before you get offended

❤️ 5 things before you get offended by Milena Goleva

To learn to forgive, but also to learn not to be offended.

This is an important part of the art of living in joy. Read also: Release control

I will synthesize 5 important things,

to think about before you decide to admit the poison of the insult to flow into you. In my many years of practice as a teacher of yoga and meditation, lecturer and seminar leader, I have found that undoubtedly the insult has inflicted cruel health and emotional wounds and it is good to learn to deal with it and not let it steal the beauty of our lives. Or at least to minimize those experiences.

What 5 things to look for before choosing to take offense:

  1. How important this person is in your own eyes.

Are there those components in your life that you consider important and successful? If the person who you it offends you have no reason to respect, ask yourself: Would you ask this person for advice, would you trust his advice? If you wouldn't take that person's advice, how can you take his an insult?

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How can you you offend from someone you don't like, value and respect?

Accepting his insult means you accept his opinion as important and valuable, right? Very often everything ends on this first condition. You realize there's no reason to take this one an insult. A person who has not built anything meaningful, who does not even build himself, how can he offend a person like you. You develop, you build, you try, you act. Before agreeing to the insult, first see who the person is.

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Everything around us vibrates. You get what you put out. Have you noticed that there are people who really feel
  1. How angry he is.

Is he insulting you to numb his own pain. When the person opposite you is angry, furious, angry and out of his skin, he is capable of saying anything. And often he himself regrets what he said afterwards. Don't take such words to heart. Words spoken by strong emotion have no true value.

  1. Doesn't he insult you because he wants to be like you,

but can't or won't afford to. Doesn't your path remind him of his own inability to make his dreams happen. Is he not jealous because you need to be consistent, to do the right things for you. To give up your bad habits. To acquire new, useful ones. When he offends you, such a person takes you "down" and it becomes easier for him, because he lowers you to himself. Rather, in this case, accept the insult as a real compliment. Because such a person shows you that you are on the right path.

❤️ Envy – the silent thief by Milena Goleva

There is hardly any other emotion, which has stolen so much joy, inner peace, self-respect, state
  1. Look at the offense from the perspective of the future

Now I would like you to go forward into the future. He mentally moved forward one year. And see if that insult, or what you're experiencing right now, has the same force, weight, and value a year from now. If the answer is NO. Then why are you torturing yourself today. Why, instead of channeling your energy in a constructive direction, are you wasting it on something you won't even remember after a while?

  1. Don't accept the gift

I will tell you priceless parable of the insult: Many, many years ago, somewhere in Japan lived a great samurai. There were legends that no one could defeat him - he destroyed anyone who dared to stand in his sight. Read also: The universe always says YES to you!

One day a warrior stood before him,

who was known for using the same tactics - provoking his opponent, making him make the first move and taking advantage of his mistakes, attacking and winning. He knew perfectly well what legends were about the samurai, but nevertheless he was convinced that he would destroy him.

The samurai and the warrior went out into the square in front of everyone.

The warrior started throwing stones at his opponent, spat in his face, used rude insults. For long hours he tried to provoke the old man, but finally, exhausted and humiliated, he forced himself to take a step back.

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The students immediately surrounded the samurai and asked him:

“How could you put up with all this? You have shown such cowardice…”.
The samurai in a calm tone asked the question: "If someone brings you a gift and you do not accept it, who does the gift belong to?"

"To the one who brought it," answered one of the students.

"So it is with envy, anger and insults. When you don't accept them, they continue to belong to the one who carries them in himself!".

❤️ 7 poisonous words that poison your life by Milena Goleva

Remove These 7 Poisonous Words From Your Vocabulary The power of words is immense and they have an infinite influence on everything that

To be able to deal with insults, it is important to raise your self-esteem.

When you start "stepping" on yourself and your own opinion about things, you will become more and more independent and invulnerable to insults. The special will help you with that guided meditation, which I have developed for Confidence and self-esteem. Learn more about her here: It will also help you immensely online video course for Confidence and self-esteem. It contains practices and techniques that help endlessly. You can find it here:

And an extremely important component.

Give up your role as a victim. You are the creator of your reality. Not someone you just happen to fall into certain situations and environments. And remember:

Life is Beautiful...because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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