❤️ The new energy will not accept your role as a victim by Milena Goleva

The beginning of huge changes in the energy plan has been set.

We are all part of this vibrational transformation and it is time for the old patterns to go.

All the world is a stage, and we are all actors, Shakespeare said

YES! However, too many people have chosen to play the role of victim. The victim position locks you in a position of weakness.

A new energy time is coming,

whose new vibrations we cannot enter if we carry this old attitude with us. The time has come for a total paradigm shift and revolution is the world of the invisible. You can't afford to keep the victim setup. It's time to realize and break up with her. And ... to give yourself the opportunity to fly. Read also: How to make your subconscious mind work for you

We are victims of employers,

spouses, friends, children, neighbors, weather, society, health, ignorance, bad drivers, incompetent doctors and teachers, traitors, family environment, penury, karma, intrauterine development. So many reasons. And to one outside ourselves. Convenient, right?

Someone else is always responsible for our problems and failures.

How convenient! Everyone is against you and you constantly have reasons to be disappointed. How comfortable! You experience yourself as a victim of your difficult fate. Thus, all responsibility falls away. Doesn't that sound like the perfect scenario to you? And you have entered your comfortable role so well that for a long time you cannot separate yourself from it and realize what a huge trap you have set for yourself.
Being a victim is actually very comfortable!

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Being a victim has huge advantages!

  1. Constantly "begging" for attention and pity from others! This is so nice. This is the victim's way of being feelings important. Through the hardships and injustices she goes through, she extorts attention and care. This puts her in a difficult position. And that significance is addictive. It is an energy that draws from others and feeds it.
  2. It's always others' fault. Point. This is how the overwhelming assumption of responsibility falls away. There is no need to look inside. He doesn't need to look for reasons either. This frees him from the need for any action. Whatever happens he, she, it, they, others are to blame.
  3. It's easier not to take chances. Oh! Taking a risk is so full of unknowns. So scary. What if it fails? Better let "life" make these decisions. It's easier! And he can always get away by shifting the responsibility to the circumstances of which he is the victim.
  4. She's always right. Whatever happens, the victim has no responsibility. Those people and things that constantly disappoint and offend her and make her feel bad are responsible.
  5. He gets annoyed at everything and everyone: the stupid one annoys him, the smart one annoys him, the one who expresses his opinion, the one who does not express it, etc. etc. to infinity. The victim constantly finds something to be irritated about.

It's too convenient to pass up these convenient benefits, right?

Yes, however, the time has come to part with this cozy roller. I am perfectly aware of how difficult it is to "catch" yourself that you have stuck yourself in this role. Being a victim is the result of long work, carefully nurtured for years and become a pattern of behavior. Most people have probably put themselves in this position. And that's quite normal. Most people have had those periods where it's like wearing millstones around your neck.

You want to fly, but it doesn't work.

Something keeps pulling you down. It's nothing! And it is precisely the role of victim. One of the lowest frequency vibrations you can immerse yourself in. And the more you send signals of sacrifice to the universe, the more situations and people you attract into your life that keep you attached to that role.

But why?

Why choose the role of victim when you have a whole palette of roles to play. And why not try to "play" the role of yourself. YES! Play YOU! This role is the only one available. Give yourself a chance to make YOUR mistakes. To go YOUR way. To take responsibility. To defend yourself. Reclaiming the right to be the deciding factor in YOUR life. See also: A bedtime ritual for health and restful sleep

How to help yourself?

The moment you realize that you have something of the victim in you YOU ARE ALREADY HALFWAY in a positive direction. It's the hardest thing to admit to yourself, in front of you! To realize that this is part of the journey. Not to criticize yourself, but to take action.

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Here's what will help you?

  1. Stop complaining! Stop criticizing and blaming others!
  2. Don't put yourself behind others! No one is more important in your life. Don't give the lead role in the script of your life to someone else.
  3. Stop begging for pity! Know that this energy of regret that you feed on is anchored more and more in the position of victim.
  4. Start developing healthy confidence and self-esteem. This is how! Here's your practice. I have created a special meditation on this very topic that will help you immensely: https://milenagoleva.com/shop/meditaciya-za-uverenost-i-samouvazhenie/I have also created a special online video course that will help you develop healthy Confidence and Self-Esteem: https://milenagoleva.com/shop/online-video-kurs-uverenost-i-samouvazhenie/
  1. Give everyone the right to be who they are and to do as he saw fit.
  2. Don't point the arrows at you! Don't go from being a victim of external people and circumstances to being a victim of yourself. It happens often. You hate and turn against yourself. This, however, is the same position. You're a victim again, you just changed your address.

It's time to make sense of this setting and let it stay in your past.

Yes! Whatever happened is a part of the past. And you have the right to choose to move forward. In the new energy with new and bright attitudes. You are the creator of the reality you experience. Not an observer. You won't always succeed, but the road is ahead of you. Every mistake will be a step forward.

Take healthy responsibility for the things you do and the things you don't do in your life.

This is your life. The main role in your life IS YOURS!

Your life's role is to create YOU!

Life is beautiful... YOU ARE WONDERFUL!

Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here:   www.milenagoleva.com

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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