❤️ Envy – the silent thief by Milena Goleva

There is hardly any other emotion that has stolen so much joy, inner peace, self-respect, happiness and even health. The envy!
Yes! I am aware of the fact that there will always be someone who has more than ourselves.

Everyone is rich with something in someone else's eyes:

One has more flavor. another time, a third has more money, freedom, beauty, opportunities, connections, respect, attention, persistence, mood. Some enjoy a close-knit family, children, or a fulfilling job, etc. etc. the list could go on and on.
Countless are the reasons that cause envy to crawl out of the darkness. However, there are few who recognize this feeling, and even fewer who manage to turn it into something constructive.

Be honest with yourself.

Do you really dislike her because you find her unpleasant or do you just feel bad that she is the object of more attention. Is your desire to cheat not provoked by the fact that she is living the life of your dreams and you still can't touch it. Read more: Your thoughts don't think you. You choose them and give them life

People always talk bad about what they envy.

If indeed something or someone BUT REALLY it is not interesting to you, you will remain neutral and you will hardly waste your time, energy, thoughts, mood to deal with something that is indifferent to you.
Let's face it straight: IF YOU DEAL WITH IT, IT MEANS YOU ARE INTERESTED! Actually, what is envy: IT IS ENVY WITH A REVERSE SIGN! EXCITEMENT! YES! You heard me right!

No one crosses our path by accident!

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Delight! Upside down!

When something happens to someone that you long for, you have two options:

  • to envy - this is the low energy manifestation. However, in this way, you are telling the universe that this is not good, you do not want it, and thus you cut off your access to this goodness.
  • To BE INSPIRED - this is the high energy manifestation. In this way, you declare that you also want from it, it is good and desired by you. This is how you begin to attract it into your energy field and, accordingly, your life.

Isn't it better to wish there were more successful people,

so that there is more to learn from. Think about it! If someone has achieved it, then you can too. Start observing such a successful person in some field. Or maybe a person who has achieved the perfect balance between work, family, health, self-care, communication, rest. Well, you have a great example. Learn from him! What is his way of thinking, what does he do, what does he eat, how does he rest, what are the things that have led him to where he is! Get inspired by good examples. From those who have succeeded.

How to deal with envy?

If you turned envy around, couldn't it turn from a poison you pour into you into a motivator? Let's turn envy around and turn it into something constructive! Let's make it work for us!

Whichever side of envy you're on, whether you experience this feeling yourself or are the object of envy, in order to cope, you first need to start developing healthy confidence and self-esteem. When you start to step firmly on yourself, to throw doubts, complexes, insecurities out of your life, you will start to feel stable internally and to be less and less dependent on the opinion and attitude of others.

Of course, the logical question immediately arises: How? How to achieve it.

I have developed a special technique that makes profound and lasting changes. You can find it here: https://milenagoleva.com If you feel that your insecurity and low self-esteem are hindering you too much and you need to go deeper into the topic and work in this direction, I have developed a special online video course in 8 video lessons with a duration of more than 4.5 hours. Consistent working techniques and looking at the subject from many different perspectives. You can learn more about the online video course here: https://milenagoleva.com/shop/online-video-kurs-uverenost-i-samouvazhenie/

And now I will give you a working and very funny TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH THE ENVY OF OTHERS:

When you find yourself on the other side and become the object of envy. There are moments like that, right?
But of course they will envy you! Well, there is more and more to it. When a person discovers the laws of the universe, begins to apply them, realizes his dreams, lives according to his own measure, well, the envious immediately notice ?

When someone envies you, they are poisoning themselves, not you.

The poison manifests in his vibrational field and hence in his life. See also: Do not justify yourself! We all have 24 hours at our disposal

Envy repels success. Admiration attracts him!

And everyone pays their price! People who envy stop their own development!

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BUT! If you are offended, if you feel sick, heavy and unpleasant, you absorb part of this poison in yourself. Then you allow a low manifestation of the vibration in you.

What to do?

Envy is actually a COMPLIMENT!
Everyone, when they envy you, mentally say to yourself:
Thanks for the compliment!

Someone hates you:
Thanks for the compliment!

Someone cursed:
Thanks for the compliment!

Someone pours poison:
Thanks for the compliment!

Someone is plotting:
Thanks for the compliment!

Such people come to remind you that you have something more than them.

Sometimes you fail to realize how much you have. How much you have already achieved. Turn the hate from something negative into something constructive. Turn it into your high vibration. Thanks for the reminder that there are things to be envied about. Learn to appreciate you. To respect what you have achieved so far. Become an increasingly confident version of yourself.


Free yourself from envy and upgrade yourself with Respect, Confidence and Respect!
Life is wonderful!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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