❤️ 10 things that rob life force

In Eastern medicine, great attention is paid not only to the physical, but also to spiritual health. It is precisely this that is the root cause of good health and, accordingly, of many diseases that are practically incurable. And a person lives with them, and they exhaust him further and literally drink his life force... until he decides to free himself from them.

Check out 10 things that steal the most energy from you. And try to revise and change them.

1. The unfinished business

Every time you start something but don't see it through, in addition to possibly incurring material losses, you're also using up a lot of your mental resources. In your mind, like a computer, there remains an unfinished process that imperceptibly draws resources from the system, and in this case - your attention and strength.
This includes - unfulfilled promises, debts, started and unfinished activities, taking on over-commitments that are beyond your power.

2. The lie

When you lie to others (and also to yourself), you spend a lot of energy maintaining false images. In addition, the energy flow between the throat chakra and the heart chakra. That is why we say to someone who lies: "Don't twist your soul!". Lying really distorts her.
Therefore, in addition to lying in its pure form, try to eradicate from your behavior and life hypocrisy, self-deception, the attempt to present yourself as something other than what you are...

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3. The insult and all forms of self-isolation

Man is an open energy system. And if isolated, it weakens. Look at what happens, for example, to a city or a country that is in economic and informational isolation... The same thing happens to a person - his physical and mental reserves decrease and he becomes weak and vulnerable. Read more: Give the hater indifference! Leave him hungry!
When does this happen? When, for example, you break family ties, break away from your origin and lineage, neglect your native land, hold grudges and do not maintain any social and public contacts. When a person does not participate in any community or group of people, when he loses touch with his culture, he also loses his energy and becomes weak.

4. Fear, mistrust and unnecessary hostility

These feelings cause the same as the offense. In addition to the enormous expenditure of vital energy, the whole organism is constantly in "war" mode, ready to fight or flee. And this is extremely exhausting.

5. Physical, emotional or information overload or insufficient physical activity and contact with nature

When a person overburdens himself with work or emotions, also loses its strength and energy very quickly. The brain uses enormous resources to process information overload, and wasted feelings lead to a waste of adrenal hormones, which leads to kidney disease.

6. Improper and insufficient sleep

If you sleep at the wrong time and if you do not get enough sleep regularly, the body cannot fully recover, toxins accumulate, biorhythms get confused, and the brain is overloaded with undigested information. A technique for restful and restorative sleep

7. Overeating and intoxication with alcohol and drugs

Being a perfect system, the human organism always strives to restore and purify from the unnecessary, therefore the abuse of food and narcotics causes it to expend additional energy and resources for the disposal and removal of toxins. The nervous system, kidneys and intestines are overloaded. How to eat and achieve the ideal weight and body?

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8. The unnecessary conversations and internal dialogues, the pettiness

Even if it seems insignificant at first glance, in practice, colossal amounts of energy are spent on this, most often in vain. This is felt most palpably after practicing silence.

9. Diseases, bad environment and surroundings

This includes unpleasant and harmful people in your environment, geopathogenic zones, industrial pollution, untreated trauma and other impairments. Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

10. Sexual excesses 

It is the most powerful channel for dissipating energy. The low culture in relation to sex and the misunderstanding of the essence of the processes connected with it (indiscriminate relationships and frequent self-gratification) lead to the fact that a person uses up his most powerful reserves - sexual, and a colossal amount of energy is lost to restore them. So be careful with this valuable resource!

Source: Gnezdoto

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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