❤️ Petar Danov: Herbs and treatment 313 recipes for 101 diseases

In this collection of recipes, you will find unique healing methods with herbs, water compresses, honey, vegetable and fruit decoctions, and more. All applied treatment methods are taken from the words of Teacher Petar Danov and are transmitted authentically. There is no more universal pharmacy than Nature - the main, inexhaustible source from which we draw energy, health and strength!

What is the cause of diseases?

The weakening of vital energy in man, whereby it becomes potential or passive. Therefore, the treatment of the patient has in mind the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. This is achieved through various herbs or actions! In May and June, on nice sunny days, collect herbs early in the morning. Dry them and then put them in glass jars. Clogged to stand a little longer in the sun. You will store them dry. Their curability is not always the same - it depends on the weather, the month, the day and the time when they are harvested. It is best to pick the herbs early in the morning, at sunrise. The day should not be foggy, there should not be a single cloud in the sky, if there is even a cloud, the medicine spoils.

He who does not know the herbs suffers. That is why we say that people suffer because of their ignorance.

A real doctor is only one who understands the cause of every disease and helps people. He is Nature's assistant and works according to her laws. In the treatment of the sick, there are three factors that take part in his recovery: Nature, the doctor and the patient himself. Nature gives man help 50%, the doctor 25% and the sick 25%. The patient has the last word. If he does not take part in his treatment, the efforts of Nature and the doctor will fail.

In order to be healthy, a person must rely on himself and on direct contact with Nature.

If in some respects Nature herself opposes you, she will also show you a way out of this situation. If he has created a certain disease for you, he will also show you the ways you can heal yourself. Not all painful conditions are diseases. For example, runny nose, fever are not diseases, but states for purification. Through these conditions, the body is cleansed of excess sediments and layers.

There are hidden powers in every person that need to be awakened.

If you awaken these forces, the condition of the patient improves naturally. When self-healing, a person gains confidence in himself, in his powers. You can heal yourself, but if from above, from the invisible world, light beings take part. Herbs are just a conduit. If you want to heal yourself in a natural way, use mainly the months of April and May, when nature is rich in vital energy. Finally, remember that healing does not consist in freeing people from their diseases, but in giving them ways, methods, to preserve their health.

Mind, body and ... HEALTH! How to heal with the power of the mind?

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RECIPES for specific diseases


Take a blossoming elder and make a bath with it, on the festering place.
For a purulent abscess, take honey and flour. They are mixed with water and the obtained is placed on the purulent place to suck out the pus.
Apply a piece of bread to the abscess and let it sit on the wound.
Corn flour is boiled with milk. The obtained is applied to the purulent place to suck it out;
To sunbathe every morning. Then cut 1 tomato, put it on the sore spot and bandage it.


Have the heavy drinker drink only 2-3 liters of water a day. In the treatment process, you should start with a small amount and gradually increase. The first day 1 glass of water, the second day – 2 glasses, the third day – 3 glasses, then 4, 5, 6, glasses until it reaches 15-20 glasses a day.


In case of anemia, it is recommended, at any time, to go out early in the morning before sunrise for half an hour, to perceive the early rays of the sun.
The anemic to grow red flowers in his home and observe them, to dress in red;
Drink one glass of red wine a day.
Eat red fruits: cherries, sour cherries, strawberries, raspberries, watermelons, etc.
Drink hot water in sips.
Wash your feet every night with warm water up to above the knees. Hold your legs for 4-5 minutes.
Walking in the mountains accompanied by deep breathing is recommended. To hold the air as much as possible.
To spend the summer in a tent on the ridge of Stara Planina.


Take a cleansing - castor oil, to clean the intestines well.
Do a complete fast for 4 days, without food and water. During the fast, you will lie on your back.
You will impose with warm compresses of warm bran or bricks, the place of the cecum. Even after fasting, continue to walk with a warm bandage on the abdomen.
On the first day after the fast, feed yourself with potato or spinach soup, but without the potatoes and spinach, only the broth and no bread. On the second day, you will eat potato soup again, but with the potatoes and again without bread. On the third day, you will already eat bread. You can also eat soft foods: okra, leeks, potatoes. You will gradually transition to regular food.
Apply a milk compress from buffalo or sheep's milk to the sore spot (the compress is prepared as for a sore throat).
Wash your feet with as hot water as you can tolerate. Wash the groin with warm water and then go to bed.
Do not eat meat for 1 month.


For those who suffer from Asthma, it is recommended to climb the peaks. This induces deep breathing.


For atherosclerosis, eat little, simple and clean food. Boiled wheat and boiled rice are recommended. Also drink plenty of hot water. Eat walnuts. For a while, go raw.
Take 3-4 cloves of garlic, crush them and mix them with wood oil, 1 tablespoon per day. You can also use garlic essence.
Every night, wash your feet with warm water.
No alcoholic beverages.
Peace of mind, no worries.


Against insomnia, eat garlic in small quantities.
Wash your body with lukewarm water. Then wipe it off, leaving it slightly damp.
Early bed.
Bed is not a place for dreams. By going to bed no daydreaming. The accounts must be clean there.


Douse the body with solar water for 1 month.
Bake in the sun for 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours, in the morning from 7:30 to 9:00. Keep your head in the shade.


For sick kidneys, eat beans. It is mandatory to discard the first water of the beans.


Ringing in the ears comes from blood circulation. Drink 6 glasses of hot water a day, 2 glasses in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening.
10 days in a row to drink 1 coffee cup of boiled small chamomile, in the morning. After that, rest for 10 days, do not drink and then drink again for 10 days. This should be done 3 times for 10 days, a total of 90 days.


Eat grapes, they help strengthen the lungs.
A person suffering from chest diseases should eat fried onions.
If you have weak breasts, undergo a grain regimen for 1-3 months. You should not eat any other food during this time. Chew wheat raw, well cleaned and washed. If 1 month seems like a lot to you, try it for 1 week. Soak 100 g of wheat with water in the evening. Divide it into three equal parts – chew the first in the morning, the second at noon and the third in the evening. You can drink as much water as you want.


Drinking very hot water.
Light, easily digestible food, preferably plant-based. Avoid acidic, salty and spicy foods. Put more emphasis on fruit: apples, pears, stewed plums, etc.


Wash the gums regularly with a decoction of chamomile.


Boil some small chamomile. Snort the decoction and wash the inside of the nose for 10 days, morning and night. Then 10 days of rest and another 10 days of washing. At the same time, chamomile should also be used internally - Drink it warm, every morning, 1 small cup, without sugar. This too for 10 days, then 10 days of rest and another 10 days of drinking.


Take raw potatoes and cut them into small slices. Put them on the temples and bandage them. Keep them for about 1 hour. Instead of potatoes, you can also use country kvass.
In the evening, when going to bed, cover the eyes with a warm compress.
To wash the eyes with chamomile decoction.
Boil dry dogwoods into a compote, without sugar, and drink from them while it's hot.
Cut vines and while the vine tears, collect the vine water and wash your eyes with it.


Squeeze juice from a roasted leek and while still warm, put a few drops in the ear.
Apply village kvass to the ear.
Bake the back for 1/2 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes in the sun. So make 40 sun baths.


For gastritis, first take a cleansing castor oil. Then you will drink warm water in small sips. Then you will drink a decoction of chamomile, 3 times a day, 1 cup of coffee, before meals, in the evening. It is good to drink wheat and corn water. Eat toast and plain potato soup, no spices.
Drink 1 teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.
Fresh cabbage juice.


When your head or eyes hurt, put freshly prepared warm kvass on your temples. First anoint the area with a little olive oil and then apply kvass. According to the degree of pain, you can keep it on your temples from 10 to 14 hours., and from 3 to 5 times a week.
Drink 3 cups of hot water in small sips. Then take a cleanser. After emptying your stomach, take a warm bath and go to bed. You will be standing in the bathroom for a while.
Take 1 handful of strawberry leaves, soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes. The patient should drink this water.


Eat for 10 days, only blueberries, nothing else.
Do in the morning, sunbathing on the stomach.
Take showers with solar water.


Boil some small chamomile. Wash the ears for 10 days, morning and evening. Then 10 days of rest and another 10 days of washing.
Bake the backbone in the sun.


Drink a decoction of the outer, red leaves of the onion. 1 cup of coffee in the morning, at noon and in the evening before going to bed.
Deep breathing 6 times in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
Walks and excursions on magnetic mountains, such as the Rhodopes for example.


Boil walnut leaves and drink the decoction. Young, spring walnut leaves are preferred.


For back pain, sunbathe. Go out in the sun for 2 hours, between 7 and 11 a.m. After 11 a.m., don't stay in the sun.


Milk compress. Boil 1 liter of milk and as soon as it is removed from the fire, squeeze 1 lemon into it, to cross. If you don't have lemons on hand, get vinegar. Then, while still hot, strain the milk through cheesecloth. Take the thick, truncated mass and apply it as it is wrapped in the gauze to the sore spot. Place a patch on top of the gauze, and a woolen cloth wrapped several times on top of it. All this is bandaged. Here, the most important thing is to put the patch and the woolen cloth so that no air gets under them. Thus, the curdled, hot milk will be preserved for a longer time. The compress is placed in the evening and left on the sore spot for 12 hours. You will do this 3-4 days in a row until the pain goes away.
Olive compress. The compress is made in the same way as the milk compress, only the olives are finely chopped in the cloth and then wrapped around the neck.
Take kvass and make tarhana out of it. Put plenty of black pepper inside. By eating the tarhana, the pepper will produce a great heat in the throat, as a result of which the pains will cease. You will eat the tarhana warm.


To eat boiled wheat, as if the wheat had been boiled for 1 hour. Chew slowly and well. When the wheat ripens, take 50g each. raw wheat per day.
To boil corn. Eat the grains and drink the juice.
To sunbathe.
Wash your feet with warm water every night.
No sugary foods, no fats. By eating not to overeat, you will leave the table slightly hungry.
To use 100-150 g of bread per day.
Eat more vegetables: spinach, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, etc. Don't eat beans. Emphasize sour fruits.
To use tarhana.
Reduce acids, such as vinegar for example, but lemons can be eaten.
Milk and milk products: cheese, yellow cheese, etc., should not be used. Maybe just a little bit of fresh milk. Don't eat too much salty food either
To make excursions in the fresh air, in nature.


Get yourself some clean ash from burnt squats. Then sift it finely. Take some ash on the tip of a knife and pour it into a glass of hot water. After it settles, drink the water in small sips.


Take garlic, crush it and mix it with pure crude wood oil. Take 1 spoon 3 times a day.
In summer, take baths with solar water.
The sick person should spend the autumn high up in the mountains.


Take a little wormwood flower with three fingers, put it in a pot of water and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Drink 1 cup without sugar every day for 10 days.


For eczema on the legs, boil water in a tin, put more leaves of tetra and boil for a longer time. When the water cools down, soak your feet inside the tin.
Put 1/4 of water in a pot to boil. Take it off the heat and then put 3 tetra leaves inside. Cover it and let it stew like that. Drink one cup of coffee in the morning, noon and evening.


For eczema on the hands, boil water in a larger pot, put 5-10 handfuls of tetra leaves inside and boil for a longer time. Put the water in a basin and soak your hand in it.
Eczema on the hands indicates that the blood is impure, so eat raw food. Raw food purifies the blood. Eat mostly apples, pears, tomatoes, peppers, etc. raw, not cooked. No bread.


Deep breathing.

In the evening before going to bed, wash and scrub the groin. This ablution should cover the entire area from the diaphragm to 25 cm above the knees. This washing should last for 4 months.
Washing feet with warm water before going to bed.
Eat plant-based food. Do not use arousing foods. Have dinner early, before sunset.
Eat 1-2 cloves of garlic every night.
Drink very hot water.
Every day walks in nature, in the fresh air
For a child suffering from epilepsy, rub his navel for 40 days, under the spoon at the solar node and a little above the navel. The rubbing should be done with wood oil.


For barley on the eye, a chamomile compress is recommended. Boil the chamomile, put it in a bag and put on the eye. On top, place a muslin, then a woolen cloth, as with a warming compress. All this is bandaged.


If you have jaundice, eat a lot of lemons, eat them with the peel, without sugar.
Vegetarian food, no fat.


For bile, drink turnip juice, 1 cup, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals. You can add a little sugar to the juice to taste.
Acidic foods, especially lemons, are useful for diseases of the bile. Avoid fatty, greasy foods. Eat food slowly at all.


Those who stutter like to speak quickly, so the following treatment methods are recommended:
The one who stutters, to take a deep breath, to take a deep breath before starting to speak.
When you speak, speak very slowly.
Every night, wash your feet with warm water, very slowly. Very slowly move your hands over your legs to learn slow movements.
When arranging some objects, for example on the table, or when arranging your bed or room, you should move the objects very slowly. To temper your will, make slow movements. If you harden your will to slow movement, it will harden to slow speech.
Take a deep breath and as you inhale say very slowly a word, for example "kindness". You will repeat this exercise several times a day. Another time on inhalation you will say the word "peace" and so on. When exhaling you will say 2 words, for example "kindness and peace" or "joy and light".


Rosehip tea with honey.
Eat lots of watermelons.
Eat bran bread - whole wheat without the bran.
To drink 1 glass with hot water, 1/2 hour before meals, morning, noon and evening.


For toothache, boil walnut leaves and gargle the gums with this water.


When burned, your first order of business is to slather yourself with yogurt.


Frostbitten hands and feet are treated with wood oil. The wood oil absorbs the heat in itself and thus frees the body from the excess energy that it has received through combustion.


If the infection is internal, not visible and the place swells, take 1l. milk and boil it. Then cross it with a lemon. Take the curdled milk as it cools down and make compresses from it, applying it to the sore spot.
For an external infection, for example on the finger, if it starts to pick, take a fig, chew it and wrap it nicely around your finger. Or boil a few figs in water, make a poultice from them and wrap the sore spot with it.
If the hand is infected due to a wound, make a linseed compress.


Take a cleanser – castor oil.
2. Every day, morning, noon and night, drink at least 3 glasses of hot water.
3. For food, eat only boiled potatoes or baked potatoes with a little salt. No bread, no sugar and no milk.


In hypochondria, eat a lot of wheat.


For sciatica, as well as for rheumatism, bee stings are recommended.


Decoction of willow leaves. Take 10 willow leaves and boil them in 1 liter of water. When the water boils, let the leaves boil for 10-15 minutes. Take 1 teacup of this water, morning, noon and night, or only morning and night. The water will last you 2 days, so after 2 days boil new water. After 10 days, you will take a break of 15-20 days and drink again for 10 days. This decoction helps to expel the sand and stones from the kidneys.
Hot cotton compresses.
Place a pinch of cod in a pot of boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes. Strain and drink as tea. Drink 2 times a day, 1 cup in the morning and in the evening.
Eat fruits and drink warm water.


The same procedures are performed as for stones and sand in the kidneys.


You take the dry husks of 10 onions and boil them in water, as if you were making tea. Strain the water through a fine strainer and put 1/2 kg in it. honey, 1-2 spoons of crushed mustard and 1-2 spoons of flaxseed. Take 1 spoon of this mixture 3 times a day: morning, noon and evening.
Take a pinch of reed and boil it for 15 minutes. Morning, noon and evening, drink one glass of the decoction. It is nutritious, and on the other hand, it also has a medicinal effect. At the same time, smear your throat with olive oil and take a little of it internally.
Blue gentian tea with honey or thyme tea, white and yellow yarrow, small chamomile and green strawberry leaves are also recommended against coughs.
For a strong cough, take and grate a black turnip. Then squeeze it well and you will drink one cup of coffee every night.
Here is an easy and effective recipe: take honey, black pepper, flaxseed and nutmeg. All this is crushed and mixed very well. Take one teaspoon every hour.
If you have a cough, prepare nutmeg, honey and black pepper. Melt the honey and grind the nutmeg and black pepper. Mix the three elements until you get a uniform majoona-like mass. Then put some of it in your mouth and suck it.
For whooping cough, brew horse chestnut leaves into a tea and drink the water.


For heartburn it is recommended: milk with coffee, cauliflower, boiled rice, without spices, boiled red onions, boiled leeks, boiled carrots, boiled beets and easily digestible foods. Also cooked okra, as a salad. Okra will be eaten by removing it from the water with lemon and wood oil.
Hot peppers, garlic and red onions are recommended.
Washing the feet every night up to the knees with warm water. Several times a week - washing the groin with warm water.


If you want to have a nice tan, eat peas.


First, take a cleanser.
Drink hot water in small sips or better with a teaspoon
Lubricate the buds with pure wood oil.
Wash your feet with warm water every night.
Switch exclusively to a dairy diet: fresh and yogurt.
You can also use the following diet: baked onions, boiled potatoes, potato soup.


For abdominal pain, drink 10 sips of hot water in the morning every 5 minutes for 35 minutes.
2. For stomach ache, drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil every morning. Chew food well.


If your hair is gray, eat spinach and nettle regularly and it will turn black in a year. The nettle should be used slightly scalded and sprinkled with olive oil and lemon. In winter, it can also be used dried.
For hair loss: Wash your hair with soap only once a month. Use soap that does not contain animal fats. During the rest of the time, wash it with water or huma. You're going to toast the huma well, pour a little vinegar over it, and brush it with a little vinegar. With this mess, you will wash your head several times and rinse it with plenty of water.
Hair should be washed with slightly warm water.
It is good to go out in rainy weather from March 22 to June 22, without a hat, so that you can receive from the energy of the water drops.
Turn your mind to the roots of your hair. Think how with each passing day they become stronger and stronger.
For hair loss, it is also recommended to wet the hair with lukewarm water 3 times a day.
When dripping, rub the hair with a decoction of burdock roots.


For anemia, eat a lot of pears, but the pears must be fresh. Chew them slowly.
Also for anemia, eat cucumbers. Anemia also occurs when the blood is not well oxidized, breathing is not correct, not enough air is taken in.
If you want to improve your blood circulation, eat a lot of cherries.


Wash your feet with warm water every night for better blood circulation.
Eat some food and drink some water. The water should be distilled, 300-400 g per day. Generally less liquids and liquid foods.
Switch to a completely vegetarian diet, and occasionally to a raw food diet.
Avoid acidic, spicy and salty foods. Food should be lightly salted.
Eat raw grated carrots with a little lemon and wood oil, boiled beets with lemon and wood oil, fresh nettles just scalded with lemon and wood oil. You will eat boiled wheat instead of bread for the duration of this regime.


To strengthen food, eat butter, eggs. More soups-liquid foods and hot water. Soups should be strong. Focus on the nettles.
Mix 200 g of fresh cow butter with 200 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon every morning. Or cocoa, 50 g butter and 50 g honey, for one dose. You will take this supplement for 12 days in a row, in May and September.


Take 1 handful of wool and burn it to ashes. Take from the ashes, on the tip of a spoon, and sprinkle the place of hemorrhage. For internal bleeding, the ashes are drunk.


For bleeding from the nose or from any other part of the body, take sulphurous, unwashed wool and burn it in a plate. Take some of the ash, on the tip of the knife, and put it in the mouth. Hold it there until it melts and disappears with your spit in your stomach. Do it 2 times a day, morning and evening, every day for 5 days until the bleeding stops. Stop it, don't take any more brushes. Ashes to be taken on an empty stomach.


Bake in the morning until 11 a.m. in the sun, mainly the spine.


Children are most often affected by meningitis. To do this, shave the child's head, prepare fresh warm kvass and place it on his temples. By putting warm kvass on the child's head several times in a row, it will heal.


Apply to the affected area with roasted onions and a little oil or crushed onions and salt. Onion relieves pain and removes fever.
Dip a piece of cotton in hot water and put it on the affected area for about 2 minutes. Then dip it again and so on 10 times until the pain goes away. You can also impose the place with country kvass.


Take hot oak ash and wet it with a little water until it becomes a thin mud. Put the resulting mixture in a towel and apply it to the area of the face where you feel pain. Keep the compress like this for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the compress and apply pure wood oil to the area. Then take the wax (what remains after extracting the honey and removing the wax). Warm the wax, put it in a towel and apply it to the area. The wax must be fresh. Then coat the area again with wood oil.
Every morning, beat 1 fresh egg with the yolk and white, add a little sugar and drink it.
Eat lots of apples and pears.
Wash your feet from the knees down every night with warm water before going to bed. Gently rub each toe individually. The whole procedure should last about 5 minutes. After washing your feet, put on warm socks.
Wash the area from the diaphragm to the place that is 25 cm above the knees. This place is washed with a sponge and warm water.
For 10 days, wash your groin, then 5 days of rest, then another 10 days of washing. During this time, wash your feet every night without interruption.
Every morning, for 40 days, drink 1 glass, 150 g, of cold water in sips. By swallowing 1 sip of water, you will retain it in your mouth. You will move it all over your mouth and then swallow it. The water must be fresh.

Make a cotton compress with hot water.

Take a basin of hot water and a thick layer of cotton. With a jug, pour the hot water over the cotton and while it is still hot, without squeezing it, place it on the sore spot. If the cotton is very hot, wait a few seconds until the person can tolerate it. Gauze is placed on top of the cotton, and a thick woolen cloth is placed on top. This compress is kept for 3-4 minutes, then take it off, squeeze the water out of the cotton and soak it again with hot water and apply it. You will do the compress every night, 6 times. Every night you will take a new, clean cotton.
After the compresses are finished, the sore spot is smeared with wood oil and wrapped well with a woolen cloth to keep warm.
Drink hot water. Every 1 minute you will take 1 spoonful of hot water, a total of 1/2 hour or 30 spoons. To be done for 1 week, in the evening before going to bed.


Put some gold object in clean water, in a ratio of 1:10 - 1g. gold in 10 g of water, for 48 hours to stay in the sun. The microscopic particles of gold will dissolve in the water and it will become healing. Drink 10 drops of it once a day. Gold will regulate your nervous system.
For all nervous diseases, eat a lot of apples, pears, walnuts.
The neurasthenic must eat 3 meatballs made from leeks - morning, noon and night, for 10 days. The recipe consists of: leeks, some flour or breadcrumbs, butter and eggs.
In neurasthenia it is very good to undergo a pea diet.
At night before sleep, eat an onion to tone the nervous system.
Cucumber also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system; but it should be eaten in the morning and at noon. In the evening after sunset, not to eat.

Morning, noon and evening 2 cups of hot water in sips

Okra and grated turnip with a little lemon and olive oil is recommended for lunch.
Corn water - 1 kg. corn to boil in 1.75 liters of water until 1 liter of water remains. To drink 3 times a day, morning, noon and evening. You will boil the corn water day by day.
If something bothers you, if you feel nervous, irritable, boil rice water. 3 tablespoons 3 times a day for 1 week. The second week, take 1 kg. peas, boil it well into soup and take 10 tablespoons 2 times a day, at lunch and in the evening. The third week you will take and knead your own bread. All week you will eat bread that you have kneaded yourself.
For neurasthenia and all nervous diseases I recommend April, May and June, walks in the mountains. You will walk in the morning while the sun is not yet up, and shortly after it rises, you will walk from east to west, so that the sun burns your back.
To calm the nervous system, grow blue flowers.


He who is indisposed should smell a rose. To rub rose petals on his nose, ears, mouth and hands.
You have some malaise of the spirit - grow carnations by smelling them often. Also grow geraniums for the same purpose.


To get rid of restlessness go for a walk in the forest among the trees. Choose a tree and lean back against it. Stay like this for 5-30 minutes at your discretion. Your head should be slightly tilted.


Bake the spine in the sun, early in the morning
Make warm compresses on the abdomen.
To rub the back and especially the spine.


If you are physically or mentally fallen, the cure for it lies in the oak tree. Go to an old oak tree that is not rotten and rest your back against it. This way you will stand for 5-10-15 minutes or half an hour at the most. The oak will take away some of your disharmonious energies and you will recover and leave healthy.


There is no better remedy for chapped skin than olive oil. Once your skin is flaky, rub some olive oil on it.


In some cases, if a person is intoxicated, it is recommended to smoke cigarettes and swallow the smoke as a remedy.


For the eyes, eat lentils.
If you want to enhance your eyesight, go outside after midnight from 12 to 1 a.m. when the sky is starry, to observe the stars. And the same goes out during a storm to watch the lightning.
Another method to enhance your eyesight is to cut onions.
If your eyes get red often, eat 100 grams of raw wheat every day for 10 days. Here too, cutting onions is recommended.
Use another method to strengthen vision - the method of concentration in a point. Start with 1 min and gradually increase. While doing the exercise, your mind should be focused.
Exercise your eyes to direct more blood to them: Lift your eyes up to the sky, then down to the ground, then to the right and finally to the left. You will perform this exercise without moving your head, only with your eyes. In general, the rule is: when you want to see something, don't turn your head to one side or the other, but move your eyes.
For good vision you should consume: for children and adolescents 700-800g. pure oil per month, for adults 400-500g. The oil should be fresh and kept in a dry and dark place.
If your eyes are weak, look at yellow flowers.


Rub the spine with wood oil from top to bottom.
Do breathing exercises. Deep breathing in the morning, noon and evening for 7 breaths each. Hold the air as much as you can.
Every morning at sunrise, sunbathe your spine. When baking. the spine, the head should be in the shade. Start at 1/2 hour and gradually increase to 1 and 1/2 hour. The most beneficial time is around 7 am.
Go vegetarian.
In the evening, wash your feet with warm water.
Living water
Three times a week, wash your groin with warm water.


Gargle your mouth with wine.
Eat fresh and sour cheese.


Apply milk compresses and deep breathing.
In the case of adhesions, rural kvass with honey and populated nishadhar is recommended. Apply the decoction to the site of adhesion.


For pneumonia, use milk compresses. 2. Do cupping.


In the evening before going to bed, eat one onion, without processing or spices.


With a cold, the first measure is to take a purgative, to clear your stomach and intestines of all unnecessary substances. Refrain from eating for one or two days, eat two pans of potato soup. Also drink 2 cups of spinach juice with salt and 3-4 cups of hot water.
If one of you is cold, let him climb a mountain two or three times, and sweat well. Then drink 2-3 glasses of hot water and change clothes.
If you have a severe cold, take an apple and peel it. Chew its bark for a long time and then spit it out. Then brew blue gentian, wormwood flowers, and sedum and drink 1 cup of coffee a day.
Rub your back to improve blood circulation, expand capillaries.
Mustard seed has the property of pulling the cold out of the body.
In case of a severe cold, first take a cleansing agent - castor oil. Then drink several glasses of hot water until you sweat a few times. Eat warm food and stay wrapped up well, warm.


A decoction of oak bark is prepared. The oak barks are put to boil until the water turns brown-red. The oak bark should be of the "White Mishle" type in the case of the oak. Take thick socks, soak them in the potion, put them on while they are wet and bandage them tightly.
For varicose veins, the patient should use lemons. To eat 1 lemon a day.
Do gymnastic exercises and massages every morning.
And also do sunbathing and deep breathing exercises every morning.
Every evening washing the feet with warm water, and every other evening, washing the groin.


When people's feelings become opposed to the mind, come into conflict, when thoughts become selfish, cancer is formed - the cell becomes individualized, does not obey the general law of the organism, wants to lead an independent life - these are cancerous formations. First you need to bring harmony between your thoughts and feelings. Because your feelings are suppressed, you will release them first. You will love people. You will trust them, you will visit the sick, you will love other people's children as your own.
You will be exposed to the sun, you will sunbathe in the morning until 11 o'clock in the afternoon. Drink only hot water and solar water, i.e. water heated in the sun.
Don't eat meat. You will eat roasted or raw onions every day morning, noon and night. Raw onions also protect against cancer.
Roots of cornflower are taken, stuck in a slightly hollowed apple and baked together in the oven. After that, the roots are removed from the apple, boiled and this decoction is drunk 3 times a day.
Breathe deeply.
Violet color has a healing effect on cancer. Therefore, one should have violet flowers and objects in one's room. For example, put on purple curtains, wear a purple scarf, purple ornaments, etc.


Mix flour, olive oil and egg yolk. Knead them into a ball and apply to the wound.


Carefully take 3-4 bees and let them sting you in the place where the rheumatism is. Do this method for 10 days and your rheumatism will disappear thanks to the properties of the acid that the bee secretes.
Take 7 red onions, cut them and chop them finely. Put 25 g of salt in them. Put the onion on the soles of your feet and keep it like that for 10-12 hours while you sleep. You may feel a slight itch during this time, which shouldn't bother you. Already after 3-4 attempts, you will feel an improvement in your legs.
If the rheumatism is in the knee, you will apply a bunch of nettles to the place every morning. You will perform this procedure between 4-10 times a day.
Apply hot cotton compresses to the sore spot.
On a nice, hot sunny day, you'll put a watermelon in the sun to bake and then eat it.


Drink 4-5 glasses of hot water at a time to reduce the temperature.
The patient should not eat bread, milk, etc. To pass only on boiled potatoes.


Sunbathe until noon, until 11 a.m. Keep your head in the shade while you sunbathe. You will start with 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the time you spend in the sun.


When you have tonsil pain, take hot garlic. This is a good way to treat the tonsils and good throat disinfection.
In case of inflammation of the tonsils, it is applied externally with a compress made of village yeast.
Boil 3 leaves of tetra in 1/4 liter of boiling water. You will drink 1 coffee cup of the water 3 times a day - morning, noon and evening.
In case of purulent tonsils, in addition to the tetra, gargle the throat with a decoction of chamomile.


Smear the sore spot with roasted onions and a little oil. Onion relieves pain and removes fever.


Morning, noon and evening, 1 hour before eating, to take wood oil, 1 coffee cup each, so that it can expand and soften the opening of the pylorus.


If you have a stomach ache, make a tea of white or yellow yarrow with honey. Drink it three times a day hot.
When a person wants to improve the condition of his stomach, he should eat garlic.
If your stomach is upset, boil a turnip and drink its juice. 3 tablespoons each, morning, noon and evening, for 10 days.
Dogwoods also help with an upset stomach - boil them or eat them fresh.
For an upset stomach, eat oranges.
For a tight stomach, use the following method: For 40 days, every morning before breakfast, you will drink a glass of cold water in sips. You will drink slowly, concentratedly, calmly, without rushing. With this method, you will get results if you don't interrupt it. If you are persistent, after 40 days your stomach will adjust.
For gastrointestinal disturbances, drink fresh cabbage juice.
Sugar beet is an excellent food and medicine for the entire digestive system.
Blueberries are also very good for the stomach. They regulate his energies.
For a weak stomach, eat mulberries. Drink 1 glass of homemade wine a day.
Cherries have a laxative effect on the stomach when eaten on an empty stomach.
Drink a decoction of small chamomile. Instead of chamomile, you can take wormwood - 1 cup each
cup in the morning in small sips.
For very strong stomach pains, take a purgative first, then do it yourself
milk compress. Drink a decoction of yarrow and very hot water.
If your stomach is weak, eat toast by soaking it in water before eating.


If you are afraid of neurosis, grow yellow flowers in your home. Grow them and contemplate them.
Deep breathing is recommended. With deep breathing, the capillaries expand, which shrink with fear.


To bake in the sun, mainly in the morning until 11 a.m., in the afternoon from 5 p.m. until sunset.
To rub the back with wood oil. The rubs should go from top to bottom. The sore spot on the spine should be smeared with a wooden spot and kept like that.


One of the causes of palpitations is in the diaphragm, which has risen too high and is pressing on the heart. Deep breathing is recommended here, holding the air as long as you can. Slow inhale, hold, slow exhale. Through deep breathing, the lung expands and pushes the diaphragm down, thus freeing the heart. You can practice deep breathing by sitting Turkish on the ground. In a crisis, it is enough to take 5-6 deep breaths and the palpitation passes.
Drink warm water.
Washing the feet with warm water up to the knees, every night before going to bed. Washing the groin with warm water, every other evening.
Short sunbathing, covering the heart area.


With a fever, you will drink hot water until you sweat several times, changing after each sweat.
Boil some large -100 gram potatoes, but with the skins, and eat them, chewing them well.


For tapeworms in the stomach, fry and roast pumpkin seeds and eat them. Thus, the head of the tapeworm detaches from the walls of the intestine. Then you take a cleanser and throw it away.


For fever, drink 100g. Wormwood morning, noon and night. A link-reaction is created between the fever and the wormwood, and as soon as they connect with each other, a person is healed.
Drink 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, cups of hot water or tea until you develop a sweating reaction. Then change your clothes and have a few drinks again. Take some wood oil, anoint your feet and hands, and lie down.
Eat hot peppers
Coffee stimulates the body in case of fever.


Go out every day in the mountains, at an altitude of at least 1500 meters. After three months you will have 75% improvement, after 1 year 85%, and after 2-3 years you will be perfectly healthy. You will go to the mountains well dressed both winter and summer, you will necessarily carry a kettle with hot water, from which you will sip from time to time.
A person suffering from tuberculosis must eat yogurt for at least 3 years three times a day, but 100 g at each meal.
Eat sour apple skins. You will chew the peels slowly and after squeezing all the juice out of them, you will spit them out.
Eat sweet, red onions, at least one head a day. When you eat it, chew it well.
To wash the groin every night with warm water, in which you will put a little salt
Use 1-2 lemons per day
Switch to a completely vegetarian diet.
In the month of May, collect 100 tops of small pine trees, put them in water to boil for 1-2 hours until they soften. Then put 1 kg. sugar and let it boil a little longer until the sugar melts and the pine needle resin comes out in the water. You will eat 1 tablespoon of this resin in the morning, at noon and in the evening, before meals, together with the pine tips.
Eat raw garlic.
Drink wheat and corn water. After boiling wheat or corn, drink their water. You will cook them for about 1 hour.
Every morning and evening, before going to bed, take 1 spoonful of pure wood oil.


The reason for the dedication is due to the strong gaze of a certain person, whose power in turn is due to the accumulated electricity that comes out through his eyes. If you cannot assimilate it, this electricity directed at you can produce a certain disharmony that will affect the state of your organism. Find a person who is a good conductor of this electricity, whose organism can withstand the influences emitted by the patient. Take a healthy egg and have the person across from you tap the egg on your forehead and you'll feel good in no time. The egg heals by absorbing the excess energy that has accumulated in the person's body, and thus frees him from his painful condition.


When bitten by a mosquito, spit on your finger and apply the saliva to the bitten area.


If you become physically unwell, drink the juice of 2-3 lemons with sugar. Then squeeze and drink the juice of 2-3 oranges.


Hemorrhoids increase in May, so before the month of May comes, you will be drinking a decoction of fennel. 1/2 teacup, 3 times a day. They may also be stronger during the other months of the year, then you will still be drinking a potion of fennel.
When hemorrhoids also appear with external breasts, apply roasted leeks to the area. Bake the leek in the oven. By applying it, the place should be bandaged. You will put it on in the evening.
With each bowel movement, wash the area with lukewarm water.


In the morning, heat some water, put salt in it and take a few sniffs of the salt water. After 2-3 days, your runny nose will go away. Salt water prevents the growth of germs that cause runny noses.
Drink 2-3 cups of hot water to sweat and then change your clothes.
One cup of coffee a day.
Eat raw leeks, with the most vitamin-rich parts being the outer green leaves.


If you have hiccups, drink 1-2 cups of hot water and breathe deeply.


Take flaxseed and boil it with milk and sugar. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore spot.
You can also impose yourself with the following recipe: okra boiled with milk and sugar.


If you have a disturbed liver, you will eat 2 lemons a day and drink a liter and a half of hot water morning, noon and night.
For an upset liver, it is recommended to surround yourself with green flowers
Eat more cheese, but it should be sour, not salty.
If the liver is enlarged, drink chicory decoction. Take the whole plant: root, stem, leaves.


Take a cleanser.
Drink hot water 3 times a day for 3 glasses. Stay warm.
Your food should consist only of boiled potatoes with a little salt and sometimes potato soup.


You will drink one cup of olive oil each day.
You take 150 g of pure olive oil and mix it with finely crushed garlic so that a thick paste is obtained. Take one teaspoon three times a day.
Fast once a week. One day of the week without food, and on that day take one coffee cup of olive oil.
In the summer, you will bake, you will expose your belly to the sun
Fresh cabbage juice, 1 cup daily
Take the flowers of St. John's wort and put them in wood oil, let them stand in the sun for 40 days. Then take 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, morning and evening before meals.
Do not eat sour, hot, salty, and also beans, lentils, peas.
Put 3 sumac leaves in 1/4 boiling water and immediately remove it from the stove. Cover the pot to steam and let it cool. You will drink this water 3 times a day, 1 coffee cup, 1/2 hour before meals. You can do the same with tetra, the leaves of tetra are used. It is best to harvest tetras while they are in bloom.

You can also use the following method:
On the first day, in the morning, drink several glasses of hot water to flush the stomach and intestines. Then 1 cup of wood oil before going to bed. 1-2 hours after the wood oil take wheat water.
The second day, the same about the hot water and wood oil, but instead of wheat water, take oatmeal.
On the third day, the same as on the second, but instead of oatmeal, take potato soup.
On the fourth day, as on the third, but instead of potato soup, take fig soup, but without the hard parts.
On the fifth day, you repeat the first, and so on, for 10 days. After 10 days, you stop the wood oil and the patient is given tea with breadcrumbs and cow butter.


Preparation of Tarkhana


1/2 liter water, 10 chili peppers, 1 medium large plate of sliced red capia, 1 piece
(15/15) pumpkin, 2 apples, 2 medium-sized carrots, 1 kg. chopped and squeezed tomatoes.


All the products, except the tomatoes, are put in a pressure cooker and boiled for 10 min. If there is any water left after boiling, it is discarded.
Tomatoes, kvass and spices are added to the cooked products: 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ginger, 3 ground cloves, 1 teaspoon of fennel. All this is mixed with white flour and made into a stiff dough. The latter is placed in a large vessel (pan or pot), sprinkled with flour on top and left to rise at room temperature.
Between 3-7 days in a row, the dough is kneaded until it stops rising. It is then cut into pieces and left to dry on a cloth. Semi-dried, the morsels are crushed by hand to form large granules, which are left to dry for 4 hours, after which they are crushed again. Finally, the finished product is allowed to dry completely so that it does not mold.
The tarhana is pre-soaked for several hours. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until a thin slurry is obtained. It is eaten with cheese, cow's butter and pieces of bread.
Dose for one person:
2 tablespoons of tarhana, to a tea cup of water.

Preparation of kvass:

1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar are added to 250 g of bosa. The mixture is stirred and allowed to ferment for 2-3 days. Then add 3 tablespoons of flour. It is mixed until a thick slurry is obtained, which remains until it has fully risen.

Source: spiralata.net

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

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