❤️ Your subconscious can do anything! Make it work for you!

What rules your life? And does this happen often?

1. Mary undergoes the latest Hollywood diet.
2. Mary loses ten pounds in ten weeks and looks amazing.
3. Mary gains ten pounds in the next six weeks and looks the same as before.

Why is this happening?

Because her subconscious rules everything.
It's the same with you!
You can starve yourself with willpower. You can eat grapefruit or even grass. You can lose 50 kilos. But until your subconscious accepts the idea, "I'm thin," the weight loss will only be temporary. Learn how?
In the battle between will and subconscious, the winner will always be your subconscious.

So how powerful is the subconscious mind?

At night, when you fall asleep, you keep breathing, your heart keeps pumping blood, and you digest the food from dinner. But what controls these processes? And what prevents you from wetting the bed? This is your subconscious mind.
Ninety-nine percent of your brain's work is done by that part of your mind that you're not even aware of.

Isn't it amazing?

You're able to drive while munching on peanuts, singing along to the radio, or making dinner plans. Every few seconds you turn, hit the brakes or accelerate without ever thinking about driving the car. So who's really driving?
Your subconscious. See also: Your thoughts don't think you. You choose them and give them life

Powerful recorder

If you ask a typist, "Where are all the letters on the keyboard?", you'll probably give her a hard time! The woman can type 80 words per minute with her eyes closed, but she can't TELL you where the keys are until she starts typing.
Why? The keyboard is in her subconscious.

Your subconscious is a giant recording device.

It stores programs you were born with—controlling your breathing, heart rate, and thousands of other bodily functions—and programs you created yourself—like the way you walk, talk, write, dance, drive, and whistle.
It is easiest to create new programs before you are six years old.

Why do children learn so fast?

Children's brain waves are different; they are slower and therefore children live in the present moment. By the age of six, you are like an open book, easily absorbing new information.

Children do not possess the conscious mind of adults,

who says, "That's too hard." That's why three-year-olds pick up Russian or Chinese effortlessly, and four-year-olds learn to ski in three hours.

Children do not have filters and barriers.

This explains why you can irreversibly delay a child's development, telling him it's stupid. Whatever you say to a four-year-old—"You're wonderful," "You're special," "You're a failure," "You're making mommy miserable"—it all becomes law for him.

In many cases, bad behavior is explained by the subconscious.

If you let a four-year-old play kicking, punching, and cursing computer games and watch kicking, punching, and cursing movies, you're going to create a beast. It does not possess the conscious mind of an adult to distinguish what is acceptable in the movies from what is not acceptable in real life. This behavior is simply copied, filmed. And we blame the children. Read also: The universe fulfills all wishes. Just ask her!

Don't believe everything you think about yourself. You are the sky!

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"I want to do nothing."
Your subconscious mind takes instructions quite literally.

Nicole was planning a vacation to Bali.

"In the months before I left for Bali," she told me, "I kept saying to myself, 'All I want is to lie down and do nothing.'
– How was it in Bali? I asked her.
- For five days, I had a migraine that turned into a cold. I spent the whole week in my hotel room doing nothing.
Two years later, Nicole went to Bali again. Then he told me:
- I still did not understand that I had created the disease myself. So before the second trip, I regularly said to myself, "When I go to Bali, all I want to do is lie down and do nothing."

– And how was it in Bali?

- On the very first day, I caught a virus; I couldn't eat or drink, I couldn't read or even sit. I spent five days in hospital on systems and did absolutely nothing the whole time.
When you sow a thought, your subconscious materializes it.
Nicole wasn't done with Bali yet.
- For my third vacation - she told me - I had a new strategy. I pre-visualized the perfect vacation. I saw myself and my children healthy. I imagined how happily we would go down the water slides, relax by the pool, shop to our heart's content and enjoy the wonderful food. And we finally got the perfect vacation.

The subconscious and money

William Bud Post won $16 million from the Pennsylvania State Lottery. Bud's brother sent a hitman to him so he could inherit his money (Bud survived), his ex-girlfriend sued him for a share of the profits, and his family started chasing him for the rest.
In less than a year, Bud was a million dollars in debt. In his defense, he would probably point out, "The problem is with my relatives!"
However, seven out of ten lottery winners lose their winnings.

If you win ten million dollars, that only makes you a millionaire temporarily.

 Whether you will stay rich does not depend at all on your greedy relatives or on the global economic crisis. And only and only from your subconscious. Learn how to attract Abundance into your life with the power of the subconscious mind! Here!

Why do the same things keep happening to me?

The thought patterns!

Have you noticed that some people are always in red? You give them $10,000 in cash and before you know it, they need a loan from the bank to buy a pizza.
There are people who are always late! Even if they get up at 6 in the morning to be at work by nine, at ten fifteen they are still rummaging around the house for their car keys and desperately looking for their wallet!
Others are forever busy.
And others keep ripping them off - salesmen, phone companies, ex-girlfriends and long-lost relatives.

Do you know a woman who constantly complains:

"I always date losers"? It's like she has a radar for all kinds of selfish and lazy jerks that she ends up marrying.
Some people start a new relationship every six months.

Some people find friends wherever they go.

Or they do money, wherever they go.
Some have fun wherever they go. Some soccer players are always where the ball is.
Some people always land on their feet. Their mindset is, “Things always work out.” Ted's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but a stranger shows up to pick him up, take him home, and finally offer him a job!

Subconscious patterns are the reason the same story repeats itself over and over again.

For example, Mary always finds a great job, but never a faithful partner. Bill never gets sick, but he keeps getting fired!

None of this is an accident.

We attract – and create – our life experiences through our subconscious programs.

You will say, “If subconscious patterns create your life's reality, then there are the lucky ones who float along on an endless string of adventures, and the miserable ones who stumble from one misfortune to another.
In the same way, some people will get richer and others will get poorer!'
This is the very truth. And it always has been.


Life unfolds from the inside out.

The good news

Here's the good news: you are not your thought patterns and YOU CAN CHANGE THESE MODELS. How to change these thought patterns? This is how!
To improve your life, you don't need to reflect on how you built such a past. You don't need to beat your head about where you went wrong.
It is enough to understand that you yourself have prepared the ground for these experiences, and to begin to think and feel differently.

excerpt from the book How Life Works, Andrew Matthews

Learn more about how to make your subconscious work for you here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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