❤️ 5 techniques to eliminate negative thoughts

The mind doesn't differentiate between positive and negative thoughts, it just works with what it wants 

He doesn't care what we think. It matters to you, to what happens to you, it matters to whether you succeed or fail, but to the mind it does not matter.
Note that I speak of "you" and the mind as two different things. You are not your mind. As you are not your hands and feet. Your hands and feet are part of you, but they are not you. Similarly, the mind is a part of you, but it is not yourself.

You are more than your mind.

That is why you must thoroughly yes we observe our thoughts, to make sure that our mind is occupied with thoughts that are relevant to what we want to achieve in life.
Yet negative thoughts manage to creep into our minds without us even realizing they are there. That's why we have to be careful.
Anxiety, fear, negative thinking are focusing the mind on what we don't want. They not only drain us of energy, but are also counter-productive.

Just half an hour of worry can deplete us of energy for hours. 

Also, this is how we attract what we worry about. Anxiety is focusing on the unwanted, thus giving these destructive images energy and power.
Why do we do it? Most of us do it because we are not aware of its consequences. But sometimes we do it because we are lazy and don't want to make the effort to redirect our energy!

We can start by eliminating worry from our lives.

This does not mean that we should stop thinking about what is happening to us and not take the necessary actions to change unwanted situations. We do what we have to, but without worrying! We do our best in every situation, trusting that things will work out.
By rejecting worries, we do not become naive, but realize that they are counter-productive. It's the same with fear - it's anxiety taken to an extreme. Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations 

Fear is the state that exhausts us the most!

Our own thoughts give energy to fear and worry. Without them they cannot exist. This is extremely important. If they don't receive support from our thoughts, fear and anxiety cannot exist! Just as fire goes out when there is no fuel and oxygen, so fear and worry can be removed by not giving them energy through our thoughts.
It is our responsibility to watch for self-pity, worry, anger, fear, or judgment—anything that saps our energy—and to sense when we give in.

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Every thought, belief or attitude has its own vibration,

own energy signature that resonates throughout the universe, identifying us with that vibration and creating circumstances for us.
Often these thoughts just pop into our minds and we are aware of their presence. However, we must be alert to recognize them immediately. And when we catch ourselves thinking negatively, we can use one or more of the following techniques. They are separate and independent from each other. Some of them may even seem to contradict each other, but they actually work very well together:

1. Rejection technique 

As soon as you feel yourself thinking negatively, immediately discard the negative thought and replace it with a positive one. Don't even let it develop, just dismiss it and think of something else. Find something positive and think about it. When you find yourself thinking negatively, change that.
Your mind will think what you choose! Take control!
Find pleasant, uplifting thoughts and focus on them. Don't spoil your mind.
Discipline him to think positive thoughts, to think what you want!

2. Naming technique 

When you feel yourself thinking negatively, name it right away. Name it a "negative thought," realizing that it has no power over you other than the power you choose to give it. Repeat to yourself: "It's just a negative thought. It's just a negative thought. It's just a negative thought'!
Let me share with you an important fact that completely changed the way I responded to negative thoughts. In fact, this truth is so powerful that even realizing it will eliminate seventy-five percent of all negative thoughts in your mind.
Here she is: Negative thoughts have power over you, only IF you react to them. It is your reaction that gives them power. When you react with fear, worry, by allowing these thoughts to return again and again, you feed them and give them power. Negative thoughts are like mental drain, they drain your power. However, if you refuse to surrender to them, you rob them of their power. This is why practicing these five techniques is so valuable.

The mighty power of positive affirmations

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3. Technique of exaggeration 

In this technique, we exaggerate negative thoughts to the point of ridiculousness. The key is to make them absurd, to make them stupid. For example, if you're a salesperson and you suddenly find yourself thinking, "I'm not going to make another sale today," you feel and say to yourself, "Wait a minute, that's just a negative thought." You decide to use the exaggeration technique. For example, say to yourself: "I really won't make another sale, because when I go to the company, there will be people there with buckets of water, they will pour it on me and hold a banner that says: "Why did you come here, you fool?", there will also be lions that they will let out of their cages to tear me apart. And so on, keep exaggerating the situation until your mind goes "don't be a fool, this can't be happening". This will lighten the situation and make it easier for you to realize that if your mind is telling you that something can happen, it is not necessarily true. It's just a negative thought, nothing more. Read more: When someone insults you and tries to humiliate you

4. Counteraction of the negative with its opposite 

When a negative thought comes up, you can counter it with the exact opposite. If the thought is "You are worthless," counter with "I am valuable, wonderful, loving, creative," or whatever feels appropriate. If the negative thought says, "You'll never get ahead financially," counter it with the thought, "I'll make a lot of money."
The mind can only think about one thing at a time. It may seem like you are thinking about many things at once, but actually the thoughts follow one after the other. So when you replace a negative thought with its opposite, you strip it of its power.

5. Two minutes of confirmation 

This technique works very well in combination with the previous one. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, immediately take two minutes for self-affirmation. "I'm going to have a wonderful relationship." "I will have a lot money or I will be very successful”…
It is important to affirm this not once or twice, but to repeat it for a full two minutes. In two minutes you will be able to repeat it twenty or thirty times. This is a very powerful method of redirecting energy.

Have fun and enjoy the process when practicing these techniques. Experiment with other ways to eliminate negative thoughts by trying them in different situations.

You can find a phenomenally effective practice here: Positive affirmations

The most important thing is to diligently observe our thoughts,

to catch the negatives before they have had time to take root. With practice, you will learn to notice negative thoughts immediately and take appropriate action.
The mind is subject to habit, so encourage positive thoughts and eliminate negative ones. You wouldn't let stinky garbage build up in your home, would you?

Likewise, don't let negative thoughts build their conviction in your mind. We are responsible for our thoughts.

Successful people take action to eliminate negative thoughts as soon as they occur, and so can you. You already have the techniques and know how to counter them.
You are on the go. You can find a phenomenally effective practice here: Positive affirmations

Source: motivatemte.simplesite.com

You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and advice from Milena Goleva on YouTube

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