❤️ 10 things that will quickly make you feel better from Milena Goleva

The world is a mirror: what you feel on the inside is what you get on the outside.

This is why a MAN COULD NOT FIX HIS LIFE BY CHANGING EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES. But you can take care of the inner environment.

Sometimes just when you're not in the mood,

you can't figure out how to naturally reverse the way you feel. Or how to reverse the low frequency vibration. Because when you vibrate low you attract negative things. When you change the way you feel, the world around you changes

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That's why I've selected 10 things especially for you that will help you really quickly and effectively raise your vibrations:

  • Use colors

– put on colorful clothes. Colors have tremendous power to transform your vibrations. Because they themselves are vibrations. Use colors in your home too. At your workplace.

  • Wash your eyes with cold water

– you can't even imagine how much it will change your mood. When you just splash your face, you will immediately feel invigorated, refreshed and sober See more: Comparison is the thief of happiness and peace

  • The aromas

- the olfactory nerves, which transmit the signal for a certain aroma to the brain, are directly connected to that part of the central nervous system that controls the endocrine system, which releases hormones. That is why the aroma affects the mood very quickly. The aroma of an orange or tangerine (you can just peel and eat the fruit) has the power to lift your tone. You can use your favorite essential oil or simply refresh yourself with your favorite perfume.

  • A smile

– smile soooo! Now! Even if you force a small smile at first, the smile immediately begins to change the chemical composition of the body. Try it now!

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  • Music

– you rarely remember to play your favorite music. And she can quickly turn your mood around. Music is also a vibration. Choose a favorite piece, one to which you cannot remain indifferent.

  • A dance

- not always and everywhere you can afford it, but if you can, dance. For my self! Dance this life away! You'll feel great right away.

  • Shower

– if you are at home. Immediately in the bathroom! Water has the power to remove accumulated tension from you. I would recommend a contrast shower. You will feel great.

  • A funny movie or show

- if you need to change the whole flow of your thoughts, put on a comedy or a funny movie or show. Thus, you will immerse yourself in a completely different energy and regain your pleasant feeling.

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  • A walk

– go for a short walk. Even if it's only for 10-15 minutes. The combination of fresh air and movement will cheer you up quickly and pleasantly.

- Last but not least. Take pleasant thoughts into your mind. Our special practice with Positive affirmations, you can do anywhere and anytime. You can take the practice here: www.milenagoleva.com Positive affirmations will change the point of focus and direction of your thoughts.

The most important thing is to capture the moment at the very beginning.

I.e. to catch yourself at the very beginning that your thoughts or mood are going in a negative direction. Then this change is possible very quickly and easily with these 10 ways. Read also: 3 reasons why the same things are happening to you

Make your own list.

Maybe you have your stuff. That affect you. To drink a cup of herbal tea, or to talk to a loved one, or to water the flowers, or to hug a loved one or a pet, or to put a fresh flower on the table.

These 10 ways are very fast and affordable and work directly.

They will change your vibration with their vibration. And when you change your vibration you will change your thoughts. When you change your thoughts you will change the way you feel. When you change the way you feel, you will begin to attract good things, events and people to you.

And so your day will be filled with good energy, tone and good mood.

Life is wonderful!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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