The brain turns into reality what we believe most strongly

Unfortunately, many people live with the belief that they simply don't deserve to be happy.

The reasons for this are varied – sometimes it is due to an unhappy childhood, and other times it is due to a series of failures – in our personal or professional life that seem to completely take away our hope that our life will ever take off.

Consequently, we create a way of life,

which reinforces our self-limiting beliefs. The only thing that can help us, is to realize that quite often these beliefs of ours are inaccurate and unproductive and are the main reason we live and perform far below our potential.

How you develop negative core beliefs about yourself

You develop many of your beliefs about yourself in childhood. Maybe you grew up feeling like an outsider. Or maybe you had to endure insulting and cold treatment from your parents. Such experiences can lead you to believe that you are born to lose or fail. Read more: Failure and so what?

Throughout your life you will subconsciously search for evidence to support this belief of yours.

And so every time you fail, your negative beliefs will grow stronger.
Whenever you receive evidence to the contrary—a promotion, for example—you'll attribute your success to luck, downplay your accomplishments, and reinforce your belief that you're a failure. That's just how the brain works: it turns into reality what we believe most strongly.

Yours beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies

Just because you believe something doesn't mean it's true, but it's more likely to come true because it affects how you interpret events, how you feel, and how you behave. And most of the time, these beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies.

If you think you can't handle stress,

you will never step outside your comfort zone. As a result, since you strive not to do anything that scares you, you will constantly struggle to deal with the discomfort of surprising situations.
If you believe that no one likes you, you will consciously avoid social contact – accordingly, the less you talk to people, the less likely you are to make social connections. The fewer friendships you form, the more you will believe that you are incapable of forming healthy social bonds.
The list of examples is endless…

4 steps to deal with fears!

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How to let go of self-limiting beliefs

If you've spent 30 years believing you're a loser, it won't do you any good to simply tell yourself, "I'm a winner." You can't let go of your deep-seated core beliefs that easily. Instead, you must challenge your beliefs and convince yourself that they are wrong.

Conduct behavioral experiment

If you think that you are too closed and make friends with difficulty, try to change your behavior radically - smile and act friendly. It doesn't mean to be fake,

but to show other sides of your personality.

Be welcoming, kind, responsive.
Observe others and follow their example - how they start a conversation, when they offer their help, then take courage and experiment - talk to someone or offer your help

Do not give up, even when you lose courage, but continue to follow your goal.

If you're at a social event, don't stand in the corner and try to get the people around you talking.
Instead of worrying about looking bad or talking nonsense, take comfort in the thought that no one is perfect, that no one is immune to silly jokes or "beams" in conversation. It is important to keep trying and gradually communication with others will become easier. It takes time to break free from your wrong beliefs and build new ones
Your mind can help you, but it can also hurt you a lot. The wrong beliefs you have about yourself are your biggest obstacle to achieving your dreams, to achieving career success, to building a fulfilling romantic relationship and true friendships.

Everyone has several mistaken beliefs about himself

To find yours, take some time and think about the opinions you have about yourself in different areas of life. Ask yourself what is preventing you from realizing your dreams - real reasons beyond you and your will, or your own fears and hesitations. See also: 5 Secrets of the Law of Attraction

Your beliefs, not your lack of ability,

are very often the biggest obstacle between the life you live and the life you want to live. But the good news is that with a little time and extra effort, you can develop the mental strength needed to overcoming your self-limiting beliefs, which prevent you from achieving everything you dream of.

Source: Psychology Today / Translation: Ina Fenerova for

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