❤️ Louise Hay - I am grateful for my life now and forever

Deep within the center of my being is an infinite source of gratitude.

Now I allow this gratitude to fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my whole being. This gratitude radiates from me in every direction, touching everything in my world and coming back to me with more things to be thankful for.

The more grateful I feel,

the more clearly I am aware that the supply is inexhaustible. Gratitude helps me feel good, it is a manifestation of my inner joy. She is a warm feeling in my life. Read also: Gratitude is a miracle in action

I am grateful for myself and my body.

I am grateful for my ability to see and hear, feel, taste and touch. I am grateful for my home and I take care of him with love. I am grateful for the family and my friends and I enjoy their company.

I am grateful for my job and I always give it my best.

I am grateful for my talents and abilities and constantly express them in satisfying ways. I am grateful for your income and I know I will thrive wherever I go. I am grateful for all past experiences because I know they have been part of my soul's growth. I am grateful for all nature and respect all living things. See also: Not every fall is a fall, but every fall is an evolution

I am grateful for today and all tomorrows.

A prayer of thanksgiving
Louise Hay

You can find a special meditation on Gratitude with the special participation of Alexandrina Pendachanska here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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