❤️ Don't argue! Everyone is right by Milena Goleva

The thing is that now with what I am going to tell you, you will calm down and realize that everything is fine and you will feel spiritual freedom!

We waste so much energy defending our beliefs.

We argue! We convince! We explain ourselves! We have to! We insist on a certain position! We ruin relationships in loved ones!
Have you not watched when two people argue how each seems absolutely convinced of his version. Read more: The Law of Vibration

Everyone is ready to defend righteousness to the end.

And if you listen carefully to the arguments, both disputants have their "sound" and undeniable logic. And how is it possible that they can't seem to hear each other at all. It is as if each is deaf to the other's arguments.

How is that possible?

Each person is right for himself, according to the place and the life path he has followed. Yes, that's for sure! BUT! There's more! And it is key. Anything one believes the universe validates.

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I.e. there is no room for argument.

It is given to each according to his deep inner convictions. Or absolutely everyone is right for themselves. This knowledge will give you deep spiritual freedom!

If one believes that life is wonderful,

that's exactly how the universe will arrange events, incidents and people to prove exactly that to him. Often under my profiles someone writes that life is nasty and difficult.

Guess what. He is absolutely right.

The universe will "arrange" things so that they prove exactly that to him. When you think I can and I can't, in both cases you are right. When you say to yourself that something is very difficult or possible, in both cases you will be right. When you think you deserve it or you don't, guess what, you'll be right again. If you consider yourself to be a crook or a lucky person, then it will be. If you believe that everyone is a user, that everyone is ready to screw you, you will be right.

You'd also be right to believe

that there are good people and it is with them that life meets you. That is why both sides in an argument are absolutely right. Although the one who believes in bad things is right with a minus sign. See also: 6 super effective brain exercises used by Steve Jobs

It is one of the signs of becoming wiser,

that you don't need to get into every argument. Youth argues and convinces. Wisdom is more selective and does not enter at all costs into unnecessary defenses of its truth. When one deeply realizes this, one will be relieved. You will realize that

need not necessarily impose its truth,

because it is part of his path. He will realize that depending on what he wants to be and his life, he will have the right to consciously choose new things to believe in. And when he begins to change his beliefs and deep inner convictions he will actually change the filter through which he lets things into his life.

You can't even imagine how much emotional, mental and physical energy you waste,

to explain and argue. Whether you do it verbally or mentally, you use up that energy. Think if you direct her to real constructive things. This will free up your energy and you will be able to direct it elsewhere.

We are right! You are wrong!

This way of thinking is inherent in immature people and currents. You've heard it everywhere. And in religion. And in food regimes. And spiritual currents. And in the corporate world. And in raising children. And in all areas of our lives.

Don't get into unnecessary arguments and verbal fights.

When there's a fight, nobody wins. Both sides always lose. Even the winner loses. Keep your positive energy and invest it wisely.


Author Milena Goleva
Milena Goleva is the author and host of a collection of 20 author guided meditations. Check out the collection here: milenagoleva.com It is the last project online yoga studio, in which yoga and meditation are practiced by people from more than 35 countries and 420 locations around the world. You can find the online yoga studio here: milenagoleva.com Milena is the creator of Yoga Place studios, a motivator, speaker, workshop leader, change inspirer and has helped thousands of people on their transformation journey.

The texts and articles that I publish here are authored and subject to copyright, so please, if you quote them, mention the author and give a link to the original, thank you in advance for your correctness.
Learn more about the author's collection of guided meditations in Bulgarian by Milena Goleva here: https://milenagoleva.com
You can find video materials with free up-to-date techniques, practices and tips from Milena Goleva on her YouTube channel here. 

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