❤️ When someone insults you and tries to humiliate you…

They don't know how to deal with their own pain

and so they interpret them to other people. Each of us has our own pain that we cannot deal with. And when we hide too much suffering in ourselves, and do not try to overcome it, they look for a way and succeed, to cling to other people. This is why we inflict pain on those around us.

Here are Jeff Foster's remarkable words about how to treat people who treat us badly...

When someone insults and humiliates you,
When someone gives you advice you didn't ask for,
When someone blames you for their pain,
When they can't hear you, endlessly talking about themselves,
When they compare you to other people,
They ignore, judge or ridicule your thoughts and feelings
Stop! Take a deep breath. See more: Do not justify yourself! We all have 24 hours at our disposal

Know that this is their pain, not yours.

Know that they only see one single dream that they can see until they wake up,
Know that they see not you, but their illusions.
Maybe it's hard for them to love themselves.
Perhaps they are looking for outside validation of their worth.
Perhaps, they are disconnected from their breath, their body, their precious vitality and their true calling.
Perhaps, they live in the dualistic world of good and bad, right and wrong, successes and failures.

Perhaps, they have forgotten the simple pleasure of life.

Perhaps, you know this.
Perhaps, you have already been where they are now.
Do not try to change them. They cannot be changed.
Don't try to fix them. They don't want to be changed.

No one crosses our path by accident!

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The closer you get to them, the more they push you away.

Do not get entangled in their webs of grief and sorrow.
Be clear, even compassionate, but without putting pressure on anyone.
It's normal for them to be upset. This is indeed so.
Give them the freedom to be upset.
It's normal for them to be disappointed with you.

Give them the freedom to be disappointed.

It's normal for them to judge you. Let them be free in that too.
Be free and express your own thoughts and feelings!
Allow yourself to feel sad, angry, doubt, guilty.
Let all these streams of precious energies flow through you.
They won't affect you when you let them move freely. Read also: Don't be mad at them. They are just miserable!

Yes, you will meet many keepers of fortresses in this journey.

But you go your way, and let others go theirs.
You don't have to explain it or defend it.
Be yourself in these difficult times.

You can find detailed information about Milena Goleva's meditation collection here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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