unwanted things into your life by the attention you gave them.

To better understand the Law of Attraction,

see yourself as a magnet,

which attracts the essence of what you think and feel. If you feel fat, you can't attract good figure. If you feel poor, you cannot attract wealth, etc., as this is against the Law.

When you think about something, you attract it

The better you understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the harder you will work to consciously direct your thoughts, because you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

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Everything you set your mind to,

without exception, makes its way into your life. When a small thought of what you want crosses your mind, thanks to the Law of Attraction it becomes bigger and stronger. When a thought crosses your mind about something you don't want, the Law of Attraction attracts other similar thoughts to it and makes it stronger and stronger. The stronger the thought becomes, the more strongly it attracts others to itself and the more certain it is that it will become reality. Read also: How to Activate the Law of Attraction in Just 17 Seconds

When you see something you want to experience

and you say to yourself, "Yes, I could have that," you attract it into your life by the attention you give to it. However, when you see something you don't want to experience and cry: "No, no, I don't want that!", your very attention to him draws him into your life.
In this universe based on attraction, there is no such thing as exclusion.

Your attention to something includes it in your vibration

and if you hold it in your mind long enough, The Law of Attraction will call it into your life because there is no such thing as "No". When you look at something and scream, "No, I don't want to go through that, get out!", you you actually call it into your life, because in an attraction-based universe, there is no such thing as No. Your very attention seems to say to the things you don't want "yes, come to me!".

Fortunately, here in your space-time reality, things do not manifest in your life immediately.

There is a wonderful time buffer between the moment

when you start thinking about something and the moment of its manifestation. This time buffer gives you the opportunity to redirect your attention in the direction of the things you wish to manifest in your life. Thus, long before a given phenomenon is realized (in fact, from the first moment you think about it), you can determine whether you want it you invite into your life. You just have to pay attention to the way you feel when you think about him. If you keep turning your attention to it—whether you want it or not—it will come into your life.

When you make sense and begin to notice the connection between things,

that you think and talk about, and what you get, then you will begin to understand the powerful Law of Attraction. And when you begin to consciously direct your thoughts and attention to what you want to attract, you will live the life you want in every way.

Your physical world is a vast and varied place,

full of countless different events and circumstances, some of which you approve of (and would like to experience) and others of which you disapprove (and would not like to experience). When you came into this physical world, you had no intention of asking it to change according to your views. You didn't mean to want it to eliminate everything you don't approve of and leave only what you do approve of.

You are here to create the world around you the way you want it,

while allowing the world to exist as others wish it to exist as well. Their choices cannot in any way interfere with your own, but the attention you give to other people's choices affects your vibration and therefore your your point of attraction. Learn how to attract good things into your life

My thoughts are a magnet

With its magnetic power, the Law of Attraction permeates the universe, takes those thoughts whose vibration matches yours... and draws them to you. Your attention to certain things and the response of the Law of Attraction to your thoughts is the reason for the arrival of a person, every event and every circumstance in your life. They all enter your life through a kind of "filter". which lets in only that whose vibration matches your own thoughts. Read more: How to quickly and successfully materialize your dreams?

Image titleYou get the essence of what you think about

whether it's something you want or something you don't want. At first this thought may disturb you, but we believe that after time you will start to appreciate it justice, consistency and the unconditionality of the powerful Law of Attraction. When you understand this Law and begin to pay attention to your thoughts, you will be you regain control of your own life. This control will remind you,

that there is nothing you cannot achieve and nothing you cannot free yourself from.

Understanding the Law of Attraction and realizing the connection between what you think and feel and what manifests in your life will make you more aware of the influence of your own thoughts. You will begin to notice that

your thoughts can be influenced

from the things you read or watch on TV or hear and see in the lives of others around you. Thanks to the Law of Attraction, these thoughts grow bigger and stronger as a result the attention you give them. When you see this effect, you will feel a desire to focus your thoughts more on the things you want to experience. Because whatever thought you're focused on right now, and wherever it came from...while you're thinking it, the Law of Attraction works on it and starts offering you more thoughts, conversations, and experiences like it.

The powerful and immutable Law of Attraction responds to everything in this vibrational Universe

– brings together the people whose vibrations match, the situations whose vibrations match and the thoughts whose situations match. In fact, everything in your life—from the way your thoughts go through your mind to the people you meet on public transport—is what it is because of the Law of Attraction.

See also: Alpha waves – the most powerful frequency for manifesting desires

From "The Law of Attraction" by Jerry and Esther Hicks*

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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