❤️ Ritual in 5 steps for programming a strong new beginning by Milena Goleva

Everyone has stages in their life where they feel the need to make a strong, real, different and new beginning.

How to make this new beginning effective?

I will give you a very valuable and powerful practice. It has been tested over the years and has the power to help you make a truly powerful new beginning in your life.

There are different times when we feel the need to lay solid new foundations. It could be the beginning of the calendar year, our birthday, the completion of some key life cycle, the beginning of a new life stage. The reasons may be different, but one thing unites them. The strong intention and determination to turn something around in ourselves. Habits, attitudes, behavior, character traits, etc.

Here's your programming ritual in 5 steps:

  1. Formulate 5 dreams or goals!

First of all, it is important to think about what exactly you want to happen in your life. What are those things you would like to see yourself in? This is a key and probably the most difficult stage of this practice. Don't underestimate him. I know from experience that this is extremely difficult for most people. Many people do not take steps forward in their lives just because they do not have dreams. They don't know what they want. It sounds strange, BUT really, most people don't know exactly what they want.

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They have no goals to pull them forward.

They have no vision for their life ahead in time. Right now is the time to truly and sincerely think. What exactly do you want for yourself? And when a person has things to drive him forward, they become that engine that every day makes him get out of bed with inspiration and motivates him to make plans, to see himself in a better environment than he is was until now.

Dreams lay the foundation of goals.

They are the foundation on which we subsequently begin to build our actions. Also consider: The universe always says YES to you

Formulate 5 wishes and goals! Yes! Only 5.

It is important that they are not more, because too many desires will only defocus and waste your attention. It's like starting to dig 20 wells at once. It is possible to progress, of course. But this progress would not be effective. In order to give real power and opportunity to your desire, it is very important to reduce them to 5. Let them be "insolently" big. But let there be 5.

  1. Take a red piece of paper!

It doesn't have to be a very large sheet. It can literally be the size of a business card. You can shape it into a heart shape. As long as you collect on it 5 of your sincere wishes that you want to fulfill. Read also: Thoughts become matter

Why is it very important that this sheet be exactly red?

The knowledge of the power of the red vibration is known to the people of the past. It is not by chance that in the East this bagra symbol of life is a sacred color. It is considered a bearer of magical powers. And in this color were decided the most sacred spaces, inhabited only by the imperial family. It is still used today as a symbol of determination for action and strength.

It is also associated with love and joy.

In many Asian countries, brides wear red as a symbol of strong beginnings, fertility and good luck. The color red has the longest vibrational length and for this reason red is the first color a baby sees. In Europe it is a symbol of aristocracy and prestige. The color is perceived as determination and an attitude of action. Or in other words, it is the color that activates us, strengthens our will and determination. And he will charge your 5 wishes with energy and power so that they have all the starting energy they need to be given a mighty start.

  1. Write your 5 wishes on the red sheet!

Think carefully and choose the right words with which to dress your wishes. so that these words affect you. To inspire you. To vibrate you. Do not rush. This is your ritual. Give yourself time. Think carefully. Every word should be in the right place. The written word has mighty power.

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  1. Place the red sheet on your bedside table or next to your pillow!

For 21 days, every night just before going to sleep, read the contents of the red sheet. Read them with an open heart. And feel them. Feel them, that they have already manifested in your life. After you read them, leave them next to or under your pillow all night. And so for 21 consecutive evenings. Write down somewhere exactly when you started, so you can be sure and calm that you won't miss anything.

Why before you sleep?

Because the last 5 minutes before you fall asleep are very important. This is actually the food you give your brain that it will process at night. This will be the fuel with which you will power it. Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian, with which you can sleep peacefully every night: www.milenagoleva.com

  1. Put the leaf away and forget about it!

When those 21 days are up (I'd like to point out that the thousands of people I've shared this powerful practice with have reported that the wishes on the list begin to come true even before all 21 days are up), put the red slip in a book in your library .

And then... forget about him!

Sometimes your strong desire for something rather pushes it away from you. Too much effort and effort often hinder you rather than help you. That's why, forget it! It doesn't do anything else. Just let go! Trust me! Forget it! Stop getting in the way with your continuous thoughts in this direction! ? 10 things that will instantly make you feel better

You will be surprised how it works, this simple at first glance, ritual.

This practice is very valuable. It will do real wonders for you. Use it! Tune in! Prepare yourself! Set aside a special time for your sacred ritual. Use this practice to program a new beginning whenever you are on the threshold of something new and important to you. I believe this article finds you at the right moment for you!

Nothing is accidental, right?

And make your new beginning great! See also: A bedtime ritual for health and restful sleep


Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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