Stop saving your relationship with others. Save your relationship with yourself by Milena Goleva

Stop saving your relationship with others. Save your relationship with yourself by Milena Goleva

If you want to improve your relationships with others, just look inside yourself

Yes! There's the key! Don't look for it in your partner, children, parents, friends. If you want to improve and save your relationship with others, you will have to focus on yourself.

All kinds of relationships you have in your life,

(whether they satisfy you or not) are a projection of your relationship with yourself. You probably also find it difficult to maintain quality relationships with others. And probably in some aspects you do brilliantly, in other relationships you "hit a rock" no matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are. You ask yourself:
- Why can't I do it? What is my problem?

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I'll tell you! The problem is projected by you.

It is a consequence of internal battles and struggles that you wage in your inner cosmos. At some very deep level, you realize that the other person is not your fault. But by continuing to try, you seem to be making the situation worse. Learn more about the collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here

Every person who comes into your life is your TEACHER.

Especially the ones who hurt you. I know you don't like that. I know it's much easier for you to point the blame at something other than yourself. I know it is much more convenient to blame the failure on a person, a situation, a circumstance, the development of things, your karma even. Maybe you'll even get annoyed with me. BUT! Somewhere from a hidden space of yours, the voice of your intuition agrees with me. ❤️

Stop saving your relationship with others!

Come now, take responsibility into your own hands.

At first glance, this sounds a little startling. How come everything is inside me? Am I responsible for all the relationships that hurt, upset and hurt me?
YES! That's a good start.

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It's not easy to accept.

But believe me it is very healthy. Very soon you will discover with great pleasure that after everything is in your hands you are ready to move forward, guided by the confidence in your own strength. Once you are able to attract toxic relationships into your life, then YOU can YOU ATTRACT BEAUTIFUL AND HARMONIOUS relationships into your life.


Now let's look at the person or situation that torments you so much. Look at her from a different angle. She is no accident in your life. she has come to teach you something, which is very valuable to you. Think! Maybe you need to learn patience. Or to defend your own position. Or learning to see from the other person's point of view. You tell me!

Think! How did you attract this into your life?

If others treat you badly, you may be treating yourself badly. If they don't respect you, maybe it's your attitude towards yourself. If you are not loved or valued the way you would like, you probably do not love and value yourself. Then it turned inside you. And look there. What kind of battle are you fighting in there? What is it about you that you deny, reject, criticize, even hate.

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Could you make peace with yourself? To accept yourself as you are.

Of course you have a dark side. Of course, sometimes you react, think, act, and feel things that you vehemently criticize. But remember! Darkness is not a bad or negative thing. It is something necessary and useful. And who says what is right and what is wrong? How could you know the light if there was no darkness?
I'm going to tell you something important! Remember it well! Read more: There are no only good or only bad people! We all have both!

You will always be perfect and imperfect at the same time.

YOU ARE PERFECT BECAUSE TODAY YOU ARE A BETTER VERSION OF YOURSELF THAN YESTERDAY. Think how it was 1 year ago. And before 5? 10? You are certainly a more evolved version of yourself. AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IMPERFECT COMPARED TO TOMORROW!

Yes, evolution is a natural process for everyone.

Even when we make mistakes, we learn from our mistakes and take a step up.
It's worth taking the plunge. Because the characters will change, but the situations will remain the same. It is worth thinking about, because one thing is certain, you will spend every second of your life in your company. And the relationships between YOU and YOU are a projection of the relationships between YOU and OTHERS.

So don't judge others too harshly. Don't judge yourself too harshly either.

The situation you are in now is your teacher. Search within you. Make peace with yourself. Feel how far you've come. How many good things you have done. Be filled with warm love. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Take responsibility. And know that the key to any solution lies in your hands. See also: Communication hygiene

Close eyes! Take a deep breath! Relax!

Everything is fine!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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