Milena Goleva

For Milena Goleva

Пътешественик, изследовател, вдъхновител, йога преподавател, медитация лечител, Мотиватор, Инициатор на промяната, Учител на Новото време, Създател на Науката за Вибрациите, Водещ на семинари, ритуали, духовни практики, колекция медитации, Мост между изтока и запада, Проводник на Новата енергия. Нейните ученици и последователи я наричат: Кралицата на енергийното манифестиране, Милена – Вселена, Мастер, Феята на Вибрациите, Духовен водач, Гуру, Лечителка, Вълшебница, Най-добър приятел

With over 400,000 followers on social media and 20 years of teaching experience, Milena Goleva is also one of the most influential teachers in the field of Vibration Science and positive self-change, yoga and meditation.

Стотици хиляди са се докоснали до нея чрез семинари, авторски програми, медитации, йога практики  – работата на Милена не познава граници. Това, което я отличава е способността ѝ да предава енергия и да създава непосредствена връзка с хората около себе си. Тя е живото доказателство, че е възможно да постигнете всичко, което желаете, ако насочите ума си към него.

Milena Goleva

Milena Goleva is a teacher of the New Time, a conductor of the new energy that merges knowledge and practices from the East and the West into a holistic whole. She is an inspiring motivator and initiator of change. She studied with the best teachers in schools of knowledge around the world (India, Bali, Peru, Mexico, Alaska, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Costa Rica, USA, Thailand, Malaysia, Mauritius, Europe), and her mission is to share my wisdom and experience with others to help them discover their unique path and create positive change in their lives. Recognized by great spiritual masters as their heir, she has received rare and secret knowledge that is passed down only and personally from teacher to student.

Milena Goleva


To make the art of meditation, relaxation and relaxation accessible to every modern person. With her deep, velvety and soothing timbre, Milena Goleva will lead you step by step on the path of freedom, inner purity and spiritual peace

Milena Goleva is a master in the subtleties of energy manifestation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been touched by Milena's work – through her seminars, author programs, meditations and yoga practices, she continues to inspire people everywhere to live more fully. She has the rare gift of making complex concepts easily understandable to anyone and has touched and changed the hearts, minds and lives of thousands of people.

Milena's messages are both inspiring and accessible, providing valuable insights into the human condition that surely. Her teachings have helped hundreds of thousands find their true path in life and connect with their inner strength and source of happiness

Milena is a beacon of light and hope for a better tomorrow.

Milena is the creator of one of the largest online yoga studios in the world by number of practitioners. The online yoga studio is open 24 hours a day and is practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 430 locations around the world. 

A teacher with 20 years of experience, Milena is the creator of a unique author's collection of 20 guided meditations, which are a tool for change for hundreds of thousands of her followers.

Milena Goleva's seminars are a deeply transformative and healing experience that leaves a beautiful mark and gives meaning to life years after. 



She is a phenomenon on social networks - she creates a space for her spiritual family, which she calls "our virtual home" and unites people around the energy of love, purity and goodwill. And not against something or someone. In this space we do not ridicule. We're not kidding. We don't hate. We don't gossip. We don't judge. There is no hate here, no scandals, we are just people speaking Bulgarian. Who said that Bulgarians are only haters? Great, right?

If you want to start changing your life for the better, it is important to understand the laws that govern the universe. When you do, think and believe negative things, negative things, people and events come into your life. When you begin to change for good what is radiating from you, your life also begins to change for good.  Milena Goleva has the gift of explaining these processes in an accessible and understandable language, with ease, in a memorable way, with many examples from life and unconventional comparisons and allusions. With each subsequent video, article and meditation, she provides more and more light and tools to change for the better.

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  1. ДП

    Участвам в ритуалите от самото им начало. Нямам думи , с които да опиша това чувство ! Това е едно вълшебство, това е една приказка, която ме изпълва с такава светлина , увереност , вяра и доверие във Вселената и Любовта ! Това е едно приказно изживяване за пораснали деца , и така се случва срещата ми с моето висше Аз ! Да видиш и прегърнеш Себето си е неописуемо изживяване ! Благодаря ти , Милена ! Благодаря и на екипът ти ! Благодаря! Благодаря ! Благодаря!

  2. Н

    Невероятно изживяване.Не намирам достатъчно силни думи с които да опиша чудесата на които се радвам от както практикувам и уча с теб прекрасна Милена.Промяната и вълшебствата са толкова невероятни че могат само да се почувстват.Благодаря ти за знанията и времето които споделяш с нас.Благодаря ти ,че те има ❤⚘😊

  3. НВ

    Всяка стъпка извървяна с теб е вълшебство. Благодаря, от сърце за всеки миг с който ни даряваш! Обичам те, Миленка! Аз съм една невероятна късметлийка, че срещнах теб и съм част от нашето прекрасно семейство! Благодаря!

  4. М

    Медено,вълшебно преживяване.Съжалявам,че не мога да го слушам по-дълго време.Действа ми като мехлем.Благодаря ти Миленка.

  5. ДП

    Магично и вълшебно! Прекрасно!

The others for Milena

Tsvetelina Simonsen
Tsvetelina Simonsen
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BlessSiyaina ??❤️ My Self ☀️wants deeply from my whole soul, most sincerely to Bless?Give❤️ to your Self ☀️?? I want to say with a clean hand, a pure heart that in my search for a guide to me, you proved to be the AUTHENTIC spiritual teacher in Bulgaria. You are the Master. Everything else I managed to touch are either total newbies who memorized everything to pass an exam and start making money.. Or superficial excellent students who overwrote an exam and believed that they were spiritual... After all, the Master's is for master class..for that they have to see you. I realized that too ? We are together and thank you again, BlagoSiyaina ??☀️ in my soul ❤️ Sunny joyful calm day ☀️?❤️.
Vanya Bozhikova
Vanya Bozhikova
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Hello beautiful and magical Milenka!❤️ I take the liberty of writing my thank you letter to you here, and not to a private message or a letter to you in our honey store, because what I want to say is better heard and seen by your thousands of followers! ❤️Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your work, for all the emotion you put in, for the honesty and freedom with which you speak, for the whole wonderful and magical course on "MONEY AND THE SCIENCE OF VIBRATIONS"! Respect, bow and gratitude, and for everyone who can afford it, BLESSINGS FROM GOD AND THE UNIVERSE! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I'M GOING THROUGH THE COURSE, but it's like it's my first time! The circumstances I went through during my first trip clearly did not give me the opportunity to feel this energy, this emotion, this depth, this power that shakes me to the core this time, and here I am on day 11 and up to the third meditation, A MEDITATION THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WORDS TO USE TO EXPRESS HOW I FEEL, WHAT THE FEELING IS AND WHAT THE CHARGING IS! Folks, this is UNIQUE, A PEARL IN THE CROWN OF ALL COURSES, OF ALL MEDITATIONS! ❤️ AMAZING, MAGICAL, WONDERFUL AND WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF IS TOO LITTLE TO BE RE-TELLED! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!❤️🙏🏻 SO ARE OUR SEMINARS! YOU HEAR THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK! MAGICAL❤️🙏🏻 LOVE US❤️
Desislava Teneva
Desislava Teneva
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The meditations created by Milena Goleva are magical. Since I started practicing them, my life began to change. I highly recommend the seminars she organizes as well. They are an unforgettable, energizing and invigorating experience. I can't even describe in words what I experienced during the four seminars that I visited. It has to be experienced to be understood. I am anxiously awaiting the next one. Endless thanks to Milena!❤❤❤
Monica Ganeva Moraes
Monica Ganeva Moraes
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Milena Goleva is not a person, she is destiny, she is an inspiration, she is magic. Thank you for being there and for creating amazingly effective meditative practices that have helped me heal my life and many others!!!
Milena Krusheva
Milena Krusheva
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Amazing person and teacher! I am grateful to have found her, she has taught me so much and I continue to learn from her! There are days when only Milenka's videos help me find solutions to certain situations. Her meditations are incredibly relaxing, and thanks to some of them - the ones I have - I've been able to recover and move forward with dreams, gratitude and abundance! Thank you, Milenka! You are great!
Kalina Zapryanova
Kalina Zapryanova
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It makes you think more positively! It makes you look at the other side of the situation you're in and think about the right path you could take! And all this from the videos I've watched... Can you imagine if you meet her live?? ?!!!
Galya Slavova
Galya Slavova
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I learned a lot of useful things from the videos of this charming lady. Other than that, the information is quite interesting and nicely presented. Thanks for the opportunity to have access to all the exciting topics
Sonia Ionovska
Sonia Ionovska
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Hi Milena! My name is Sonia and I live in Sofia. I've been watching your videos for almost a month and I'm impressed☺ They change my life and me. I've been meditating for a week and I feel better. I want to tell you that I THANK you for having you, for appearing in my life and for helping me at a time when I need support. You're an angel !!! THANK YOU !!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nikolay Dimov
Nikolay Dimov
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Milena has talent, charisma and charm with which she reaches people's souls, heals, inspires and transforms!
Lazarina Ilchevska-Paneva
Lazarina Ilchevska-Paneva
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Hello Milena!I want to thank you for the Miraculous meditations you do….for several months I have been falling asleep and waking up with them…Heal your body…swiping technique…and when I did checkups….I have never had such good results…thank you ….(I have diabetes type 1-my glycated hemoglobin was never normal….and now it is like a healthy person…)it became a miracle…THANK YOU…and stay healthy and always so magical and positive❤️?❤️
Миглена Асенова
Миглена Асенова
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Миленка ти преобърна живота ми благодаря ти. Помогна ми да заставам с гордост след всяко решение което вземам. Научи ме да живея пълноценно да се чувствам жива и да отстоявам своето! БЛАГОДАРЯ ТИ ЗА ВСИЧКО ОТ СЪРЦЕ ❤️❤️❤️
Валентина Георгиева
Валентина Георгиева
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Здравейте Милена... за денонощие откакто разбрах за вашето съществуване и се свързах с вас навсякъде по мрежите, преобърнахте света ми. А си мислех, че живея правилно... Много съм далеч от Вселенските закони без вас като Гид...🤩 Благодаря на Вселената, че се открихме! Вие верно сте от друга Галактика! Щастлива съм с вас! ❤️

On the path of Meditation and Yoga

A collection of meditations

This unique collection of practices will help you be even more successful in all areas of your life. Milena created the first self-love meditation, the first nutrition meditation, the first Healing Meditation, the first Forgiveness practice, the first insomnia meditation, and the first relaxing bedtime story specifically for children. In her meditations, she collaborated with artists and musicians such as Teodosiy Spasov, Hilda Kazasyan and Alexandrina Pendachanska. 

Milena Goleva is an outstanding professional with vast experience and deep knowledge. Her innovative approach is light and adapted to the modern man. He has been teaching yoga and meditation daily for 16 years now. He travels the country spreading the basics of positive feeling and the Law of Attraction. She has inspired thousands of people to change their lives!

Copyright programs

Here we practice united people from more than 35 countries and 430 locations around the world. In our online yoga studio is your personal space where you can take care of yourself. 

Milena Goleva creates the design of each practice, which is unique, up-to-date and tailored to the specific energy moment.

Life is even more wonderful with yoga!

Online yoga studio

Here we practice united people from more than 35 countries and 430 locations around the world. In our online yoga studio is your personal space where you can take care of yourself. 

Milena Goleva creates the design of each practice, which is unique, up-to-date and tailored to the specific energy moment.

Life is even more wonderful with yoga!



Milena Goleva's live seminars are a deeply transformative and healing experience that leaves a beautiful mark and gives meaning to life years after. Due to her difficult and adversities-filled rich life experience, accumulated wisdom and long-term practice, Milena Goleva has the gift of explaining the processes of life in an accessible and understandable language, with ease, in a memorable way, with many examples from life and unconventional comparisons and allusions . Here you can find up-to-date information about the next event with Milena.

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