❤️ The things you want are not delayed. You push them away unconsciously

The reason you have not yet received what you desire is because you are holding yourself to a vibrational frequency that does not match the frequency of your desire.

You are a Vibrational Being

even in your physical manifestation in flesh, blood and bones and everything you experience in your physical environment is built of vibrations. It is only through your ability to receive your vibration that you are able to understand your physical world at all. In other words, with your eyes you translate the vibration into what you see. Using your ears, you tune into the vibration of what you hear. Even your nose, tongue, and fingertips translate vibrations into the smells, tastes, and tactile sensations that help you make sense of your world. But emotions are the most sensitive translators of vibrations…

"Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?"

It's not because you don't want it bad enough.
It's not because you're not smart enough.
It's not because you're not worthy.
It's not because fate is against you.
It's not because someone else has already grabbed your prize.

The reason you still haven't got what you want is because

that you are holding yourself to a vibrational frequency that does not match the frequency of your desire. This is the only reason - there is no other. It is important to understand that if you stop and think or more importantly, stop and you feel you will be able to pinpoint exactly where there is dissonance. Read more: The Law of Attraction - the most powerful law in the universe

The only thing you have to do

it is gently and gradually, one by one, to release the thoughts of resistance because they are the limiting factors that influence you. Increasing relief will show you that you are releasing resistance, just as feelings of increasing tension, anger, frustration have shown you that you are increasing your resistance...

Prosperity is pouring in, it wants you!

Prosperity awaits at your door. Everything you've ever desired, spoken or unspoken, has been beamed to you on a vibrational level. It has been heard and understood by the First Source and it has responded, now using your emotions you will find a way to let it into you - calling out emotion after emotion. You are a physical extension of the Source Energy. You are an extension of the Primordial Energy.

The brain has a phenomenal ability

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You are on the crest of a thought wave…

Everything in your physical environment was created by the Non-Physical First Source. And just as the First Source created your world and yourself, through the power of focused thought, you continue to create your world… You and what you call First Source are one and the same. You cannot be separated from the First Source. The original source is never separated from you. When we think of you, we think of the First Source. When we think of the First Source, we think of you. Original Source never emits a thought that separates it from you.

You cannot emit a thought,

to cause complete separation (actually, separation is too strong a word), but you can emit thoughts that are of a sufficiently different vibrational nature to hinder your natural connection with First Source. We call this state resistance. The only form of resistance or hindrance to your connection with that which is Source comes from you, from your physical point of view. The source is always entirely at your disposal. See also: Reality is old news

Prosperity is constantly offered to you

and you are often but not always in a state of acceptance... Once you align vibrationally with your desire, the Non-Physical Energy that creates worlds will flow through you, which means it will bring you elation, passion and triumph. This is your destiny… We should all have goals to focus our attention on; desires that focus us to feel our true essence flow through us to perpetuate All That Is

You really do create your own reality.

You and no one else. You create your own reality, even when you don't realize you're doing it. For this reason, you often create on impulse, unconsciously. When you are aware of your own thoughts and project them purposefully, then you are consciously creating your own reality. That was your intention when you decided to come into this body. Your desires and beliefs are just thoughts.

"Ask and it shall be given you"…

You don't have to use your words. It is only necessary to feel it in your being: I desire this. I like this. I am grateful for that. This desire is at the beginning of all attraction… 

Ask and it shall be given to you - Esther and Jerry Hicks, abraham-hicks.com
Publisher: Silver Bell,  srebarnozvanche.bg

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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