❤️ Hello, I am destiny and I decided to write you this…

Hello, I'm Destiny. I decided to write to you because you seem to doubt me a lot lately. And in my plans

I know you are wondering why all this is happening to you. Here's my answer: that's the only way you would have become the person you are now. Only then would you discover the power hidden within you. Only then would you see the greatness of your mind and the beauty of your soul.

I had to make some of your fears come true for you to see that you can move past them.

Because man is built like that. He is afraid of everything. From failure. From the loss. From the pain. From fear itself. Until he had to face it, meet it, defeat it, and move on.
But you learned your lessons, didn't you? Read also: Turn your wounds into wisdom

I had to hurt your heart so you could learn to protect people's hearts.

Because man is built like that. It causes pain until it feels pain. He hurts until he's hurt. Turns his back on others until they turn his back on him. But you learned your lessons, didn't you?

I had to take some of your friends away

to learn to appreciate the ones you have left. Because man is built like that. He forgets to take care of his friends. He forgets to call them. He forgets to see them. He forgets to ask them how they are. Replaces them with new ones. And then he replaces them with new ones. Until he finally found that he didn't have any real friends anymore. But you learned your lessons, didn't you?

You had to know disappointment in order to begin to fully enjoy joy and happiness.

Because man is built like that. May he be forever dissatisfied. Forever focusing on things that aren't there. Until real problems appear in his life. Until he had to overcome some real drama.

It doesn't matter thenImage titlethe material gives way to the significant.

Then he sees and appreciates the beauty of a sunny day, a walk in the park, a good book, a beautiful dream, a shared glass of wine. But you learned your lessons, didn't you?

I had to distract you from some of your dreams in order to start the path you are about to conquer.

Because man is built like that. He compares his life with that of others. He compares his successes with those of others. Compares his happiness with that of others. He sets goals that are not his goals. See also: Stop feeling bad for feeling bad

Fights battles that are not his battles.

Draws paths that are not his paths. Until he realizes that he has wasted his time trying to live someone else's life, fight for someone else's victory, fulfill someone else's dream. But you learned your lessons, didn't you?

And here you are today. You read this letter and see your life like a film strip.

You already know what you really want. You already know what you deserve. You already know what you are capable of. And what were you born for! Do not regret anything. Don't suffer for nothing. The past happened to shape your present. And your present will shape your future. Therefore: live it wisely, remember the lessons, take care of yourself. And don't forget, your mission is one - to be happy! Get started today!

And remember: you may not believe in me, but I believe in you!

With love,

Author: Gergana Labova

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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