we attract what we want

❤️ 5 reasons why we attract things we DON'T want and how to attract what we want by Milena Goleva

One of our great delusions is that there are causes outside of us,

that bring things into our lives that we do NOT want.
In this article I will systematize 5 reasons why we attract into our lives things we do NOT want and how to attract what we want:

  1. As you observe things you give them form.

How often you don't just observe, but literally fixate on the things you don't like and don't want. At any moment, YOU choose where your attention goes. Do you often "get caught" on the hooks of negative information and before you know it, you've covered yourself to the top with it. Have you noticed that highly negative information and news get more attention and spread a lot more. That's why words like shock, scandal, unheard of, etc., etc. they immediately attract your attention.

You unconsciously pursue the negative.

YES! HOWEVER! Every moment you give them your attention, you begin to give them form and attract them into your life. Once it has given the brain a green light on which information to let through, it begins to build neural connections, or bridges, between different nerve cells. Once these pathways are established they begin to repeat more and more quickly and easily these neural pathways and they become highways. And this becomes our inert distorted reality.

❤️ Breaking the balance between TAKE AND GIVE!

On earth, this is one of the most frequently broken laws. Many people still believe that there is such a thing as
  1. You don't appreciate what you've achieved so far

In fact, you are making good and tangible progress, but somehow you have no eyes for it. You don't realize it. You don't enjoy it. You become more fixated on what you have not yet achieved and this makes it impossible to notice your progress.

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Or, in other words, you are ungrateful to yourself.

Appreciate and respect your efforts and development path. It's clear that you'll always want more of yourself (hopefully ;) but it's also important to stop and be aware of your personal evolution. Otherwise, the energy will hold you back until you learn to value yourself.

  1. Whatever GIFT you give, you will receive!

Gratitude! You can't take from someone you don't respect.
In-universe, that doesn't work. It has a balance and it adjusts. This is why the doctor can't cure you. The teacher cannot teach you. The healer cannot heal you. May the musician make you happy.

❤️ You can only take as much as you gave from Milena Goleva

There is a breed of people (I believe they are becoming fewer and fewer) who spew venom and claim to receive honey.

Respect the one from whom you want to take!

You mentally or openly hate him and order him. Secretly! However, the universe catches on. You want to give poison and get honey. You want hatred, rejection, envy to come out of you, and the person to give you deliverance. It doesn't work like that! Because the balance is disturbed! You are ungrateful, unappreciative, stingy. How to come Grace for you! Gratitude!

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  1. You run too hard from the unwanted

And that's actually how you attract him. It's like sending a boomerang away from you. The harder you throw it, the faster it will come back to you. Don't think what you don't want. The NO particle that we use too often does not exist for the universe. If you hold more often in your thoughts, what you do NOT want, what you fear or run away from, you will attract exactly that into your field of focus and accordingly into your life.

  1. You are lazy and don't exercise enough

You leave things to chance and momentum. you think feelingsso no one else has the right to think and feel them instead of you. When you have a dream, be more purposeful in it. Exercise. Meditate. Keep the vibes up. Practice. You are doing all this for yourself. Don't wait to get into things until you've driven it to absolute failure. And from there there is a way back, but


❤️ The man of the new age equally strongly masters the matter and the spirit by Milena Goleva

I remember the time when topics about spirituality, about the soul, about energy, were taboo topics. Everyone is excited

Life is Beautiful...YOU are Beautiful!

Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 


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