❤️ 8 Eternal and Universal Buddha Lessons!

In translation, "Buddha" means "enlightened" or "awakened". There is nothing in his teachings that contradicts the inner harmony of any other current - religious or philosophical. These lessons are universal and eternal, and knowing them is interesting to the mind and beneficial to the soul

1. Starting small is normal.

The jug is filled gradually, drop by drop. Every master was once an amateur. If you are consistent and patient, you will be successful. No one can succeed overnight: success comes to those who are willing to start small and work hard until they fill the jug to the top.

2. Thoughts are material.

Our consciousness is everything. If a person speaks or acts with bad thoughts, pain follows him. If he speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him. To live right, you have to fill your mind with "right" thoughts. Right thinking gives whatever you desire; wrong thinking is an evil that will ultimately destroy you. How to make the thought right so that it brings you everything you desire!

3. Forgive. 

Keeping your anger in is like picking up a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else, but you will actually burn yourself. When you free those who are locked in the prison of unforgiveness, you free yourself from that prison. You cannot oppress anyone without oppressing yourself. Learn to forgive quickly. Here is an effective technique for Forgiveness from Milena Goleva here!

4. Your actions matter.

To evolve, you must act; to grow fast you need to act every day. The proverb says: "God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest." Buddha said: "I do not believe in the fate that befalls men when they act, but I believe in the fate that befalls them if they do not act."

5. Try to understand.

We stopped fighting for the truth, we started fighting only for ourselves. First try to understand and only then try to be understood. You have to put all your effort into understanding the point of view to the person opposite. Listen to others, understand their point of view, and you will find peace of mind. Focus more on to be happy than to be right. Read more: 10 Motivational Lessons from John Kehoe

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6. Defeat yourself.

Better to defeat yourself than to win a thousand battles. Neither angels, nor demons, nor heaven, nor hell can take this victory away from you. To defeat yourself, you must control your thoughts. They must not rage like the waves of the sea. You will say to yourself - I can't control my thoughts. The thought comes when it wants. But to this the Buddha replies - you cannot forbid a bird from flying over you, but you can certainly prevent it from building a nest on your head.

7. Live in harmony.

Harmony comes from within. Do not look outside for what can only be in your heart. Harmony is not the new job, the new car, or the new marriage; harmony is peace in the soul and it starts with yourself. Choose your dose of harmony here!

8. Be grateful.

Let us give thanks for the fact that if we have not studied much, at least we have not lost much time, and if we have lost time, then at least we have not gotten sick, and if we have gotten sick, at least we are not dead. There will always be something to be thankful for. Don't be so pessimistic that for a minute, even in a moment of conflict, you are unable to realize at least ten things worth being grateful for. Not everyone can wake up this morning; yesterday some slept for the last time. There is always something worth being thankful for.

Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here: https://milenagoleva.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here.

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