Release control

❤️ Let go of control! by Milena Goleva

I am a person who, you will notice, does not use the word control.

It's too strong for me. But if you ever hear me use it, it's when I apply it to you. Or ... you cannot and have no power to control external circumstances and people (and thank God), but you always have the opportunity to guide you, your thoughts, attitudes, reactions. By changing the point of view, looking at a given situation with different eyes, you are given the power to change the prism through which the world will be shown to you.

But what does it mean? the need for control?

It is very important to realize why you have this one need to control? We tend to exercise control when we feel insecure. Control gives us imaginary security. When there is mistrust between two people, there is control. Control is an attempt to step on something stable. Read also: A 5-step ritual to program a strong new beginning

Distrust, uncertainty, fear of the unknown.

The more you you seek to control things and people, the more your ability to control slips away. The need to control, always turns against you and always leads to a dead end, from which it is difficult to find a way out. And as an addition the constant anxiety. The desire to necessarily direct and control leads to permanent anxiety that drains your energy resource.

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What if you let go of control?

Those who want to hold onto things without fail under control are usually infinitely responsible people. But they don't realize that control keeps them in endless tension. The surest way to direct (control) things is as you let go of control. Sounds like a paradox, doesn't it?

How to release control?

It seems to you that when you let go of control, everything will go wrong. And you always witness the exact opposite. Because the control vibrates in the low frequency register. And he brings us more things in the low frequency vibrational reality.

How? By trusting!

To trust in the processes of life. To accept that everything that is happening and will happen is for your highest good. Can you do it? Of course, when you meditate, you are learning to let go of control. To trust.

To relax. Control means tightening.

And it consumes a huge amount of energy. When you relax, both literally and figuratively, you will be surprised how things will begin to "flow" smoothly and harmoniously in your life. Because you yourself will "flow" smoothly and harmoniously. And what is inside is also outside! To realize that everything is happening for your highest good. Everything happens at the right time and in the right sequence and exactly when you are ready.

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Letting go of control doesn't mean doing nothing.

but to act through a vibration of trust. Many people think that releasing the control is actually to indulge in laziness and laziness. Do nothing. But in fact, this is where true wisdom lies. To take steps forward, but through trust, not through uncertainty. And then the effect is striking. Because you will save a huge amount of personal energy and you will have the opportunity to direct it in the right, constructive direction. It is magical!

Letting go of control does not mean living without goals and aspirations

Quite the opposite, while striving for the set goals to flow into the flow. Living in the flow does not mean letting the current carry you. When you get into the flow, improvements happen on their own. You will feel it too. Control is the exact opposite of living in flow. Release control and you are already in the flow, feeling the carefree lightness and airiness of your existence. And then everything starts to fall into place. When you are in the flow you are overwhelmed by a feeling of complete safety and security. Anxiety melts away. The feeling is whole and complete. It is as if there is no past and fortune. There is only NOW. And complete trust in him.

Sleep Practice:

It is very important to learn to sleep with your palms open. This will help you let go of control. We often sleep with our hands clenched into fists, but we don't realize it. Watch yourself fall asleep. And learn to open your palms. Here you will find a technique for peaceful and restorative sleep:

Release control. Let go of the need to rule.

And then you will experience real lightness and a feeling that you are going in the right direction for you. You'll feel like you're really back at the helm of your boat of life. The surest way to control is to let go of control. See also: The universe always says YES to you

When you are in control nothing new can happen to you.

You limit the universe and its vast possibilities to make your dreams come true. It's like living confined to small squares. And you yourself do not give yourself the opportunity to be surprised, to have something happen to you that you have never experienced before. Control keeps you only in the familiar zone.

Release control! Get out of the squares! Let life happen to you!

Life is beautiful... YOU ARE WONDERFUL!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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