❤️ Love is all that matters!

Let people go through whatever they have to go through right now!

They are tired and want to rest. Exhausted from the struggle, from the pretense and the lies, from having to keep everything under control and hold everything together and hold everything high, great waves of energy are being released through their body right now.

Stay present with them.

Waves of sadness, hopelessness, fear, shame and guilt are rising now. Let the energies rise, let their whole body vibrate and shake and tremble if they must, let them moan, scream, roar, laugh, cry, piss if they must. Read also: You can only take as much as you give

Offer them only the greatest gift of all:

your fearless presence. Stay with them in every breath, every movement, every moment. Hold their hands, but don't try to fix them, change them, stop them from experiencing what they're feeling, or give them quick answers.

If you get uncomfortable or feel like rushing to "cure" them

or to "save" them, to "fix" them, or to prevent them from feeling what they feel, to do whatever is "good" for them, admit it - this is your need, your discomfort, your fear , not theirs.

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Don't treat them as a victim or as incompetent.

Don't confuse them with who you think they are. Honor the power that moves within them, validate their experience fully. Trust in the unpredictable intelligence of healing and know that their "symptoms" may worsen before they improve, the energy may intensify before it subsides.

What now looks like chaos and decay,

it may actually be the release and intelligent reorganization of the blocked system that is needed. See also: 6 super effective brain exercises used by Steve Jobs

Sometimes our hearts need to be broken to open wide,

so that they are able to hold more life, stronger love. Let your warm presence remind your friend of his own warm presence, so stable, so fearless, so free, so deeply rooted, grounded, here.

Know that as they really are, they cannot be broken

even by the most intense energies and cannot be fixed, and life never makes mistakes, even when it all looks like a mistake.

Love is all that matters.

The rain falls, the stars burst into the silence somewhere in the vastness of space, and here on this little planet called Earth, we sometimes meet and hold each other.
Author: Jeff Foster

Here you can take a look the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva: www.milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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