Laws of the Universe

❤️ How to make the subconscious work for you by Milena Goleva

Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right! Henry Ford If you believe you can, the universe will fill it with content. If you believe you can't, the universe will also see to it that this is validated. I.e. and...
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Laws of the Universe

❤️ Matter is transformed into vibrations by Milena Goleva

We know that thoughts, vibrations and energy have the power to condense and turn into matter. Also read: Thoughts become matter There you are, however, another point of view. If I tell you that matter also has the ability to transform...
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Laws of the Universe

❤️ Thoughts become matter by Milena Goleva

Everything in the universe vibrates and has its own vibration. From the smallest atom, through everything you see around you and everything that IS, to yourself. Your thoughts, feelings and ideas also have their own vibrational emission, although you cannot…
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Laws of the Universe

❤️ The Law of Vibration by Milena Goleva

Absolutely everything in the universe vibrates. Nothing is at rest. Although it may appear rigid, unchanging, or static. Everything is vibration. And everyone perceives it in a different way, because he himself trembles and vibrates with a certain frequency. Most people …
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Laws of the Universe

❤️ How to tame life by Milena Goleva

Sometimes, when we do not use the laws of the universe consciously, we are like a boat in the middle of the ocean, which the random wind tosses and casts wherever it comes. You are left to chance. But when you tame the laws of the universe and start learning to guide…
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Laws of the Universe

❤️ Positive thinking doesn't work by Milena Goleva

The idea of a positive attitude is desecrated and trivialized because many take it too literally! Many people think that by reciting learned phrases and artificially smiling they are already on their way to changing their lives. And his change really begins. …
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