❤️ Онлайн семинар с Милена Голева Науката за Вибрациите - Алхимия на Манифестирането

Начало на 08.05.2024, 15.05, 22.05 и 29.05.2024

Online Seminar with Milena Goleva

BGN 00
For the entire series of 4 live online seminars
  • Four live workshops
  • Answers to the questions that concern you
  • And if you miss a session, the recording will be available until the next session
  • On any device with internet
  • Access - from my profile on the site
  • 8.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 15.05.2024 сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 22.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 29.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
Нови дати

Workshop reviews:

Aneta Efremova
Aneta Efremova
Verified ownerVerified owner

The most magical seminar! Thank you for the answers I received without asking a question! Thank you for the opportunity to upgrade my knowledge! Huge thanks Milenka for the care and love! It is getting more and more wonderful!❤️❤️❤️

2 weeks ago
Albena Koleva
Albena Koleva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Seminars are the conscious creation of our reality! With every question asked, you get so many answers, even when the topic is far from yours! It's amazing how everything comes at the right time, even if you weren't consciously looking for it! Our time is magical and honey! We are lucky that Milenka leads our huge family! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

2 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

From the very beginning until now, I have been involved in Milenka's seminars. They are exceptional, unique, educational, always on time. You take away something valuable from each seminar, and with each subsequent one you upgrade. Online seminars change you, give you wings to fly! Thank you, Milenka!❤️❤️❤️

2 months ago
Magdalena Grigorova
Magdalena Grigorova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Amazing adventure every time, I always get the answer to my question no matter who you talk to Milenka. Every time I am amazed how quickly and precisely you get to the heart of the case, even when the question is not exactly asked. Magical meetings, magical Milena and magical people. With every meeting I am convinced that only a great and wise teacher like Milena can have such good students. And so the world becomes more and more beautiful and better 💕💕💕

2 months ago
Christina Vasileva
Christina Vasileva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Unique medenaris😍Heartful thanks🙌🙏Thank you for pushing us and letting us go through everything with ease and joy💛

2 months ago
Yordanka Angelova
Yordanka Angelova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Hello Milenka, hello our sorceress! 
Thank you for the wonderful seminar, for the topic of relationships, which provokes questions in me and I find the answers to them!
Thanks for the unique mantra for this period, and really, as soon as I saw it, I gave myself the answer to the question that excites me! 
Thank you Thank you Thank you for the privilege of being a part of our spiritual family! 🙏
Thank you for being with me! ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks to the most wonderful team! 🙏❤️❤️

2 months ago

Silvia: Milenka, I love you so much!! I love all of us glowing people!! It was an amazing workshop
Every time it's more exciting and more touching!! I can't find the words to describe the feeling!! What words they just don't exist!! They are not enough to touch you to the feeling
It has to be experienced

2 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

A wonderful synchronicity happens at the seminars. You tune in and hear answers to the questions that are running through your head. You learn, you supplement, you expand. Thanks! 💓💓💓💓💓

2 months ago
Maria Kircheva
Maria Kircheva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Ah, these seminars, every time I look forward to them, every time I find an answer to everything that is my topic, every time it is charging, every time it is MAGIC.

2 months ago
Daniela Krasteva
Daniela Krasteva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you, sunny girl! Each of your seminars shines with lights in the dark tunnels of consciousness. Thanks for those lights! Thanks!

2 months ago
Galina Todorova
Galina Todorova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you my magical fairy. I look forward to our meetings. You are part of my family and my everyday life. I go to bed and wake up with meditation, I love positive affirmations, I watch the seminar several times, you always give me answers to the questions that concern me. I close my eyes and find you when I need you. Thank you for having you in my life. Thanks! I love you, I love us! ❤️🌟🦋

3 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Dear Milenka, THANK YOU for your love and support, for the energy with which you infect me, for the flame and thirst for inspiration that you kindle in my heart every time we meet. And it is a living room. I listen to you on my way to work and everywhere I travel and my day always starts and ends beautifully. You are my guide, sweet girl! I wish you endless love, happiness and health for you and your loved ones! And I hope my appreciation and love reaches you! Thank you for the workshops, the rituals, the videos, the yoga classes and of course the magical bedtime stories (your/our meditations). Thank you for your tireless work and faith in us and in goodness! Because I am living the life of my dreams and I already know it! A bow and an endless THANK YOU for having you, for having you by my side!

3 months ago
Kamelia Kirilova
Kamelia Kirilova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you for meeting me Milenka, thank you for meeting you. Thank you for teaching me to see and live life with ease. I believe that it will get better and better for me, for us. Magical, frank and impactful seminars. Bow.

3 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

The seminars with you, Milenka, are a unique, magical, honey journey!
Thank you, Milenka, for the knowledge you share with us! Thank you, for the energy, for the high vibrations you give us! Thank you, for the light with which you illuminate my path! Thank you for the invaluable lessons, at every seminar I get answers to questions without even having asked them. A magical, honey experience, I'm looking forward to my favorite Wednesday for another workshop! Exciting, invigorating, wonderful experience! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Milenka for everything you create! You help me so much to go onward and upward! Be blessed! I love us!

3 months ago
Magbule Papazova
Magbule Papazova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Amazing, fantastic, phenomenal seminar🙏🙏🙏
Thank you, Milenka, from the bottom of my heart! I am so grateful to be a part of this wonderful community 😋😋😋
Realizations, Clicks, Wisdom, Support, Togetherness, Magic, Light and so much more Beauty happens at these workshops! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago
Tsvetelina Zhelyazkova
Tsvetelina Zhelyazkova
Verified ownerVerified owner

All rituals to me are immersion, awakening, rearranging, rediscovering,
humility and igniting the pent-up ardor of the heart.
A driving force that touches me, refines and moves me forward with ease. THANK YOU Milenka, it's you
alarm clock,
Alphabet I'm learning.

3 months ago
Tsvetelina Zhelyazkova
Tsvetelina Zhelyazkova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Seminars are open gates to invaluable knowledge. They are a guidebook for a magical journey to yourself in the world of matter, realizations that shine and light our way forward. 💚
Salutations and Thanks with all my LOVE to you Milenka and to all with whom we share our path! 💮💗

3 months ago
Sofia Petrova
Sofia Petrova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you, Milenka, for the wonderful seminars that develop, teach and help us on our life's path. I receive answers to all my consciously and subconsciously asked questions that excite me at the present moment of the seminar. I'm glad I'm learning to make my dreams come true and to be thankful for everything I already have. Thank you Thank you Thank you!❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago

Hello Beautiful and Sunny People,
❤️ Ако усещаш повече тъмнина, отколкото светлина в тези сфери от живота ти:
🌼 здраве 
🌼 изобилие

🌼 взаимоотношения
🌼 емоции
🌼 личен живот
🌼 работа
🌼 професионален път
🌼 финансово спокойствие и свобода
🌼 връзката с теб самия
🌼 хармоничен начин на живот
🌼 усещане за спокойствие и пълноценност
🌼 удовлетворение от пътуването ЖИВОТ

❤️ Сега е точният момент да промениш живота си и да увеличиш светлината вътре в теб и тази светлина няма да има друг избор освен да се прояви във всички сфери на живота ти.
Много е важно как ще се влееш в новото.

❤️ Време е да се потопиш в света на Науката за Вибрациите и да направиш нещо истински грандиозно в живота ти.

Време е да се възРОДИШ за живот във високи вибрации и в живота ти нещата да се случват с лекота. В самото начало на  пролетта започваме новият цикъл на уникалния ни онлайн семинар. Срещите ни ще са 4 поредни среди от 21.00-22.00 онлайн на живо и запис от уюта на твоя дом и от всяка точка на света. ОЧАКВАЙ НАЧАЛОТО НА НОВИЯТ ЦИКЪЛ СЕМИНАРИ :  на 08.05.2024

❤️ Присъедини се към семейството ни от повече от 30 държави и над 390 населени места по цялото земно кълбо!

❤️ Добре дошъл в семейството!

🌞 Животът е Прекрасен, когато сме заЕДНО!

🤍 Твоя Милена Голева

Our online meeting:


ще се състои на живо, в рамките на четири наши срещи по един час. Ще могат да присъстват хора от целия свят, както и от всяка точка на България. Ще бъдем на живо всяка сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 часа в продължение на четири поредни сряди. Първата ни среща ще бъде на 08.05.2024, а следващите съответно на 15.05.2024, 22.05.2024 and 29.05.2024. Запис от every meeting ще остава на твое разположение до следващата ни среща (7 дни), така че ако някой пропусне да бъде с нас на живо да не пропуска нищo. Запис на последната ни среща ще е видим до 05.06.2024! Запис от всяка среща ще остава на ваше разположение до следващата ни среща, така че ако някой не успее да бъде с нас на живо да не пропуска нищo.

I invite you to an exciting and unforgettable adventure. We will get into the subtleties of energy manifestation. we will learn how to apply the laws of the universe so that they make our lives better. We will learn to raise the frequency of our vibrations. 

What does it mean to live in a high vibration?

That is, in your life things happen with ease.
Being able to let go of control and enjoy what comes.
You attract the things you strive for.
You are filled with harmony and Gratitude.
You find the good all around you.
You turn a negative into a positive.
You believe in good.
You accept yourself as you are.
You are at peace with yourself and the world.
You materialize with ease.
Or in other words, your life is moving in an upward direction.

I know you have many questions that concern you. In order for me to be of maximum help, if you have specific questions, you can send them to the email you will find on the "My Profile" page after registration.

I'm excited and can't wait to continue creating our lives TOGETHER!

I love us endlessly!

See you very soon!

Milena Goleva

And these are the countries and cities of the participants in the seminar. I'm waiting for you too❤️

38 държави:


644 населени места:


Айтос, Аксаково,  Алеко Константиново, Александрово, Априлци, Ардино, Асеновград, Ахелой, Ахтопол, Балчик, Банкя, Банско, Белащица, Бистрица, Благоевград, Божурище, Ботевград,  Брезник, Бургас, Българово, Бяла Слатина, Бяла, Варна, Велики Преслав, Велико Търново, Велинград, Видин, Вълчидол, Враца, Габрово, Годеч, Горна Митрополия, Горна Оряховица, Гоце Делчев, Гурково, Гурмазово, Две Могили, Девин, Димитровград,  Добрич, Долни Дъбник, Дряново, Дулово, Дупница, Елена, Елин Пелин, Елхово, Златоград, Иваняне, Игнатиево, Исперих, Ихтиман, Казанлък, Карлово, Карнобат, Катуница, Килифарево, Кнежа, Козлодуй, Кокаляне, Копривлен, Костенец, Костинброд, Кошов, Кресна,  Кричим, Крумовград, Куклен, Кърджали, Кюстендил, Кнежа,  Левски, Ловеч, Лозен, Лом,  Луковит, Лъки, Лясковец, Мало Бучино, Марково, Мездра, Мировяне, Монтана,  Несебър, Нова Загора, Нови Искър,  Омуртаг, Павел Баня, Павликени, Пазарджик, Панагюрище, Перник, Петрич, Петърч, Пещера, Пирдоп, Плевен,  Пловдив, Поморие, Попово, Правец, Провадия, Приморско, Приселци,  Равно поле, Радомир, Раднево, Разград, Разлог, Раковски, Рила,  Рогош, Роман, Русе, с. Близнаци, с. Борнарево,  с. Браниполе, с. Брестовица, с.Баня, с. Бучин проход,  с. Бърдарски геран, с. Ветрен Дол, с. Войводиново, с. Войсил, С. Врачеш, с. Върбина, с. Галиче, с. Голяновци, с. Горна Баня, с. Горна Малина,  с. Долно Драглище, с. Игнатово, с. Кавракирово,  с.Каменар, с. Камено, с. Климент, с. Кошарица, с. Кремен,  с. Крайници с.Лозенец, с. Люляково, С. Мартен, с. Мерданя,  с. Мосомище, с. Мрамор, с. Ново Село, с. Овчарци, с. Овча Могила, с. Паволче, с. Паталеница, с. Пчелари, с. Равно Поле, с. Сестримо, с. Скутаре, с. Столник, с. Строево, с. Труд, с. трудовец, с. Търнак, с. Цалапица, с. Церетелево, с. Ягодово,  Самоводене, Самоков, Сандански, Сапарева баня, Сапарево, Свети Влас, Свиленград, Свищов, Своге, Севлиево, Септември, Силистра,  Сливен, Сливница,  Слънчев бряг, Смолян, Созопол, Сопот, София, Средец, Стамболийски, Стара Загора, Страшимирово,  Троян, Труд, Трън,  Тутракан, Търговище, Хасково, Харманли, Царацово, Царево, Челопечене, Чепеларе, Червен Бряг, Черноморец, Чирпан, Шабла, Шумен, Ямбол


Аахен, Абърдийн, Авиля, Агридженто, Агринио, Аделаида, Айваджък, Алания, Алдайа, Алдършот, Аликанте, Алджемези, Алкала де Хенарес, Алпенрод, Алтън, Алфаз дел Пи, Алфарета,  Америкус, Амстберг, Амстердам, Антверпен, Анцио, Апър Кембърн, Арма, Артемис, Арлингтън Хайтс, Аскот, Асизи,  Атина(Гърция), Атина(Франция), Атланта, Аугсбург, Бабенхаузен, Бад Мариенберг, Бад Ойенхаузен, Бад Тьолц, Балеари, Бамберг,  Барселона, Баркинг, Барнзли, Барсингхаузен, Бел пост Хил, Бенинген,  Берген, Бергиш Гладбах, Берлин, Бернрид, Бесигхайм, Бетвизен, Билефелд, Бирмингам, Блумингдейл, Боабрайян, Болоня, Бон, Бохум, Хокинг, Бордо, Бремен, Бреша, Бризбейн, Бристол, Бромсгроув, Брюксел, Бурса, Бърджис Хил, Бърнмут, Бъртън он Трент, Бъфало гроув,  Буши, Ваберн,  Вайблинген, Валенсия, Вамдруп, Ванкувър, Варберг, Варегем, Варшава, Вашингтон, Вемел, Верона, Вестерхенинге, Вейблинген, Ветроз, Виена, Вилдесхаузен, Вилсбек, Вилурбан, Винярд хевън,  Висбаден, Висбех, Витлих, Вомелгем, Вормс, Върнун Хилс,  Вьолс, Гармиш Партенкирхен,  Гатиньо, Гемерт, Генуа,  Гилдфорд, Гилсерберг, Гласхютен, Глостър, Гмунден, Гоа, Гори, Гран Блан,  Грийнбъро, Грийнфорд, Грос Цимерн,  Грьобенцел, Грюнберг, Грюнщад, Гуадалахара, Гьолсук, Гьотенбург, Гюлдфорд, Дагенам, Дармщадт, Дебри, Дес плейнс, Джупитър, Джоунс крийк, Дижон, Дортмунд, Дрогенбос, Дюлут, Дюрън, Дюселдорф, Дъблин, Ел Алкиан, Елсмир порт, Емен, Енкхузен, Енфилд, Ерманвил Сюр Мер, Есберг, Еслинген, Еслинген ам Некар, Етербеек, Женева, Заандаам, Залцбург, Зурик, Зурндорф, Зигбург, Зинген, Идар, Иглесиас,  Игъл, Из зурик, Изгем, Ийстборн, Илфорд, Инвернес, Ингберт, Инсбрук, Йовил, Йоханесбург, Йерсбек, Ипсуич, Истанбул, Казале Монферато, Кала Фигера,  Каляри, Камбарли, Каналс,  Карлсруе, Карлсфелд, Катерини,  Касел, Кашкайш, Кембърли, Кембридж,  Кензигън, Кенцинген, Кемниц, Кидлингтън, Кил, Кингстън,  Киото,  Китера, Коладо Вилалба, Колбермор, Коджаели, Комо, Копенхаген, Коралехо, Корнела Де Лобергат, Корони, Корк, Корнера де Лобергат, Кроули, Крейфорд,  Кройдън, Куинтън, Куенка, Кулмбах, Купар, Куреджио, Кьолн, Кю, Лавал, Лайпциг, Лампертхайм, Ланкастър, Лас Вегас, Лас Палмас, Лауфенбург,  Левесо, Лондон, Лоуър Саквил,  Лиеж, Линц, Лион,  Лимасол, Лисоне, Литълтън, Лоди, Лорет де Мар,  Лос Анджелис, Лохов, Лудвигсхафен, Любек, Любляна, Люксембург, Лютърщад, Маале Адомим, Мадрид, Майнц, Малмьо, Малага, Мамер, Мангуалде, Манхайм, Марбея, Марино, Марати,  Мейдстън,  Мелбърн, Мендрисио, Мидълесекс, Мидълсбро, Милано, Милнроу, Милтън Кийнс, Мисисауага,  Молтразио, Монблан, Монтини Льо Тюлейл, Монторо фра. Сан Пиетро, Монреал, Монтаргис, Монтрьо, Монтеагудо, Монтерей, Мортън Гроув, Мустхенинг, Мюнхен, Мьодлинг, Мьонхенгладбах, Мюлбахер, Мюлакер, Навара,  Наварес, Нантер, Неапол, Нетуно, Нидер олм, Никозия, Новара, Ноймаркт, Нордервик, Нотингам, Нюарк, Ню Дели, Ню Йорк, Нюшател, Обервил, Оберузвил, Оберщайн, Одензе, Одрин, Оейрас, Олдбридж, Олива, Омах, Ониго, Оркахо де Сантяго, Осло, Острава, Остфилдерн, Отерсвайер, Офенбах, Паласиос де ла Сиера, Памплона, Пелопонес, Перуджа, Подгорица, Познан,  Полестър, Понте ди Пиаве, Пори, Портсмут, Прага, Престън, Пулхайм, Палма Де Майорка, Пералта,  Пфорцхайм, Пърт(Великобритания), Пърт(Австралия), Рибиера Гранде, Риденбург, Рединг, Редхил, Ривърсайд, Риен, Рим, Родос, Ройтлинген,  Рочестър, Розел, Розенхайм, Роршах, Ротердам, Рочдейл, Сакраменто, Саутхамптън, Саут Окендън, Сан Пол Бахар, Сан Диего,  Сан Маурицио, Сан Хосе, Сандхърст, Санта Моника, Сарагоса, Саригурен, Сарщедт,  Сведлинкот, Санкт Ингберт, Сейнт Питърсбърг, Сен Елиер, Севън оукс, Сидни, Синген, Синт Елойи Вийв, Скопие, Слау, Слиема,  Солун, Ставангер, Сток он трент,  Стокхолм, Сутън, Съри, Суедлинкът, Тавира, Тампере, Тваакер, Торонто,  Токио, Торки, Торнтън Хийт, Трефен, Трирвайлер, Трун, Турку, Тюламор, Тюлинге, Уайтплейн,  Уилмет, Уейблинген, Уест ориндж, Уестминстър, Уестънсупермер,  Уисбех, Уитлих, Уитгеест, Уобърн,  Уолтъм Крос, Уортинг, Устър, Утрехт, Фаро, Фавершам, Фелдкирх, Финикс, Флю, Флинт, Флитууд,  Фрайбург, Фрайбург ин Брайсгау, Франкфурт на Майн, Фрозиноне, Френарос, Фюрт, Халкида, Хага, Ханау, Хамбург, Хаугезунд, Хафнафьордор, Хелмонд, Хелсинки, Херболцхайм, Херцогенрат, Хиале, Хлугезунд, Хорли, Ховхайм, Холцминден, Хоркажо де Сантяго, Хоув, Хуфдорп, Хюкелховен, Цюрих, Цел Ам зее, Чам, Чикаго, Чезена, Челтнъм, Чешъм, Чигуел, Шарлвил, Шарлероа, Шарлотенлунд, Шатогай, Шателет, Шаумбург,  Шверин, Швехат,Шелби Тауншип, Шенкон,  Шилде, Шингъл Сприйнгс, Шотен, Щайнхаузен, Щутгарт.

The others for Milena

Tsvetelina Simonsen
Tsvetelina Simonsen
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BlessSiyaina ??❤️ My Self ☀️wants deeply from my whole soul, most sincerely to Bless?Give❤️ to your Self ☀️?? I want to say with a clean hand, a pure heart that in my search for a guide to me, you proved to be the AUTHENTIC spiritual teacher in Bulgaria. You are the Master. Everything else I managed to touch are either total newbies who memorized everything to pass an exam and start making money.. Or superficial excellent students who overwrote an exam and believed that they were spiritual... After all, the Master's is for master class..for that they have to see you. I realized that too ? We are together and thank you again, BlagoSiyaina ??☀️ in my soul ❤️ Sunny joyful calm day ☀️?❤️.
Rumyana Vukadinova
Rumyana Vukadinova
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A wonderful workshop, each next stronger, clearer, more building, more energizing, more energetic, more cohesive, more answering, wiser... .more and more priceless and more precious! Thank you, Milenka, for all this, for all the knowledge that allows me and all people to enrich themselves, because as in other comments I wrote after a seminar, for me the most valuable thing is that I can learn and apply by doing everything, absolutely everything in my life to become a better version of myself ....and to believe in miracles because they happen to me! Thank you for the miracle-seminar, for the miracle-yoga, for the miracle-meditation! The best care and the best investment everyone deserves to make for themselves! Thanks! Thanks! Thank you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤????????????????❤❤❤❤
Emilia Treneva
Emilia Treneva
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Dear Milena, I thank you for making a huge dream of mine come true to attend your seminar, although not live for now, your energy is so powerful and inspiring that I feel like I am alive and I get goosebumps every time we meet, even I have tears of joy and happiness. Milena, thank you for this Divine and deeply transforming seminar, I got answers to so many questions and it pushed me into a magical dimension that I did not think existed. Thank you for immersing me in the wonderful world of yoga and meditation. Thank you for the yoga practices and for making them more and more magical. Thank you for teaching me to like and love myself, to forgive, thank you for teaching me to be grateful, thank you for teaching me to demand from myself, to change and invest in myself to achieve the desired changes. Thank you for turning my life upside down, I have never felt so happy, calm, confident in my life and so many wonderful things are happening to me, even more wonderful and magical than I imagined.
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Milenka, you are amazingly beautiful, wise, and every meeting with you (no matter in what way) is a joyful holiday for me and my family! We listen to you young and old, I gave my 17 year old daughter for her birthday your amazing yoga practices. We do them together and it was the most exciting and birthday! And in the evening we listened to the meditation I love and like myself! And my mother, who lives in Plovdiv, has a very special program now - meditation in the morning, then yoga with you, then she drinks coffee and listens to videos with you, which I send her, and in the evening again meditation with you!!! You are our gift because you help so many people! THANK YOU FROM THE HEART! ?????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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"Happy shhh! Thank you, beautiful Milenka! Thank you!!!??? I had never practiced yoga and meditation! Somehow it drew me, nooo... until there! First I came across your wonderful videos! Somehow after them even though I watched them ,when I could, I felt amazing! Day after day, Milenka, you gave me the strength to keep going! So I decided to try your meditations! Mmmmmmm, I have no words to describe how I felt after them! Let me clarify that I have been suffering from asthma since I was a child very and hard! The first wave of flu coincided with the abundance meditation! I was persistent - the evening was long, with the morning short! I work as a nurse and at school and I have a lot of encounters with the virus! This time I survived safely! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️That's where I got the idea to become a yogi too! I was just thinking about it and wow - you gave me a gift - the free practices! I was worried , because it's asthma, it's osteochondrosis, it's... but I said to myself I'll give it a try! And I tried! My body was somehow alive! Thank you so much! I subscribed and that evening I did the yogi from 27.03.! I admit, I'm fat and more it was hard for me, but I'm breathing beautifully! I love you so much, Milenka! You gave me air and it's clean!!! I breathe, I love and I believe that the most wonderful things are yet to come! Thank you!!! ? Life is wonderful!!! I am happy, that I found you! Stay healthy, still radiant and magical!!!❤️❤️❤️Beautiful evening!!!”
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Hello Milenka, Hello Beautiful and Sunny Being, Anyone who has touched your Meditations, Yoga Practices, Lives, Live and Online Seminars,... and allowed them to work for him, knows how bordering on True Magic everything is , what are you doing!!! Or at least I feel it because part of me still wants to believe in Magic! For myself, I count it as a huge wealth in your life to have a person who, on the one hand, is an example of the fact that success is completely achievable and possible according to the "requirements" of the present, and at the same time to preserve and nurture that childishly pure and a benevolent view with which you look at the world. This is just one of the reasons why I feel so close to you (even though we only met twice at the seminars in Plovdiv and Stara Zagora, but we have been together for 4 years) THANK YOU SINCERELY AND FROM THE HEART!!!
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Hello Beautiful Milenka. I can't resist writing you all the nice words you've already read. Thank you Beautiful Being, Thank you for the meditations (And I have almost all of them), Thank you for Adventure and MAGIC Yoga, Thank you for the videos, for the posts, For every picture of you, A WORD in the space that comes right now "right in the ten". Thank you for the positive energy and vibes that I can sense just from your eyes. Ah, about the Seminars.....Aaaah... God...I have no words....Yes, yes, yes, these are such incredible leaps... Each subsequent seminar of yours is more unique and More unique. I don't even need to ask a question, you just give me an answer while I think about it. In fact, "airmail" seems to be the New Age already. It's amazing. Thank you and All of Us in space. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am sending you all my Warmth, Affection and Love
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❤?Thank you Milena for your powerful support and care, for your love, for your invaluable knowledge and wisdom that you share daily with all of us! ?❤ Respect and bow to you Divine and magical girl!! Be Blessed Milena ❤?? and continue to lead us with your love Forward to the wonderful future!!! ❤I love you Magician and I wish you all the happiness in the world!!! ?THANK YOU
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Hello beautiful and sunny Milena ?! ?❤Thank you for being there and always making sure I get everything I need at the right time for me. Thank you for being a part of my life and sharing your invaluable experience and knowledge. Thanks to your support, no matter what happens in my life, I am calm and everything is arranged in the best way for me, and your magical words "EVERYTHING IS OK" always echo in my mind, Milena. You are a gift of God to me?. I cannot but express my admiration and satisfaction for the special yoga practice. Unique and deeply affecting, a divine creation, something supreme. As well as all other yoga practices, meditations and everything you do with so much love and dedication. ? Milena, I thank you for the light and love with which you illuminate my life. Be blessed and continue to support us and guide us with ease on the path Forward and Up. <3 🤗Обичам те и ти благодаря от сърце за безценните знания ,мъдрост и умения, с които ме даряваш. 🙏БЛАГОДАРЯ, БЛАГОДАРЯ, БЛАГОДАРЯ
Pepi Bozhilova
Pepi Bozhilova
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Your seminars are the biggest investment I have made in my life so far. ❤ Thank you ❤
Aisha Isa
Aisha Isa
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I love you Milenka❤❤ Thanks for the wonderful seminar⚘⚘ My day started with you and ends with you??? I love you❤
Vanya Bozhikova
Vanya Bozhikova
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Hello beautiful and magical Milenka!❤️ I take the liberty of writing my thank you letter to you here, and not to a private message or a letter to you in our honey store, because what I want to say is better heard and seen by your thousands of followers! ❤️Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your work, for all the emotion you put in, for the honesty and freedom with which you speak, for the whole wonderful and magical course on "MONEY AND THE SCIENCE OF VIBRATIONS"! Respect, bow and gratitude, and for everyone who can afford it, BLESSINGS FROM GOD AND THE UNIVERSE! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I'M GOING THROUGH THE COURSE, but it's like it's my first time! The circumstances I went through during my first trip clearly did not give me the opportunity to feel this energy, this emotion, this depth, this power that shakes me to the core this time, and here I am on day 11 and up to the third meditation, A MEDITATION THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WORDS TO USE TO EXPRESS HOW I FEEL, WHAT THE FEELING IS AND WHAT THE CHARGING IS! Folks, this is UNIQUE, A PEARL IN THE CROWN OF ALL COURSES, OF ALL MEDITATIONS! ❤️ AMAZING, MAGICAL, WONDERFUL AND WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF IS TOO LITTLE TO BE RE-TELLED! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!❤️🙏🏻 SO ARE OUR SEMINARS! YOU HEAR THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK! MAGICAL❤️🙏🏻 LOVE US❤️

Workshop reviews:

Aneta Efremova
Aneta Efremova
Verified ownerVerified owner

The most magical seminar! Thank you for the answers I received without asking a question! Thank you for the opportunity to upgrade my knowledge! Huge thanks Milenka for the care and love! It is getting more and more wonderful!❤️❤️❤️

2 weeks ago
Albena Koleva
Albena Koleva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Seminars are the conscious creation of our reality! With every question asked, you get so many answers, even when the topic is far from yours! It's amazing how everything comes at the right time, even if you weren't consciously looking for it! Our time is magical and honey! We are lucky that Milenka leads our huge family! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

2 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

From the very beginning until now, I have been involved in Milenka's seminars. They are exceptional, unique, educational, always on time. You take away something valuable from each seminar, and with each subsequent one you upgrade. Online seminars change you, give you wings to fly! Thank you, Milenka!❤️❤️❤️

2 months ago
Magdalena Grigorova
Magdalena Grigorova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Amazing adventure every time, I always get the answer to my question no matter who you talk to Milenka. Every time I am amazed how quickly and precisely you get to the heart of the case, even when the question is not exactly asked. Magical meetings, magical Milena and magical people. With every meeting I am convinced that only a great and wise teacher like Milena can have such good students. And so the world becomes more and more beautiful and better 💕💕💕

2 months ago
Christina Vasileva
Christina Vasileva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Unique medenaris😍Heartful thanks🙌🙏Thank you for pushing us and letting us go through everything with ease and joy💛

2 months ago
Yordanka Angelova
Yordanka Angelova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Hello Milenka, hello our sorceress! 
Thank you for the wonderful seminar, for the topic of relationships, which provokes questions in me and I find the answers to them!
Thanks for the unique mantra for this period, and really, as soon as I saw it, I gave myself the answer to the question that excites me! 
Thank you Thank you Thank you for the privilege of being a part of our spiritual family! 🙏
Thank you for being with me! ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks to the most wonderful team! 🙏❤️❤️

2 months ago

Silvia: Milenka, I love you so much!! I love all of us glowing people!! It was an amazing workshop
Every time it's more exciting and more touching!! I can't find the words to describe the feeling!! What words they just don't exist!! They are not enough to touch you to the feeling
It has to be experienced

2 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

A wonderful synchronicity happens at the seminars. You tune in and hear answers to the questions that are running through your head. You learn, you supplement, you expand. Thanks! 💓💓💓💓💓

2 months ago
Maria Kircheva
Maria Kircheva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Ah, these seminars, every time I look forward to them, every time I find an answer to everything that is my topic, every time it is charging, every time it is MAGIC.

2 months ago

Online Seminar with Milena Goleva

BGN 00
For the entire series of 4 live online seminars
  • Four live workshops
  • Answers to the questions that concern you
  • And if you miss a session, the recording will be available until the next session
  • On any device with internet
  • Access - from my profile on the site
  • 8.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 15.05.2024 сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 22.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
  • 29.05.2024, сряда от 21.00 до 22.00 на живо
Нови дати

The seminar is held online at milenagoleva.com

Live streaming is available from MY ACCOUNT in the website. You need to sign in with your email and password. After logging in to your profile, select the picture with the seminar and click on it. You will be taken to a content page.

The times and dates of the live events are listed at the top of the page. 

After each live session, you will have access to the recording for the next seven days. Until 4pm on the day of the next live session.
Example: the live session takes place on 01 December You will have access to a recording of the session until 16:00 on 08 December

On the seminar page (accessible after placing and completing an order) there is a special email intended only for questions to Milena Goleva. Send your questions to him, making sure to include a contact phone number so that you can be included live and get the answers you are looking for.

Creating a new password is extremely easy - follow the link (lost password) located below the login button My Account

You can contact our team colleagues during working hours by phone: 0899989326, or send us an inquiry by email: [email protected]

After placing an order and successful payment and finalization of the order, the system will automatically send you detailed information to the email you registered with. Check your mailbox and spam folder carefully. There, the way our electronic oasis works is clearly and easily described.

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