
❤️ The music – a charming soundtrack to the movie of your life by Milena Goleva

Have you ever, when you are not in a particularly good mood, suddenly hear an upbeat and fun song on the radio? And what magic just happens with you. You find that your mood has completely changed. That even…
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❤️ Self love prayer

May the strength of our self-love be so strong that we do not need to live according to the opinions of others. Let us fully trust ourselves to make the choices we need to make. With the love of…
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❤️ Louise Hay - I am grateful for my life now and forever

Deep within the center of my being is an infinite source of gratitude. Now I allow this gratitude to fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my whole being. This gratitude radiates from me in all directions, touches everything...
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❤️ Happiness is not in Possession, Happiness is in Experiencing by Milena Goleva

When he was on his deathbed, one of the most powerful conquerors in world history, Alexander the Great, gathered his most trusted men and listed three of his wishes. The last of them was this: - Let my two hands be left hanging outside...
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❤️ If I could live my life over again

Nadine Steer, 87 years old If I could live my life over again, I would allow myself to make more mistakes, I would live more calmly, I would relax. I would allow myself to be more stupid or more naive - as you like. I would take things less…
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❤️ I am your body, listen to me!

1. I look like you think I do. Please think of me as a beautiful body and I will be like that. 2. When you think of diseases and try to find them in me, I have to obey the thoughts...
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