Meditation for Confidence and Self-Esteem

Milena Goleva's Confidence and Self-Esteem Meditation

The healthy one confidence and self-esteem  attract success, and low self-esteem and self-doubt repel it. When you begin to restore your faith in yourself and harmonize your self-esteem, you will feel how you are filled with inner freedom, you will be more and more independent from criticism and other people's opinions, you will communicate more and more freely. Your growing confidence will restore your inner peace and soul harmony. And every time you experience a sense of harmony with yourself, you lay the solid foundation upon which to build all other aspects of your life. Confidence and self-esteem will begin to build new brain connections and as a result will begin to attract success into our lives.

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Meditation reviews:

Светла Иванова
Светла Иванова

Благодаря сърдечно за това преживяване ❤️ Определям го като една от съществените и важни стъпки по пътя към себе си. Благодаря, Милена ❤️

3 days ago
Илка Льонг
Илка Льонг
Verified ownerVerified owner

Багодарна съм, че намерих Милена или тя мен🙂.Това е поредната медитация, която много ми помага и наистина действа. Благодаря от сърце❤️🤗☘️

2 weeks ago
Петя Манова
Петя Манова
Verified ownerVerified owner

Много въздействаща и полезна медитация!

2 weeks ago
Nadalina Asenova
Nadalina Asenova
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you, Milenka! A wonderful meditation, a first for me and much needed. I enjoy the transformation I experience, I usually fall asleep, but from you I know that there is no problem 😊 on the fourth day I wake up with the short meditation and fall asleep with the long one and I really feel myself in a different way. I am amazed at the moments when I find myself reacting differently than I would have a few days ago.
I am grateful that it appeared in my life when I needed to change, to push myself, to get out of comfort, to discover a new horizon!
I will gladly go through any meditation created by you, I will walk the path forward together with you, beautiful Milenka, be healthy and happy! 🥰

8 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

A wonderful meditation. thanks

8 months ago
Tanya Petrova
Tanya Petrova

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! A wonderful experience, the feeling is unique!

8 months ago
Diana Fileva
Diana Fileva
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️
Everything you do for us is real magic. I had a wonderful and happy childhood, I believed in the fairy tale to a great extent and you take me right there.

9 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Thanks! Great mediation! A magical feeling!

12 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Contact with you brings peace, charge and motivation. Thanks!

1 year ago

What is the correct posture for meditation


❤️ What is the posture I should take during relaxation and meditation by Milena Goleva

A question of great importance, which you ask me more and more often! Here is the answer: The most important thing in the posture during meditation are two things: 1. The spine to...
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Articles on the benefits of meditation


❤️ 3 myths about meditation and ... THE TRUTH by Milena Goleva

Каква всъщност е истината за медитацията и митовете свързани с нея? Като дългогодишен преподавател и експетрт областта на йога и медитация мога да кажа, че ...
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❤️ Meditation is a vitamin for the soul by Milena Goleva

 Медитативна техника с дъха Значението на латинската дума meditatio в превод от латински означава съзерцание. Тази дума все повече навлиза в ежедневието ни. Живеем в ...
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❤️ Meditation is a super easy way to rejuvenate by 7 years

Медитацията не само освобождава ума, но и ни поддържа по-млади Редовната медитация на средна възраст подмладява мозъка ни със седем години и половина, разкрива ново ...
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❤️ What do people who have succeeded in their fields have in common by Milena Goleva

Медитацията е практика, която насърчава ума да се успокои, а цялото ни тяло да се презареди и възстанови. Въвежда ни в слънчево настроение и променя ...
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