❤️ 5 secrets of the Law of Attraction

Although the Law of Attraction is a really simple process,

many of us have difficulty "declaring" the things we really want. This is because, over the years, experience and routine have trained us so well and put us "on track" that they have torn us from harmony with Creation. Now I will share 5 secrets of the Law of Attraction:

1. Use positive words.

Words are power. They are a powerful vibration and energy that has the power to change reality. Don't give in to the temptation to note what you don't like and what you don't want in your life, but instead emphasize what you do like and what you want. Pay attention to how you speak, what words you use and what messages you send. For example, "I can't lose weight no matter what I try!" can be replaced with "I am proud to eat only healthy foods today." See how the vibration itself changes. Right? Learn more about positive affirmations here: www.milenagoleva.com

2. Don't push too hard. Relax…

We often take the process too seriously, think too much, and rethink it. Creating consciously is a simple process. When we internally feel it as a burden and torture - we are doing it wrong. When you try to force things, you close the doors that the universe would open for you. But that doesn't mean doing nothing to make things happen. It takes action, a process of creation, and creation.

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3. Dream on!

Dream the impossible. Many times we dream of a car when we can claim the whole factory, we dream of crumbs when we can have the whole bakery. The true power of the Law of Attraction is that we must realize that we have unlimited potential. The universe is abundance. Indeed. Read more: How quickly and successfully we materialize our dreams

4. Remove restrictions

Many of us are ready to list a thousand reasons why our dreams are unattainable. In details. "We know how things are." You graduate, find a job, save, survive... Stop! Your job is to dream and want, not to think HOW it will happen. Stop blocking the universe with all your problems and limitations. Leave the details to Creation and let it decide how to fulfill your dreams. Don't get in his way.

5. The most important factor is how you feel.

Observing thoughts can be difficult, but feelings don't lie. The better you feel, the more energy you have and the more you will attract the things you want. Just do what makes you feel good and you'll always be on the right track. See also: 11 laws of the universe

based on materials by Andrea Schulman

Learn more:

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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