❤️ Mind, body and ... HEALTH! How to heal with the power of the mind? By Milena Goleva

Mind, body and health! What is the relationship between them and

HOW to initiate and enhance the healing process in the body with the power of the mind?

If you increasingly realize that you have the power to create your reality, to materialize a parking space, to attract a soul mate into your life, to become a better version of yourself, etc., etc. why then do you somehow separate your physical body from your ability to you create matter.

Thoughts are a phenomenally powerful tool.

Thoughts create reality. And that body and health are also a project of thoughts, beliefs and the emotions.
Most people associate health and a healthy body with what you eat. But they miss an important aspect. What is it that you feed your mind. What you think, say, feel and believe. Because you eat 3-5 times a day.

But your body and cells are influenced by your thoughts,

feelings and deep inner convictions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. And this cannot be excluded from the contact. Just as food can be poisonous to your body, so your negative thoughts can be toxic to your cells. Think now that there is in front of you the most useful food, a fresh and healthy salad or a dish that is healthy and tasty for you. You sit down to eat, but you are angry, angry, offended, angry or just sour.

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What food will you actually consume?

And wouldn't even the most delicious and healthy salad turn into poison because of the emotional state you're in?
We often say to ourselves the line "Health is in the head", but are we deeply aware of this responsibility. Read also: A person chooses his own wealth, health and happiness

We've all heard of miracle men,

who were cured of incurable diseases and lived happily ever after.
Your mind has the mighty power to heal, but unfortunately the opposite is also true.
Self-healing is actually the mind-body connection and the way you think the emotions and deep inner convictions

change the biochemistry in our body.

When we feel bad, when for a long time, we allow ourselves to be subjected to stress without neutralizing it with rest and a good way of eating, movement and thinking. when we are in a state of burnout or depression, when we experience, insult, fears, sadness and remain under the influence of these emotional states for a longer time, then our body reacts on a physical level.

What you give off is what you will receive.

Or to put it in the language of the universe. You cannot constantly think, speak, vibrate in sickness and expect to receive health. If you want health, you must find a way to tune into the frequencies of health.

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If you want health, think about health,

talk about health, look for a sense of health in your cells. And what you radiate, you will attract more of it.
When a mass was found in my body years ago, the doctor told me that I needed to have surgery right away. I asked for a month to do the best I could. See more: Madeleine Algaffari: A Handbook of Self-Illness Advice

when I returned a month later for a photo, there was no sign of the entity.

Then I discovered the meditation, which I later recorded with the great kavala master Theodosius Spasov, so that anyone who needs it can have it available at any time. Then I devoted a month only to myself. Of your thoughts and emotions. I stopped watching TV, exposing myself voluntarily to negative information, dealing with others, insulting myself.

I stopped talking about the disease.

I started looking for health thoughts. In other words, I started a very useful path inward to me. Because I realized that the physical manifestation of the disease starts somewhere in my thoughts and settings or it starts with a disharmony within us.

We have achieved very deep transformations with this one meditation. We have cured many "incurable" diseases, we have avoided many operations.
People who were predicted to live for 3 months, to be alive and well to this day, tumors, cysts melted, insulin-dependent diabetes cured, saved from operations and many, many others.

When the disease appears, it does not come to punish us and break us.

She initially comes in a mild form to warn us. It's like the light on a car that comes on when it's low on fuel. There is still fuel, but it is running low. What is the disease? She he comes to warn us, that the body's energy fuel is starting to run out and it's time to restore our energy balance, release the accumulated stress and work on the emotions, which we allow in ourselves.

I believe that the people of the future will heal themselves with the power of thought alone.

And when they go to a specialist, he will first inquire about their emotional state and then prescribe meditation according to the emotional blockages that need to be overcome. Because health begins in thoughts and the emotions. I have created a phenomenal healing meditation, but many people start directly with it. A deep emotional cleansing is needed first. That is why in the lines below I will make you an example program for treatment with meditation.

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On first place,

above all else, it is important that treatment begins with Forgiveness, to self and others. The inability to "let go" of the past, to let the pain go, to forgive and move on is the main reason for the manifestation of the disease. I have created a special meditation that cleans the emotional and mental garbage from us.

In second place(for the girls)

is the process of building the a healthy relationship with ourselves. When we fall in love, we will want to take care of ourselves, a little each day, and we will refuse to be a carrier of disease.

And only then healing meditation comes

which helps us to adjustable to health frequency. And it leads us to the healing vibrations of light and Love to infuse into the cells of our body.

Or even more specifically. Program:

  1. 10 consecutive days - Meditation: Clearing negative experiences and Forgiveness. Here is a link: https://milenagoleva.com/izchistvane-na-negativni-prezhivyavaniya-i-proshka/
  2. 10 consecutive days - meditation: I love and like myself. Here is a link: https://milenagoleva.com/obicham-i-haresvam-sebe-si/
  3. Then Forgiveness, I love and like myself and Heal your body begin to alternate. Here is a link: https://milenagoleva.com/izlekuvay-svoeto-tyalo/
  4. And in the morning or during the day, the short versions of Heal Your Body are used

Accept illness as an opportunity for transformation,

as it really is. She is a strong motivator for realizing the immense power that lies within you. To be the author of your life. It all starts from the inside out. Healing begins within you! You have all the power to start changing your health. And I took care to create practices, which will make this path more possible and accessible.


Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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