❤️ 70 ways to increase female power and energy

According to the Vedas, which originated about 5 thousand years ago, the energy of women is the basis of the world. Precisely because tthe female self of Vorce is what gives a man the forces that guide his exploits and achievements. We all have periods of low energy.

We offer you 70 ideas that increase female power.

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body needs touch. Our bodies need to move. Otherwise, the energy stagnates, presses the body from the inside and causes diseases.

2. Visiting a hairdresser — a beautiful haircut is not just a way to improve our mood. A woman's hair is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, great value is attached to women's hair.

3. Manicure — Beautiful hands that want to be kissed! This is what men share. I have tried this myself, as well as several of my friends. After a manicure with red varnish for the attention of husbands or beloved man increases.

4. Communication with other women - the mutual exchange of energy greatly enhances femininity. A man needs silence to realize himself. Women best understand their experiences through communication with female friends.

5. Long conversations on the phone - this is not a waste of time, but a surge of energy that a woman needs. If words are accumulated in a woman, she is very likely to pour them out on her beloved man. And this is not the best way.

6. Walks - a woman should go out at least once a day. Regardless of the fact that we are hosts, the connection with nature is very important!

7. Music - listen to the music you love every day. Meditative or classical. Make it a habit, like a cup of tea.

8. Give up complex topics for reflection and negotiation — Yes, it is useful for a woman to be frivolous sometimes and not think about anything. The role of a little girl gives her a youthful appearance. This moment is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave the serious stuff at your workplace and don't bring it home.

9. A bath with rose petals and aromatic oils — this is not a whim, but a necessity! Pamper your body and you will be amazed at your own glow and good mood.

10. Meditation — like all other relaxation practices, increases the level of feminine power. Meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Here you will find a collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian. Meditation in nature is very useful.

11. Take singing lessons — singing clears the throat chakra. We do not want to curse and slander men. In ancient Sparta, one of the compliments for a woman was "She is like a song."

12. Shopping - Shopping is not only a way to get new things. Learn to go shopping even if you don't have one money. Try different things. Enjoy your beauty. And don't forget, the feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it's enough just to see and touch something and you'll soon have it in your wardrobe. And the money needed for this comes seemingly out of nowhere. See also: You don't always need shopping therapy. Sometimes all you need is to take care of yourself

13. Visiting a psychologist — but it must be a woman. A wise and experienced woman can help you see the situation differently and understand it. Wisdom is passed down from older women. So sometimes it helps to just talk to your own grandmother, great grandmother.

14. Dancing - any kind - this is a wonderful way to increase the power and sexuality of women. Arab dances, Latin dances are especially suitable.

15. Yoga - Yoga practice calms the mind and gives strength. It is desirable that the trainer is a woman, preferably married. The male trainer will teach you how to load only the body. But you won't be able to share the energy. And that's just because he's a man.

16. Regular meetings with girlfriends — preferably in a public place, thus creating a strong background of female energy. And you can share your missing qualities with each other.

17. Take care of flowers - having a small garden at home and taking care of it - this is another way to stock up on a surge of female energy. Flourishing, growth — all this is a reflection of female energy.

18. Communicate with married friends - this is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of a family in the Vedas is considered the most useful and valuable. So don't be too quick to turn down an invite to a couples-only party. After such a meeting, you will accumulate energy that will attract more men than after visiting a night club where there are many single women.

19. Help - help someone in need or get help for you. All this enhances femininity. Give up the "I can do it myself" principle. Because this is typical of a principle person.

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20. Visit a bookstore - It may be surprising, but walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a few hours a week to this. A woman is a repository of knowledge. And the book is a source of knowledge.

21. Ask a man for help — any act of caring makes us feminine. Do an experiment and ask a stranger to carry your bag. Your mood will increase — 100%!

22. Reading - read a good book that you bought a long time ago and is sitting on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying Fate you will understand yourself better

23. Distribute responsibilities at home — the idea that "everything will go moldy" without you is a way to depress feminine energy. Trust your loved ones to do some housework, and you use the time to pamper yourself!

24. Cooking - anything related to cooking greatly increases the level of feminine energy. A woman is a housewife who knows how to feed and water. If you don't know how to cook, learn. And if you can, improve your skills. Get to know the cuisine from all sides.

25. Home is not only the dwelling in which we live. Feminine energy is strongly associated with the home. That's why we get so annoyed when the door creaks or the sink faucet drips. For a woman, these are not just irritants. These are holes through which female energy flows. But sometimes a man does not worry about such trifles. Why? A man

I think big. "When all the tiles in the bathroom are up for replacement, then I'll replace them with new ones." Why is it necessary to grease the wall ten times". Sometimes it's easier to hire someone to fix the problems. Just be sure to tell your man that you did it, knowing that he is very busy. And not because his hands are in the wrong place. Male self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26. Planning - any doubt and incompleteness is destructive to a woman. And when you have a clear plan of action, it's a good way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan things. Make an action plan for several months and even a year ahead. What are you doing tomorrow night?

27. Gala lunch or candlelit dinner. Put a beautiful tablecloth and prepare delicious meals. It turns out that everything we do

, even more for ourselves, still we want to raise the tone of the loved one. Embody these magical moments in your life. Enjoy yourself and your loved ones.

28. Education — training and communication with children, can boost your energy. For this reason, do not give up playing with children. And it's even better to teach the children what you know - how to draw, sing, dance...

29. Acting Lessons — Woman Lives in a World of emotions. Playing different roles on stage, she can better understand herself, but also get rid of accumulated aggression or share her joy. The art of seduction — it

it is also a kind of acting.

30. Have a picnic in nature — necessarily in the company of good friends. Here are a few things that raise the level of feminine energy—uniting with others, communing with nature, cooking.

31. Makeup - to take care of yourself, but not as a way to please a man, but to

you bring joy to yourself. That is why it is important to do your hair at home, put on a dress and look good.

32. Give yourself a flower — one of the simplest ways to boost your energy level. Flowers are not only a kind of female adornment, they instantly remove the negative emotions. So, if you feel sadness, mental discomfort, do not rush to cry into the pillow, but buy yourself a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wear skirts, dresses - this clothing restores energy in the female lineage. There is one rule - don't wear pants on the first 7 dates if you really want to impress the man. Wearing pants has been found to have a negative impact on women's bodies.

34. Club of young mothers - if you have a small child, definitely communicate with other young ones

mothers. This is not only a way to exchange experience, but also to exchange energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon. And lunar energy is the energy of the feminine.

35. Babysitting - don't refuse to help a married friend play with the baby/child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is a way to increase female energy. However, it is important not to view men as children.

36. Feed someone in need — charity is a way to increase lunar energy. You don't have to help everyone. Just find a person who you can easily please with a pleasant trifle. Buy the lonely neighbor fruit. Do not refuse a cup of tea to a guest who comes to you.

37. Communication - it is difficult for women not to contact other people. We get energy from conversations. But it is very important not to pass on negative information and gossip. Read also: ❤️ 33 favorite quotes from Eat, Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

38. Romantic movies - arrange with a friend to watch a melodrama together. Romance films are a useful activity for women. However, it is better to do it in the company of other women.

39. Learning about new cultures — broadens your perspective and allows you to look beyond the inner world. Feminine energy tends to expand. There is no need to artificially limit it.

40. Water sources — resting near a river, lake, sea, here is a great way to increase your energy. Water is at the heart of female sexuality and its ability to be harmonious, adaptable to circumstances, or vice versa — it can be turbulent. In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses had to learn to swim and interact with water.

41. Physical activity - if you feel a lack of energy, start some new sport. It can be not only a new type of fitness, but also jogging in the morning. Dancing is also very useful! A great way to recover if you're drained after an argument with your partner.

42. Dresses — A beautiful dress is one way to boost your energy. By the way, you don't have to go somewhere to wear a dress. Wear nice clothes at home too.

43. Clean out old and unnecessary things - old things, junk, junk weakens the feminine energy. If your life is in a difficult period, then it's time to clear out unnecessary things.

44. Healthy lifestyle - Needless to say, bad habits have a negative impact on the strength and beauty of women. Bad habits can be not only smoking, but also staying up late, as well as indolence or laziness.

45. Poetry — reading poetry helps bring out the romantic side of your self. Feel free to write your own poems. Energy laid out on paper will save you from experiences. Beautiful syllables will teach you to speak beautifully and to think correctly.

46. Feeding birds and animals is a very simple way to increase your energy. Make a bird feeder by the window. Start with canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47. Visiting a museum or exhibition — everything beautiful makes a woman even more beautiful and feminine.

48. Communicate with the Teacher - go to a lecture by a favorite author, attend a training session. Books give knowledge. This is undeniable. But during the meetings with the Master, we are recharged with energy.

49. Keep a journal—write down your thoughts, desires, and goals daily. You can journal pictures or draw. Your feelings matter! Therefore, it is good to write them down. If you hold back your emotional energy, you may transfer it to the man, and that in itself is not a very good idea. In addition to taking notes, you can do self-analysis.

50. Make a beautiful photo album — stick your best photos in it. And don't hesitate, have fun. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide on your desires — your desires show you what you really want. Especially in a relationship. Forget about "I can" I can — that's the prerogative of men. The man says: I can win her, I can take her to wife (or I can't). When a woman starts thinking a lot in the style of "I can" she becomes a "man" Compare: "I want to look good. I want to please him. I want to get married.” With “I can look good. I can like him. I can get married."

52. Kind speech - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from gentle words spoken by you. Offensive and obscene words reduce energy to zero.

53. Obedience - Arguments, competition and other types of active behavior bring energy down. For this reason, conquering a man drains a woman's energy. A man does not want a woman who is as proactive as he is. With such behavior, she reminds him of a man. Try to be soft and diplomatic. See also: Legend of the wise woman. who gets everything she wants

54. Selectivity in sexual relationships - if a woman has many sexual partners, she is doomed to ruin. Only have sex with a man you love. And stay true to him. Try to postpone sexual contact until after the first date. It takes a lot of energy to attract a man. Don't waste it by having early sex.

55. Cleanliness - keep your home, body and mind clean. Take time to clean the house. Don't hold onto negative memories from the past. The easiest way to increase energy is to stand in the shower. Cleanliness brings energy.

56. Love yourself — one of the most important aspects. If a woman is not filled with love in her heart and soul, she is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. Or worse, she'll become an energy vampire by taking his energy. From here follows the decline in men, financial collapse, diseases. Use all kinds of techniques to fill your well with love. A woman gives, so she must be filled with love.

Read more: Fall madly in love with yourself! This is how!

57. Arts and crafts — knitting, embroidery, sewing — anything you can do with your hands raises the level of your feminine energy.

58. Compliment yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it difficult to say something nice about other women, deal with this problem. Rejection of women can create difficulties in relations with mother, mother-in-law, daughter.

59. Express love—in any form, at any time. A hug, a kiss to loved ones. Speak with love to the world, your people, your belongings. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even the sadness. They are your teacher. Any rejection and resistance has a devastating effect on a woman.

60. Making bouquets — working with flowers brings new energy. A charge of renewal and blossoming.

61. Eating right - use products that are less processed and as close to nature as possible. Think how much energy the apple plucked from your garden gives? And how many hamburgers. The comparison is very different.

62. Caresses - gentle touches can help women understand themselves. To be studied. Caress your body. Even if you don't have a man, don't deprive yourself of tenderness. Start and end your day in bed with a light touch on your face, body and feet. Kiss your hands and others will worship them too.

63. Be alone with yourself - don't be afraid of those moments when you are completely alone. Don't get married just for loneliness. Use this time to indulge in your own things. Nature has a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself. This is the period of menstruation.

64. Stuffed toys - don't blame yourself for still sleeping in the arms of a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone. A toy, gives a feeling of warmth. Buy a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.

65. Learn how to work with Moon energy - stand outside in the moonlight, recharge your water through the moon rays. And then add it to the bath. Ask the Moon for help with female ailments. Meditate by imagining yourself swimming in the moonlight. You and the moon in one.

66. Send someone a card — for any occasion. Showing attention to someone will be rewarded. Remember: Woman — Giving. By giving you will receive!

67. Charity — this is a very pure expression of feminine energy. If you can do something to help a person, do it.

68. Change your hair color — if your life is stagnant, go to the hairdresser.

69. Fragrance — You should always smell a pleasant fragrance. A woman is a flower. Buying a new perfume and scented oil boosts a woman's energy.

70. Dignity — be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are adorable! You are sexy! You are a Woman!

Author Ruslan Narushevich.

Translation for ® Dreamland - rozanna

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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