Meditation - Balancing the Elements

Meditation - Balancing the Elements by Milena Goleva

The disc contains a seriously powerful 20-minute practice balancing the energies and elements (earth, water, fire, air) in the body. One element blossoms, replacing the previous one, just as the seasons follow one another. These are the individual phases of an ever-changing cycle. This meditation realigns our energy pattern and as a result an attunement to the elements and an overall balance of...


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What is the correct posture for meditation


❤️ What is the posture I should take during relaxation and meditation by Milena Goleva

A question of great importance, which you ask me more and more often! Here is the answer: The most important thing in the posture during meditation are two things: 1. The spine to...
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Articles on the benefits of meditation


❤️ What is the posture I should take during relaxation and meditation by Milena Goleva

A question of great importance, which you ask me more and more often! Here is the answer: The most important thing in the posture during meditation are two things: 1. The spine to...
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❤️ What will happen when you start meditating by Milena Goleva

Когато започнеш да медитираш дори само по 20 мин за няколко седмици! Струва си да опиташ и ти! Здраве: – благоприятен ефект върху всички системи ...
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❤️ Scientists are amazed: Practitioners of relaxation techniques and meditation are healthier and have better immunity

Scientists from "Harvard Medical School" discovered that people who practice relaxation techniques and meditation for many years have much more active genes that are able to
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