increase in vibration

❤️ 8 keys to raising vibrations by Milena Goleva

Everything around us vibrates.

You get what you put out. Have you noticed that there are people who you really feel are living in a high vibration. There is a glow around them.

❤️ You can only take as much as you gave from Milena Goleva

There is a breed of people (I believe they are becoming fewer and fewer) who spew venom and claim to receive honey.
What does it mean to live in a high vibration?

That is, in your life things to be happen with ease.
To be able to you let go of control and enjoy what comes next.
You attract the things you strive for.
You are filled with harmony and Gratitude.
You find the good all around you.
You turn a negative into a positive.
You believe in good.
You accept yourself as you are.
You are at peace with yourself and the world.
You materialize with ease.
Or in other words your life moves in upward direction.

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Nice, isn't it?

That is why I have selected for you fundamental 8 keys to lasting increase in vibration.

❤️ 3 principles of programming before sleep by Milena Goleva

At the beginning of the last century, the French psychologist and pharmacist Emile Que surprised a colleague
How to raise the vibrations are you
  1. Cleanliness.

This is the foundation without which nothing further will be achieved. Internal cleanliness. That which exists deep within you. Because according to the purity with which you radiate, it will become the focal point with which you attract. You see some "positive" people, supposedly doing the "right" things, but their lives are "scratching". Basic themes of life are totally wrong. Grinning and chanting positivity isn't enough. If it's not clear.

Do not do to others what you do not want done to you.

The moral code. Ethical norms. Human norms. Are you ready for what you do to others to happen to you? We often think that because nobody knows, it's as if it didn't happen. However, the balance quickly returns. Imagine building a house. Cleanliness is its foundation. Whatever you build up. No matter how beautiful and healthy it is. No matter how modern and big it is. If the foundations are not stable and strong, then the house will be unstable and vulnerable. He does everything through his pure heart. This is a foundation for sustained high vibrations.

  1. The cleanliness of the home

Home is where we draw energy from. And we are infinitely connected to it. We are recovering here. Cleanliness in space and energy purity. Broken items. Things you haven't used in a long time. All of them clog the energy flow, and respectively the energy flow inside you. It affects you in an invisible way. Read also: 5 things before you get offended

  1. To do good

When no one is looking. When no one will know. Not because there will be an exchange. You do good because someone will admire you. This is fake, not good. When one hand does good, it is not important for the other to know. When you begin to raise your vibrations truly, qualitatively and authentically, then you have a way to help the people around you. Do it!

  1. Gratitude

A topic that has tripped up a lot of people on their way to development. Not the recitation of the word. And the deep experience through the core. The highest vibrating emotion, on the emotional scale. The emotion that immediately infuses you into the high frequency vibrating dimensions. To feel Gratitude for the little things, for the big things, for the difficulties even. Practice it. It is portable. Take it with you everywhere. Build this skill in yourself. It is priceless. With this special practice you will permanently begin to raise your vibrations and truly change your life: The Miracle of Gratitude in Action

❤️ Gratitude is a miracle in action by Milena Goleva

Have you thought about what is the most direct route between your now and the life of your dreams? And is there even a direct p
  1. The people around you

They are the family you have the right to choose. Choose them wisely. You are the arithmetic average of the five people closest to you. You are like vessels and influence each other. And you're starting to look like them.

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  1. Love yourself

Something you allow yourself to forget. And I would like to remind you more often. Learning to love you. This is a path to sustained high vibrations. To accept yourself, to like the way you are. To love yourself. Then you enter a permanently high vibrational frequency. It's another dimension. It is the relationship between you and you. And as it begins to harmonize, the vibrations rise.

People with low vibrations are people who have internal discomfort.

They are not happy with themselves. Love yourself! It's a process. It doesn't happen in a day, week or month. It happens with accumulation. With care for you. Start building that relationship. We have a special one infinitely effective practice for this, with the special participation of Hilda Kazasian. You can find it here: I love and like myself

❤️ I will teach you to love yourself! And this will be Love for Life by Milena Goleva

In recent years, one of the most frequently used lines is: - Love yourself; - It is essential that
  1. Food, nature, sleep

Food can be high-vibrational or alive and low-vibrational. What you consume is what you feed your cells with. What kind of life does the food you consume bring to your cells. Your cells determine the vibration of your body.
Your sleep cycle is also key. How much sleep are you getting? Sleep is caring for you. Read also: How to make your subconscious mind work for you

Sleep deprived people cannot vibrate well.

They are sour and disaffected. Their tolerance threshold is much lower. They are usually short-tempered and angry. These are not good vibes. Give yourself enough sleep. It's different for everyone. There is no universal formula for how much sleep you should get. But getting enough sleep is basic.
The connection with nature. Your communication with energizing places. To unite with nature. You can draw pure energy there. Your aura is clearing. Thoughts become clearer.

  1. To be alone with yourself

The ability to reboot. To release tension. We all accumulate stress in our daily lives. But not everyone has the tool to release it. The meditation. An invaluable practice for the modern man. Shut up. To allow the body and energy to recover. To free the mind. To balance the emotions. To connect you and you. As well as a way to create your future. This will keep you always fit and in high vibration. Take a few minutes of deep rebooting every day. Always in the ages the meditation was a way to restore balance in all its forms and maintain a high vibration. You can view a collection of author's guided meditations in Bulgarian here:

8 keys that will fundamentally change your life.

We opened the door. You have already integrated some of them into your life. Others to come. To think positively not enough. I have seen thousands of people who have changed their lives in general. When you raise the vibration si, life will lift you to another level.

Everyone will receive according to their vibration!

Life is are Beautiful!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 


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