
❤️ The universe always says YES to you by Milena Goleva

Everything you experience

and happening around you has come into your life thanks to the filter through which you view the world. And it is your filter that lets you through specific events, people, events and things. What the filter is depends on you and it is determined by the aperture of your deep inner convictions. As your compilation of beliefs is, it is like your vibrational seal with which you stamp and accept the things that come to you.

It turns out that part of you, your subconscious,

it actually directs your life, becoming the filter that lets in what will happen to you. Or to put it another way: The universe always gives you the OK, it always gives you the green light. Everything you believe in, the universe says YES! All that is present in you as yours deep inner convictions it builds your filter that becomes a magnet for more and more of these things. Read also: The law of zero resistance

❤️ How to make the subconscious work for you by Milena Goleva

Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right! Henry Ford If you believe you can Vs

It is very important to revise what are the things in which you unquestioningly believe, what are your deep inner convictions.

The ones you don't even question. You are so confident in them. Here are some of the deep inner convictions hidden in yours subconscious:

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  • people are users
  • others understand me less and less
  • I'm up for nothing
  • successful people do not find a worthy partner
  • the strong are always alone
  • everyone cheats
  • to be successful i have to sell myself
  • the rich are bad
  • good people are always screwed

and the aperture of beliefs you have formed becomes that filter,

which in no way can miss quality people in your life, success and prosperity, a beautiful and pure relationship with your partner. Not for anything else, but because you installed such a filter. Not because there are no worthy people, but because we believe the opposite and because you always get YES from the universe. She never questions your beliefs. She only responds to them.

❤️ Your subconscious can do anything! Make it work for you!

What rules your life? And does this happen often? 1. Mary undergoes the latest Hollywood diet. 2. M

What you believe in will be given to you.

The universe is not judging you. He doesn't feel sorry for you. Don't expect him to feel sorry for you. She will simply give back to you what you radiate from you. It will respond to your every thought, belief and vibration. She would say to herself, oh poor man. He screwed himself again. I will spare him. No! Everything you radiate from you she says YES! She gives you the OK. Read more: How to make your subconscious mind work for you

The universe cannot judge whether something is good for you

or not good for you at all. It is completely neutral and only manifests to you, what you believe. She takes in the vibes you give off and then gives you back more of the same. As you are attuned to the world, so the world will appear to you. As you treat people, so people will treat you. As you are set up for who you are, the qualities you will manifest will be analogous. Discover what are your deep inner beliefs that hinder your development.

Um! You are self-sabotaging yourself!

Your possibilities will become endless! When you realize that the limitations are in your beliefs! You can choose another filter! You can choose to make your world beautiful by making the world inside you beautiful.

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How do you begin to change your filter and deep inner beliefs?

The most natural way is when you enter the alpha frequency of brain waves. Then you literally touch and transform this deep inner belief system. The most effective way that literally turned my life, beliefs and filter upside down.

❤️ The Law of Zero Resistance by Milena Goleva

One of the main reasons many people fail to implement The Law of Attraction is exactly no

The guided meditations, which I have created work wonders

not only with me, but with thousands of people. Meditations have the power to directly sow in your subconscious those new convictions and beliefs you need. That's why I've created a collection of practices for different topics that you need to transform. Topics related to health, the meal, self love, confidence and self-esteem, gratitude, forgiveness, insomnia, abundance etc. You can find the collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian here:

For every new and beautiful belief you have, you will receive a YES from the Universe.

She will manifest it in your life with the same ease with which she brought problems, adversity and difficulties. Regarding your new filter.

Meditate and change your filter!

Meditate and change your life!

What is it that you choose to believe! It will be what you will later call "MY BEAUTIFUL NEW REALITY"

❤️ Thank you from Milena Goleva

Thank you! Sometimes it's important to stop, realize how far you've come, how far you've come, and just that

Life is beautiful... YOU ARE WONDERFUL!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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