I love and like myself

Meditation I love and like myself - Milena Goleva

(for girls from 3 to 103 years old)
Loving yourself is a lifelong love and every girl deserves that love. This practice is created for girls only.

There is a lot of talk about self-love, but only so much. I decided to create a technique to do this in practice. How to actually start building a true and healthy relationship with ourselves.

And while you relax you will regain your freshness and joy. You will recover and rest. And this will bring back your shine and strength. And every next time you listen to this program you will feel more and more like you are coming home... because home is where you feel good...

I have added a short version of the practice to the basic technique as a gift. It is made for days when you don't have enough time or if you want to enhance the effect. Then in the evening listen to the long one

practice, and during the day, when you find some time for yourself, treat yourself to the short one.

The gentle vocal is the velvet timbre of the unique Hilda Kazasyan, who will beautifully and gracefully immerse you in your feminine essence.

Cover artist: Evgenia Voinova

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Link to iTunes on Apple inc. Link is provided for convenience. If it doesn't work - go to the icon with a star on your phone (Itunes Store) and in the search box write and search for Milena Goleva in Cyrillic - there you will find the whole collection of meditations.

Meditation reviews:

Александра Василева
Александра Василева
Verified ownerVerified owner

Страхотна! Като я слушам се пренасям в друг свят! Благодаря!

14 hours ago

Благодаря!Чувствам се прекрасно!

4 days ago
Борислава Хинчева
Борислава Хинчева
Verified ownerVerified owner

Това е една божествена медитация, галеща тялото, сърцето и душата. Чувствам се буквално окъпана в любов!
Толкова много благодаря!!! ❤️❤️❤️

5 months ago
Обичащата себе си
Обичащата себе си
Verified ownerVerified owner

Медена, блага, приказна медитация ⭐️❤️🙏
Потапяща те във всемира , даряваща среща с най- ценната за мен душа- моята, отключваща потока на себелюбовта🌸
Благодаря ти за тази омайност, Миленка!

5 months ago
Svoboda Igova
Svoboda Igova
Verified ownerVerified owner

A meditation, an amazing experience. It truly brings peace and love to the soul. But why am I surprised? Everything I have bought from Milena Goleva is wonderful, amazing, transforming on many levels. I thank Milena Goleva from the bottom of my heart.♥️♥️
Life is wonderful. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

8 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

A unique meditation, brings peace and love to your soul! I recommend it
Thank you Milenka for having you...

8 months ago
Teodora Belezhkova
Teodora Belezhkova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you for another miracle created by you, Milena!

9 months ago
Kristalina Georgieva
Kristalina Georgieva
Verified ownerVerified owner

This is one of my favorite meditations! Love flows from me! It is so important to love and like each other, and it is so nice when we manage to achieve it!!!
Huge THANKS to Milenka! I've grown so much since being with you! I love us!!!

10 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

She is very nice. Makes me feel good! To be happy that I choose to be myself, to be peaceful and calm 🙂

10 months ago

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